Report of the Board of Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education met four times during the 1993-1994 church year. Most of the work of the Board is carried out by four sub-committees made up of Board members as well as other members of the Bible Fellowship Church. The reports from these sub-committees are as follows:
Audio – Visual Library
The Audio Visual Library continues to have excellent teaching resources that can be used in a variety of settings; evening services, Sunday Bible School, prayer meeting, youth group gatherings, home Bible study groups just to name a few. Please use them and encourage their use among the church Christian Education staff. Please also pass along any suggestions for additions to the library.
Christian Education Training
This year, a number of teacher skill improvement seminars have been offered to the local congregations at no cost to them. Three instructors have taught sessions in eight churches. Response to them has been very positive. Please feel free to contact David N. Schoen at the Emmaus church if you need a list of the offerings that was previously given out.
March 25, 1995, is the date of the “Teaching with Style” seminar that will be held at the Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church. A Walk Thru the Bible Seminar instructor will present six sessions during the day designed to help teachers unlock the secrets of dynamic instruction. A teacher’s style reveals their passion. Style can transform a C+ teacher into an A+ communicator. This will be a very worthwhile day for every teacher in a church’s education department.
Cost for the day is $10.00 for the first 150 registrants, $15.00 for all others. A student workbook will be given to all who attend. Baby-sitting will be provided for those who request it.
Brochures, posters and other information will be mailed to all Christian Education committee chairpersons and Sunday School Superintendents later this Fall. Please help the Board of CE accomplish this by updating the mailing list of the key CE workers in your church. Forms for this purpose will be available at the Conference.
The section of the Faith & Order dealing with the Sunday Bible School was reviewed. The following recommendation seeks to address 5 areas:
1. “Sunday Bible School” has been changed to “Sunday School”, the term commonly used to describe this program today.
2. Pronouns have been changed to allow for the officers of the Sunday School to be filled by women.
3. The office of Superintendent has been retained but flexibility has been given so that the needs of individual churches can be addressed.
4. A greater emphasis is given to the training of workers.
5. The new material is organized in a different fashion.
RECOMMENDATIONS: that the material in the Faith & Order, pages 92-95 under the section entitled “Sunday Bible Schools” be replaced by the following [SECOND READING]:
Sunday School
Each Sunday School shall be led by a General Superintendent. Additional officers may assist the General Superintendent in the leadership of the Sunday School. Their number and title should be determined by the by-laws of the particular church. The officers form the Executive Committee and shall serve for a term of one year. Some or all of the officers may be elected by and from the membership of the particular church or be appointed by the Board of Elders. Each Sunday School is responsible to the Board of Elders. The Pastor, by virtue of his office, is also an officer of the Sunday School. In the churches that have a Christian Education Director, the Board of Elders shall determine whether this person is to be an officer of the Sunday School.
The Sunday School Executive Committee
The General Superintendent shall serve as chair-person and is responsible to call for the meeting of the Executive Committee as needed. By-laws of a particular church may outline specific duties for each officer or such duties may be determined by the Executive Committee. Responsibilities should include but are not limited to:
1. Providing leadership for the Sunday School
A. be responsible to maintain a high degree of spirituality, positive Christian conduct and full cooperation on the part of the Sunday School Staff
B. cooperate with the Pastor in the administration of the Sunday School
C. preside or arrange for a leader at each session of the Sunday School
D. approve all projects conducted by the Sunday School or individual classes
2. Providing accountability for the Sunday School
A. keep accurate records regarding enrollment and attendance
B. be responsible to carry out the directives of the board of Elders with respect to the Sunday School
C. report regularly to the Board of Elders all information requested by it to maintain oversight
D. report annually to the congregation on the status of the Sunday School
3. Providing staff for the Sunday School
A. staff each class with a born-again teacher
B. exercise oversight in the assignment of all teachers, assistants and substitutes
C. recruit additional staff such as departmental superintendents, class helpers, etc. as needed
D. review and act on the resignation or proposed removal of any teacher or officer of the Sunday School
4. Approving all curriculum, furnishings, equipment and teaching aids to be used in the Sunday School.
5. Providing training for Sunday School Staff members
A. periodically survey and evaluate the work done in the various classes and departments
B. endeavor to provide a regular program of teacher training and enrichment
Qualifications of Staff members
1. Each one shall confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and give evidence of this in their conduct.
2. Each one shall be faithful in his/her attendance of the public services of the particular church.
3. Each one shall be faithful in attendance at staff meetings.
Duties of teachers
1. Endeavor to lead their students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to nurture those who have made a profession of faith.
