1995 Report of Publication and Printing

Report of the

Board of Publication and Printing

“For through Him we . . . have access by one Spirit to the Father.”

Ephesians 2:18

              It seems as though everyone everywhere is trying to gain the ability to enter, approach, and/or communicate with important people. Why? They want to get something! Christians have access to God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Do we want something? Yes we do. We want to know the peace of God in Christ. What a wonderful experience it is to have access to the Most High God!

              But access to God is not the only access we gain in Christ, we also gain access to a spiritual sibling relationship to millions of other people who share a common faith with us. In the Bible Fellowship Church we used to commonly call each other “brother” and “sister.” As the only child of my parents the concept of gaining millions of brothers and sisters worldwide through an act of faith resulting in my own new birth was especially fascinating to me. That relationship should be precious to all of us.

              This relationship, however, needs to be maintained. Relationships deteriorate if they are not given careful attention; ask any marriage counselor. You and I have a special relationship with each other, along with over 6,000 other believers who identify themselves as the Bible Fellowship Church. We need to work at that vital relationship.

              The Board of Publication and Printing is dedicated to the idea that Bible Fellowship Christians need to communicate with each other. Almost all that we do as a board through Fellowship News, the Yearbook, the Faith & Order, and various other publications is directed toward that end.

              Since the 111th Annual Conference two surveys to ascertain attitudes toward the content of the Fellowship News were conducted (one of the general readership and the other of Pastors and Delegates). Of those who responded most liked what they were reading. There were also some very positive suggestions proposed. As a result of the surveys the Fellowship News will continue to upgrade its look and content focusing on issues relative to the Bible Fellowship Church, especially reflecting on our churches, ministries and pastors. Your input is always valued. Don’t wait until another survey to make suggestions. Below is the address of the Editor – send him a note.

              We have been working with the Advisory Committee for Revision of the Faith & Order and anticipate having that in your hands in 1995. We are working together with the Historical Committee and the Board of Christian Education toward the goal of producing Sunday School material to teach the history of the Bible Fellowship Church. The “Articles of Faith” and “Principles of Order and Worship” booklets, plus another report book and a brochure entitled: “What is the Bible Fellowship Church” should also be available at this Annual Conference.

              We are sorry to announce the discontinuing of a product that was a staple for many years. Congregational Report books have been used by many of our older churches. It was a great way to keep the records of baptism, dedications, church membership, etc, plus the minutes of the Congregational meetings. The Board of Publication and Printing had the titles of pages printed so that church secretaries could inscribe minutes, names, or dates. However, with the invention of typewriters and now computers churches began making their own pages. A study has been made to determine if we should continue printing these pages. We learned that the cost was impractical. At this Annual Conference we will bring all the remaining pages we have for those who are still using these books. After the supply is gone we will no longer supply these inserts. Blank pages can be purchased at stationary stores.

              The following are some names, addresses, and telephone numbers that may prove helpful to you in the future.

              Articles and suggestions for the Editor of the Fellowship News, plus questions about the editorial policy should be sent to:

Rev. James E. Neher

              1136 Marion Street

              Reading, PA 19604

              Orders of anything published by the Board (forms, Yearbooks – including back years, Faith & Order, booklets, etc.):

Rev. Dan Allen

              PO Box 299

              Ephrata, PA 17522, 717-733-2526 (Ephrata BFC)

              Checks and any questions related to billing of accounts:

              Mr. Paul T. Rutman

              Apt. 607, 824 Lisburn Road

              Camp Hill, PA 17011, 717-731-1490

              The Board of Publication and Printing recommends the adoption of the following:

1.           RESOLVED, that a contribution of three hundred dollars ($300) for the conference year 1996 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following boards and committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Bible Conference, and Board of the Homes.

2.           RESOLVED, that one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per member for 1996 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, Paul T. Rutman by December 31, 1995.

3.           RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1995 Yearbook be $6.00 per copy.

4.           WHEREAS, the Board of Publication and Printing has appointed Paul T. Rutman as the Business Manager of the Fellowship News for a three year term at the January 25, 1995 Board meeting; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the election of Paul T. Rutman as Business Manager of the Fellowship News be ratified for a period of three years.

Board of Publication and Printing: William H. Bartron, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Paul T. Rutman, Business Manager; James E. Neher, Fellowship News Editor; Byron G. Barnshaw, James R. Batchler, Jr., Clyde W. Snyder

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