1994 Report of Publication and Printing

Report of the Board of Publication and Printing

“There is no remembrance of former things.”

Ecclesiastes 1:11 (NKJV)

              It seems the collective memory of a group can be rather brief. We don’t seem to learn the lessons of history well. Neo-nazism in Germany, a resurgence of the Communist party in Russia, and the flirting with Socialism in our own nation are graphic reminders of this almost truism.

              Whole denominations went down the road to denial of biblical truth, not because the truth of what was being done was not being published, but because the people in those churches weren’t reading what was being published. The evidence of the erosion of doctrinal truth was there all the time in their church documents but it was never noticed until it was too late.

              The Board of Publication and Printing exists, at least in part, to bring afresh the “remembrance of former things”. We need to remember doctrine, people, ideas, corporate action, events, budgets and dreams so we can chart a clear course into the future God has for us.

              A “remembrance of former things” is fostered in the preservation of the biblical truths that bind us together as they appear in our Faith & Order. Last year you were promised here “a new edition of the Faith & Order this coming Conference year”. “This…Conference year” is now here. So, where is the promised revision? Please be patient with us until after our 112th Annual Conference in April of 1995. By then, we should certainly have one in your hands. The Advisory Committee to Revise the Faith & Order wanted to be sure we had as many “second reading” items of legislation as we could. Since two Annual Conferences were so close in time it seemed prudent to wait until both had passed before doing the revision. Because there had been no revision in a long time this process was especially tedious. The Board of Publication and Printing is in the process of streamlining future revisions to our Faith & Order.

              A “remembrance of former things” is promoted through the publication of the minutes of Annual Conference in the Yearbook. Here we see, clearer than almost any other place, the actual development of the Bible Fellowship Church, and we see the “former things” that make us what we are today. We regret that this year we must reach the plateau of the $6.00 Yearbook. Obviously, ink, paper, and printing costs escalate. But we need to concern ourselves that, although our churches register some growth, the actual demand for yearbooks declines each year. Each year we print fewer yearbooks. “Remembrance of former things” is vital to informed and enlightened leadership in a particular church. Pastor, delegate, why not order a yearbook for each of your elders and deacons then walk them through it so they can interpret its contents to their growth as a leader?

              A “remembrance of former things” feeds our Fellowship News with ideas from all across the Bible Fellowship Church. There is always something new and different there. Please keep the articles coming. They are its lifeblood. I want to especially thank our publishing team of James E. Neher (editor), Clyde W. Snyder (graphic design), Daniel P. Allen (printing/distribution), and Paul T. Rutman (Business Manager) for their faithful and gifted contribution to the monthly appearance of Fellowship News.

              Three other publishing ventures need to be briefly mentioned. First, the publication of Sunday Bible School material on the history of the Bible Fellowship Church in conjunction with the Historical Committee and the Board of Christian Education is projected for the near future. Second, a new “What Is the Bible Fellowship Church?” brochure is in the planning stages. Third, we still wish to get into your hands copies of some of the more important reports given at previous Annual Conferences.

              Here are some names, addresses, and telephone numbers that may prove helpful to you in the future.

              Articles for and questions about editorial policy of Fellowship News: James E. Neher, 1136 Marion Street, Reading, Pa 19604

              Orders of anything published by the Board (forms, yearbooks, Faith & Order): Daniel P. Allen, PO Box 299, Ephrata, Pa 17522, 717-733-2526 (Ephrata BFC)

              Checks and any questions about billing of accounts: Mr. Paul T. Rutman, Apt. 607, 824 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, Pa 17011, 717-731-1490

              The Board of Publication and Printing recommends the adoption of the following:

1.           RESOLVED, that a contribution of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for the year 1995 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following Boards and Committees : Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Bible Conference, and Board of the Homes.

2.           RESOLVED, that one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per member for 1995 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, Paul T. Rutman by December 31, 1994.

3.           RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1994 Yearbook be six dollars ($6.00) per issue.

(Committee refers you to the Resolves on page 54, 55, & 56 in the 1993 Yearbook)

Board of Publication and Printing: William H. Bartron, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Paul T. Rutman, Business Manager; James E. Neher, Fellowship News Editor; Byron G. Barnshaw, James R. Batchler, Jr., Clyde W. Snyder

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