1995 Report of Missions

Report of the

Board of Missions

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youth grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Is.40:28-31

              Again and again our missionaries are reminding us that we are in a spiritual warfare. The attack of the enemy has been unabating. The attacks indeed are severe. Circumstances are trying. Immediate support and encouragement from those around us are many times lacking. Victory is humanly impossible. The way out of our dark tunnel is sometimes very obscure. Financial pressures are on every hand. Physical health and strength is sometimes lacking. Doesn’t the Lord see our dilemma? Sometimes the human element of discouragement and even despondency sets in.

              We have sensed all of these elements in the lives of our missionary family and we are reminded again of our responsibility to uphold our missionaries in prayer and to encourage them in the Lord. The everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth, is OUR God and Savior and He knows our circumstances. He DOES see. He HAS heard. We again take courage in the Word from our Lord, “…yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.”

              During this short year from September 1 through December 31, 1994 the Board met two times to carry out its responsibilities. We are thankful and praise the Lord that even during this short year period four family units of five adults were able to leave for their field of ministry (Getter, Nicely, Sears, John Zimmerman). In addition to these, Donn and Julie Stengele who are already working in India, changed status from applicants to Professional Associates. They are employed by Kodaikanal International School where they are also involved in ministry opportunities.

              During this time span, we have four singles who have begun the application process. Olive Rawn has also changed her status from active to retired. We are grateful for the additional years that the Lord has enabled her to serve in Zaire.

              At the beginning of 1994, this Board contacted pastors to invite them to one of the small group meetings to be held in 9 different geographical locations on 11 different dates. Sixty-seven pastors attended representing 45 churches and about 95% of our BFC membership. The major emphasis of the small group meetings was to share a proposed strategy to deal with the tremendous growth that the BFC has experienced in recent years in the area of world evangelization – for which we give glory to God. The basic strategy was to increase the Board administration from two full-time positions to three with the assistance of some part-time workers. A job description for each full-time and part-time position was presented. Input was sought from our pastors regarding this step of faith. The response from our pastors to the concept was overwhelmingly in favor with a concern as to the financing of this position.

              After further discussion by the Board, it was decided to proceed with the strategy, in faith believing that this was the will of the Lord and with His guidance He would also give His provision. Names were submitted by pastors for the job description presented. Other names were brought to our attention. A search committee was formed and the search began. Various persons were contacted, resumes submitted, and several interviews followed. Dana E. Weller was selected and called by this Board to serve as Assistant Director beginning January 1, 1995. We thank the Lord for His guidance throughout this search process.

              We would appreciate it very much if each pastor and delegate would present the need to fund this position to the appropriate committee or Board and prayerfully consider supporting this position or increasing undesignated giving.

General Statistical Report on December 31, 1994

1.     Number of Sending Boards under which our

        missionaries are working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

2.     Number of countries in which our

        missionaries are working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

3.     Number of Missionaries:

                                                             Family Units      Couples        Singles         Adults

                  Active Missionaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . .65               47               18             112

                  Leave of Absence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2                 2                 0                 4

                  Appointees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12                  9                 3               21

                  Active Applicants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10                  5                 5               15

                  TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89               63               26             152

4.               Geographical Areas where our missionaries are assigned and their number:

                  Area                               Families            Adults      Countries

                  U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23                  38      U.S.

                  North America. . . . . . . . . . . . . .4                    8      Canada, Mexico

                           (excluding the U.S.)

                  Central America. . . . . . . . . . . . 4                    7      Bonaire, Costa

                           & (Caribbean). . . . . . . . . .                             Rica, Guadeloupe,

                  South America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                  16      Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Suriname, Venezuela

                  Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8                  15      U.K., France, Austria, Spain, Yugoslavia

                  Africa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9                  14      Kenya, Tanzania

                  Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5                    9      India, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Thailand

                  Southeast Asia & Pacific. . . . .3                    5      Guam, Malaysia, Philippines

                  TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65                112                         26 COUNTRIES

Recommendations to the 112th Annual Conference

Recommendation Number 1

RESOLVED, that we delete the material in the Faith & Order pp. 153 through 157:

From – A. Board of Missions — Purpose through I. Contributions

Recommendation Number 2

RESOLVED, that the following be approved as FIRST READING and replace the present materials on the Board of Missions in the Faith & Order, pp. 153 – 157:


       A.   Purpose

The Board of Missions is delegated by Annual Conference to direct and promote the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church, and to select, oversee, and care for its missionaries who serve in foreign countries and in the United States of America in ministries other than Bible Fellowship Churches and Agencies, except where cooperative ventures in cross-cultural church planting have been developed with the Board of Church Extension.

       B.   Composition

The Board of Missions shall be composed of eleven men; namely, the Director, the Business Manager, the Financial Secretary, four ordained ministers and four laymen.

       C.   Election

The Director, the Business Manager, and the Financial Secretary shall each be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions subject to ratification by the Annual Conference. The election of these officers shall be in such a manner that their respective terms shall not expire at the same time.

Four ordained ministers and four laymen shall be elected by Annual Conference for terms of three years in the following classes:

               I.            One minister and one layman

              II.          Two ministers and one layman

              III.         One minister and two laymen

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Missions shall be elected annually by and from the Board of Missions at its organizational meeting. The Chairman, the Director, the Business Manager, and the Financial Secretary shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board of Missions.

       D.   Duties of the Board of Missions

              1.    To formulate objectives and policies for the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church.

              2.    To interview and examine all prospective candidates for missionary service and to make decisions pertaining to approval and support of individuals who are committed to, and endeavor to obey, the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.

              3.    To exercise oversight and spiritual care of the missionaries and appointees serving under the direction of the Board of Missions in cooperation with the particular church and sending agency.