2. Thoroughly prepare themselves through prayer and Bible study to teach the Scriptures, making use of teacher manuals and/or other resource materials.
3. Become personally acquainted with each of their students so that lessons may be relevant.
4. Be faithful in the visitation of students and follow-up of absentees.
5. Endeavor to improve their teaching skills through programs suggested by the Executive Committee as well as other resources.
Enrollment procedures
1. A visitor who attends for three consecutive Sundays shall be enrolled as an active member.
2. A member is dropped from the active enrollment after thirteen consecutive absences, and is maintained on the roll as an inactive member for 6 months.
Pastor, Elder, Deacon Advance
The 1993 retreat for church leaders was held at Pinebrook Bible Conference on November 12-13. Rev. Brent Brooks spoke on the topic, “What’s the BIG Deal About SMALL Groups”? The Seminar provided practical helps for establishing small group ministries within the local church. 176 men attended the sessions.
One of our Pastors, Richard E. Taylor, will lead the 1994 PED Advance on November 11-12 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. The topic will be “Maximizing Ministry” with particular focus on decision making and problem solving. Rev. Taylor’s presentation will encourage your leaders and provide them with practical tools for effective leadership in your church. All churches are urged to participate.
The purpose of the Youth Sub-Committee is to minister to the youth of the Bible Fellowship Church by providing spiritual edification, social interaction, and physical activity. The Committee accomplished this purpose in 1993-94 with several “youth- oriented” activities.
Thanksgiving Youth Rally
Held November 26, 1993, at “Climb-On” in Allentown, the Rally was attended by 365 young people plus staff from 37 Bible Fellowship Churches. Activities included “rock climbing” and volleyball. The day ended with a devotional time, video presentation, and music.
Sno-Glo 1994
For the first time in the history of Sno-Glo, a weekend of ministry had to be cancelled due to weather conditions. In spite of this, 745 young people from 35 of our churches participated in the two remaining weeks of Sno-Glo.
Our special thanks goes to Pinebrook Bible Conference for allowing us to combine two weeks of Sno-Glo into one, resulting in ministry to 594 young people and leaders. The speakers, counselors, and staff at Pinebrook did a masterful job of meeting the needs of this overflow crowd. The speakers for the two weekends were Keith Walker, Butch Norton, and Mike Wagner. Pastors Dan DeLozier, Gil Vining, and the staff from Lancaster Faith Bible Fellowship Church provided excellent leadership for the weekends.
It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce that Sno-Glo 1995 will be presented on three consecutive weekends in January. For the first time, a weekend focused solely for Junior High teens will be held January 6-8 with speaker Brian Baloy. Senior High weekend will be January 13-15 with Randy Hunt. The next weekend, January 20-22 is being planned for combined groups.
Youth Leadership Seminar
The second annual Youth Leadership Seminar was held December 4, 1993, with Butch Norton, youth pastor serving the Ocean City Baptist Church. Forty-two leaders were in attendance from nine Bible Fellowship Churches.
In June, Scott Fetterolf submitted his resignation to the Board of Christian Education and it was accepted. We request that a replacement be elected to complete his term.
Board of Christian Education: Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman; Daniel F. DeLozier, Secretary; David N. Schoen, Treasurer; W. David Armstrong, Vice-Chairman; Edwin W. Ahlum, Jr., Stephen C. Cassel, Robert S. Commerford, Ronald C. Erb, Scott Fetterolf, Richard B. Ravis, Jonathan D. Reynolds, Ronald R. Vining