1994 Report of Intercultural Ministries

Report of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee

              The work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee continued this year and broke new ground in some very exciting areas. At the direction of the 110th Annual Conference, the Committee worked at finalizing four “Biblical Principles For Living;” Singleness and Marriage, Work and Rest, Justice, Mercy, and Worship. These principles are being presented this year for first reading by Annual Conference. The Committee has reviewed these principles, made revisions, referred them back to the Cell Task Groups for their final consideration, and are now presenting them to Annual Conference (See Appendix A).

              The Committee also continued its negotiations with The Center of Urban Theological Studies (C.U.T.S.), toward a contractual agreement. Progress with C.U.T.S. has been slowed by the Center’s transition to new leadership and the task force director having to spend time with his family because of his wife’s health needs. The Committee will continue its negotiating with C.U.T.S. and seek to begin working with the Center in establishing ethnic churches in the next year.

              A very exciting relationship has developed in the last year between the Bible Fellowship Church and International Missions Inc. Roy Hertzog, Executive Director of the Board of Missions brought to the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee, the idea of partnering with IMI in establishing BFC ethnic churches. The model for such a partnership has revolved around the church planting efforts of Wayne Pauley among the Chinese in Brooklyn, N.Y. Brother Pauley is not only an IMI church planter, but also a member of our Oley Bible Fellowship Church. It may be very probable that this work in Brooklyn could be the first Chinese Bible Fellowship Church. In the past year, work has proceeded toward formulating a cooperative agreement between the BFC and IMI to plant ethnic BFC churches. At this time, the Committee has suggested that the Boards of Missions and Church Extension form a sub-committee to look into such partnerships with IMI and other mission boards.

              The work of this Committee, in the past year, has been very profitable. The Committee senses an increased interest and desire in the Bible Fellowship Church to reach other cultures in our land and plant churches. In our report to last year’s Annual Conference, the Committee outlined the “Whys” for doing such work as; formulating Biblical Principles for Living, negotiating agreements with such organizations as C.U.T.S. or IMI and asking the Bible Fellowship Church to support such efforts. In this year’s report, we don’t need to repeat ourselves, but rather refer any member of this year’s Conference who has questions concerning why we are doing our work, to the 1993 Yearbook pg. 181-196.

              The Committee is encouraged by those churches who have responded with monies for ethnic church planting. To date, $2,547 has been received from nine Bible Fellowship Churches for ethnic church planting. The Board of Church Extension also has $6,887 available for ethnic church planting. Our goal is to have at least $30,000 available for ethnic church planting efforts.The Committee, in the past year, at the request of several pastors, sent a letter suggesting an amount for our churches to include as a line item in their budgets for ethnic church planting. The Committee suggested that each church have a line item in its budget and that amount be at least a minimum of $4.00 per member. This year, the Committee will once again recommend that each Bible Fellowship Church either continue that line item or, if they have not done so, create a line item amount. Also, that our churches pledge their monies for ethnic church planting by the October Annual Conference. This will allow the Committee to move ahead with the C.U.T.S. contract. It should also be noted that these designated monies for ethnic church planting be considered an ongoing yearly commitment (See Appendix B).

              The work which has taken place on the Biblical Principles For Living was also very rewarding. The Committee is recommending to Annual Conference four (4) completed principles to be considered for first reading and inclusion in the Faith & Order. These principles are a significant step toward having our biblical views of relevant issues clearly stated and understood by any believer of any ethnic background. The Committee would encourage all members of Annual Conference to review the principles presented, ask questions, and discuss these principles as we come together in considering their adoption.


              As was stated last year in our concluding statement,…the work still seems staggering! But the flickers of light at the end of the tunnel we were seeing last year, are now becoming true beams of hope. The real possibility of the Chinese work in Brooklyn becoming a Bible Fellowship Church is only around the corner. The real hope of a Mexican Bible Fellowship church on Staten Island is being pursued. The reality of a cluster of ethnic churches in the Philadelphia area could be off the ground with C.U.T.S. very soon. Our churches are seriously looking at their ministry areas and discovering that they may have a real opportunity to reach ethnic people groups around them.

              The Committee understands that particular areas of its work are coming to an end. With the combined boards of Missions and Church Extension taking more of a hands-on approach to ethnic church planting, our churches becoming more interested and supportive, and other organizations adding their expertise, we as a Committee have realized many of our goals. We would still see the need for our Committee to complete its work on the Biblical Principles for Living and will ask the Annual Conference to allow us to continue until that task is finished. We covet your co-operation, encouragement, trust and support in this work and may the God of all nations give us His wisdom.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee recommends:

WHEREAS, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and

WHEREAS, the committee believes that God has provided opportunities and desires the church to reach the differing people groups in our land, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we urge each Pastor and Delegate of Annual Conference to return to their congregation and continue or adopt a line item in their budgets for planting of ethnic BFC churches.

WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church’s present Standards of Worship and Life do not address some very key areas of life, and

WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church’s present Standards of Worship and Life are not transcultural, and

WHEREAS, The Biblical Principles for Living reflect a more comprehensive listing of life issues and a more complete presentation of the biblical standards, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 111th Annual Conference approve for first reading the following Biblical Principles for Living: Work and Rest, Justice, Mercy, Worship.

WHEREAS, the work of Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee is not yet complete, and

WHEREAS, the Committee still needs to complete the Formulation of the Biblical Principles for Living, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 111th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work in the next year on formulating the rest of the Biblical Principles For Living.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee: Roy A. Hertzog, Chairman; David E. Gundrum, Secretary; Delbert R. Baker, II; Carl C. Cassel; G. Wayne Clapier; Daniel G. Ziegler.

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