              4.    To maintain, within the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church, standards compatible with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.

              5.    To supervise and care for financial and administrative matters pertaining to the Board of Missions.

              6.    To promote interest and involvement in missions in conjunction with the particular churches (e.g., assisting missionary committees and missionary organizations within the local church).

              7.    To submit a written report to Annual Conference.

              8.    To appoint committees as needed for Regional and Conference-Wide missionary meetings and/or events.

       E.   Duties of the Chairman of the Board of Missions

He shall be responsible to convene and preside over meetings and to initiate implementation of policies and decisions made by the Board of Missions and to carry out the responsibilities as outlined in the Policy Handbook of this Board.

       F.    Duties of the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Missions

He shall fulfill the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

       G.   Duties of the Director of the Board of Missions

He shall be responsible under the supervision of the Board of Missions for the development of vision, strategy and mobilization for world evangelization among Bible Fellowship Churches and their constituencies and to carry out the responsibilities as outlined in the Policy Handbook of this Board.

       H.   Duties of the Business Manager of the Board of Missions

Under the Director, he shall be responsible for the administrative details involved in carrying out the responsibilities of the Board of Missions as outlined in the Policy Handbook of this Board.

       I.    Duties of the Financial Secretary of the Board of Missions

Under the Director, he shall be responsible for overseeing monies received, disbursed, and invested, and to circulate appropriate statements and other reports as directed by the Board of Missions.

       J.    Contributions

All financial contributions shall be made payable to “BFC Board of Missions” and sent to the Board of Missions.

Recommendation Number 3

RESOLVED, that the material in the Faith & Order, pages 96 to 99 under the sections entitled, “Constitution of the Women’s Missionary Society”, “Regional Programs”, and “Conference-Wide Programs”, be deleted and replaced by the following statements (FIRST READING):

       Mission Organizations

Each Particular Church is encouraged to establish organizations that will promote, and assist in the carrying out its task of world evangelization. Organizations so established are encouraged to inform the Board of Missions of their officers in order that information can be circulated to and coordinated with similar organizations from other Particular Churches. Suggested by-laws for such organizations are available in the appendices.

Regional Mission Organization Programs

The Board of Missions shall coordinate regional programs as deemed advisable. (This sentence was approved at SECOND READING at the 111th Annual Conference.)

Conference-Wide Mission Organization Programs

The Board of Missions shall coordinate Conference-Wide mission meetings and events as deemed advisable. Committees to promote such programs shall be appointed by the Board of Missions.

Recommendation Number 4

RESOLVED, that the following “Suggested Bylaws for Mission Organizations in a Particular Church” be approved for placement in the Appendices of the Faith & Order.

Faith & Order Appendix

Suggested Bylaws for Mission Organizations in a Particular Church

I.    Name — The name of this organization shall be the (Name of Organization) of (Name of Church) (City, State) .

II.   Purpose — The purpose of this Mission Organization shall be to

       1.    Give diligence to intercessory prayer in behalf of missions

       2.    Encourage sacrificial giving in behalf of missions

       3.    Support missionary projects, both domestic and foreign

       4.    Correspond with missionaries

       5.    Assist BFC missionaries and missionary appointees

       6.    Promote spiritual growth among the members of the organization

       7.    Seek to provide spiritual growth to missionaries in remote areas of the world (e.g. tapes of good messages and music, Christian magazines, etc.)

       8.    Provide prayer letter reproduction, address maintenance, and mailing services to missionaries where possible

       9.    (Other purposes can be added or deleted to fit the organization’s purposes.)

III.  Membership — Membership shall be open to Christians of like faith who are interested in missionary work and desire to share in this fellowship.

IV.  Officers — The suggested officers of the local Mission Organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary. Officers that are deemed necessary shall be elected by and from the membership of the organization. No one shall serve as President or Vice President who is not a member of the Bible Fellowship Church.

       1.    It is suggested that officers be elected annually.

       2.    The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the elected officers. The pastor should be invited to be an advisory member of the Executive Committee.

       3.    A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled by election.

V.   Meetings — The organization shall meet as arranged by the Executive Committee.

VI.  Duties of Officers


       1.    To bear the responsibility of leadership of the organization.

       2.    To preside at the meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee.

       3.    To present reports at congregational meetings, if required.


       1.    To preside in the absence of the President or when the President so directs.

       2.    To assume all duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President.


       1.    To record all minutes of the meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee.

       2.    To record attendance and to keep a membership roll, if desired.

       3.    To supply the President with statistical reports for the congregational meetings, if required.

       4.    To carry on all correspondence relative to the organization and to promote correspondence with missionaries if there is no Corresponding Secretary.

       Corresponding Secretary

       1.    To be a liaison between the organization and missionaries.

       2.    To promote correspondence between the members of the organization and missionaries.


       1.    To receive and disburse funds and keep accurate records.

       2.    To provide the President with financial reports for the congregational meetings, if required.

Recommendation Number 5

WHEREAS, new Bylaws for the Board of Missions are being presented for First Reading to this 112th Annual Conference changing job descriptions and titles of the full-time elected persons at the 113th Annual Conference; and

WHEREAS, the three-year term of Roy A. Hertzog as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions has been completed; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Missions has elected Roy A. Hertzog at the January 26, 1995 Board meeting; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the election of Roy A. Hertzog as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions be ratified for a period of one year.

Board of Missions: R.C.Reichenbach, Chairman; Roy A. Hertzog, Executive Secretary; Charles J. Albert, Jr., Financial Secretary; Kenneth F. Barber, Robert Breitegam, Leroy O. Herb, Gerald Schlonecker, Thomas P. Shorb, Ralph M. Soper, and James Sunday.

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