1995 Report of Higher Education

Report of the

Board of Higher Education

              Legislation establishing the Board of Higher Education of the Bible Fellowship Church was enacted at second reading during the 111th Annual Conference on October 18, 1994. Since the election of its members, the Board has met three times, has organized itself, and has taken steps to carry out two of its founding mandates.

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation

              Concerning the establishment of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation, the Board has contacted six prospective Directors of the Foundation, secured their willingness to serve, and elected them as follows:

              Term expiring in 1998: Raymond R. Dotts, Jay H. Fasnacht

              Term expiring in 1997: Robert C. Newman, Keith W. Johnson

              Term expiring in 1996: Stephen C. Cassel, Valeria Boyer

              The election of these six to the Foundation Board requires the ratification of the Annual Conference.

BFC Involvement in Biblical Theological Seminary

              The 111th Annual Conference, after establishing the BHE, also passed legislation authorizing continued efforts to create an affiliation with Biblical Theological Seminary or some other sort of arrangement which would allow for at least three types of activity:

1. It shall include a course on the distinctives and history of the Bible Fellowship Church (BFC) which will be offered at mutually acceptable intervals. Biblical Theological Seminary (BTS) will provide the facility, will offer the course, and will administer it. The Board of Higher Education (BHE) will bear the financial responsibility for the staffing.

2. It shall include a BFC chaplaincy. The BFC will provide a mutually acceptable chaplain, as available. BTS will provide an adequate site for meeting with students. Other details will be resolved by the BHE and BTS.

3. It shall include an internship program in which the BFC would make churches, agencies, and pastors available to enter into formal (and informal) internship arrangements of many types. BTS will encourage and recommend students for the program. In addition, the Seminary will be responsible for the administration of the course. Any attendant financial arrangements will be negotiated between the church/agency, BTS, and the student.

              It was the judgment of the Board that these types of activity could proceed without any formal action on the part of BTS. It therefore began work on the course in BFC history by making an initial inquiry of the Ministerial Candidate Committee. Concerning the chaplaincy, preliminary contacts are being made about taking on the work. Discussions will continue until all details are worked out. Finally, we have begun discussions with BTS concerning the internship program.

Further Work

              Efforts are underway to transfer endowment and scholarship funds remaining from both Berean Bible School and Pinebrook Junior College. Each transfer to the PEF will be preceded by contact with those who had established the involved fund.

              It is our hope that, by the time of the 113th Annual Conference, the Foundation can be in full operation and that grants and loans can be available to qualified students. We hope, as well, that our work with Biblical Theological Seminary can be underway by that time.

RESOLVED, that the Annual Conference ratify the election to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation of those individuals listed in the Report of the Board of Higher Education.

Board of Higher Education: Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman; Robert C. Newman, Vice-Chairman; George K. Monroe, Secretary; Stephen C. Cassel, William G. Schlonecker, John C. Studenroth, and David J. Watkins

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