1995 Report of Inter-Cultural Ministries

Report of the

Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee

              The work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee continued these past months since the 111th Annual Conference, with the primary purpose being that of completing several more Biblical Principles For Living. The Committee worked at finalizing the following Biblical Principles For Living: Worship, Work and Rest, Justice, Singleness and Marriage, and Humility. These principles are being presented for first reading by Annual Conference and to be included in the Faith & Order, Appendix, “Biblical Principles For Living.” We are also presenting the Mercy Principle for Second Reading. The Committee has reviewed these principles, made revisions and some additions, referred them back to the Cell Task Groups for their final consideration, and gained the input of some interested pastors in the conference. We are now presenting them to Annual Conference (see Appendix A).

              The Committee continues to move toward completing a partnership with The Center of Urban Theological Studies (C.U.T.S.). We are hoping that within the year, churches will begin to be planted under the association we will have with C.U.T.S., as necessary funding is received.

              The idea of joining with mission boards and planting ethnic churches is now a reality. The Board of Missions and Board of Church Extension are working with International Missions Inc. in establishing ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches. Wayne Pauley’s work among the Chinese in Brooklyn, NY, is the model for this joint venture. There may also be another possibility in Edison, NJ, among Asian Indians. In order to facilitate this effort of working with outside mission boards, the Board of Missions and the Board of Church Extension has formed a “Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting”. This Committee is comprised of several members of both boards. The purpose and duties of this Committee are being developed. It is also likely that the partnership with C.U.T.S. will become a concern for the Ethnic Church Planting Committee.

              The Committee is again encouraged by those churches who have responded with monies for ethnic church planting, but still more funding is needed. The Committee continues to encourage and request that churches create a line item on their budgets for ethnic church planting. The committee in the past suggested that each church have a line item on their budget and that amount be at least a minimum of $4.00 per member. It should again be emphasized that these designated monies for ethnic church planting be considered an ongoing yearly commitment and be forwarded to the Board of Missions.


              With the Board of Missions and Board of Church Extension taking control of the Bible Fellowship Church’s ethnic church planting efforts, our churches becoming more interested and supportive, and other organizations joining with us, we as a Committee have realized many of our goals and see much of our work completed. We now see, as our primary task, the need for the Committee to complete its work on the Biblical Principles For Living and continue to assist the churches in becoming more aware and involved in cross-cultural ministry. We again covet your cooperation, encouragement, trust and support and may the God of all Grace give us His wisdom.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee recommends:

WHEREAS, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and

WHEREAS, the Committee believes that God has provided opportunities and desires the church to reach the differing people groups in our land, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that each Pastor and Delegate of Annual Conference work with their church to budget monies for ethnic church planting in this year.

WHEREAS, because two readings are required for material to be included in the Faith & Order and,

WHEREAS, the Biblical Principles For Living should be included in the Faith & Order and,

WHEREAS, time will be needed to develop and complete these Principles and,

WHEREAS, Second Readings of amendments to the Principles Of Order are to be within three consecutive Annual Conference (Faith & Order, p. 182),

RESOLVED, that by rule of exception, the time of the Second Readings for the Biblical Principles For Living be extended beyond the three consecutive Annual Conferences and be given as much time as necessary between readings.

RESOLVED, that the 112th Annual Conference approve for first reading and inclusion in Appendix, “Biblical Principles for Living,” of the Faith & Order, the following Biblical Principles for Living: Worship, Work and Rest, Justice, Singleness & Marriage, and Humility.

WHEREAS, the work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee is not yet complete,

RESOLVED, that the 112th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee: Roy A. Hertzog, Chairman; David E. Gundrum, Secretary; Delbert R. Baker, II, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Daniel G. Ziegler

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