1995 Report of Revising the Faith and Order

Report of the

Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith & Order

              The Advisory Committee of Revising the Faith & Order was appointed by the Chairman of the 109th Annual Conference to assist the Board of Publication and Printing in coordinating the assembling of the necessary revisions for a new edition of the Faith & Order (1992 Yearbook p. 52f).

              Subcommittees of this Advisory Committee have been active accomplishing the following:

              1.           Correcting typographical errors in the 1986 edition.

              2.           Incorporating all changes to the Faith & Order since the previous edition.

              3.           Reformatting the entire Faith & Order with a numerical outline system.

              4.           Implementing the translation to the NIV of all Scripture references cited in the footnotes.

              5.           Proofreading the master copy of the new edition.

              The committee met once since the 111th Annual Conference to review the work of the subcommittees and make editorial and format decisions regarding the new edition.

              The committee plans to incorporate the new legislation of the 112th Annual Conference and then publish the new edition of the Faith & Order before the end of 1995.

              William H. Bartron and Daniel P. Allen have attended meetings of the committee representing the Board of Publication and Printing. R.C.Reichenbach has been assisting the committee in subcommittee assignments.


1.           WHEREAS, the form of a Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally (1990 Yearbook, p.29f) contains reference to “free use of the parsonage or a housing allowance of $ (dollars) yearly”, and

WHEREAS, the form of a Call to be Used By a Particular Church (Faith & Order, page 107f) makes no mention of the alternative of a housing allowance, and

WHEREAS, both alternatives are being used by particular churches, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that paragraph 2 of the form of a Call to be Used by a Particular Church (Faith & Order, page 107f) read as follows:

And that you may be free from worldly care and avocations, we, on our part, promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $ (salary) yearly in regular payments during the time of your service as pastor of this church, together with free use of the parsonage or a housing allowance of $ (dollars) yearly and (no. of weeks) vacation each year.

2.           WHEREAS, the Faith & Order directs pastors of particular churches to inform the Registrar of Annual Conference of the delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) elected in each congregation (Faith & Order, 1986 Update, p.2), and

WHEREAS, Duty 3 of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches (Faith & Order, p.135) is not consistent with our legislation and practice, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that in Duty 3 of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches, the words “Registrar of Annual Conference” replace “Secretary of Annual Conference” and be it further

RESOLVED, that this change be adopted at one reading since such change is in the interest of consistency with previously adopted legislation.

3.           WHEREAS, the General Rules of Elections and Resignations (Faith & Order, 1987 Update, p.3) specify the procedure to be followed in the event of the resignation or death of a board or committee member and

WHEREAS, Section 3. Vacancies under Article I: Composition and Election of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (Faith & Order, p.141) includes a similar redundant statement, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that in the interest of brevity and consistency with the bylaws of other boards and committees, the following be deleted under Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, Article I: Composition and Election of the Board:

Section 3. Vacancies. Any vacancies of the Board occurring between Annual Conference may be filled by simple majority vote of the remaining Directors; each Director elected in this way shall serve only until the next Annual Conference.

              and be it further

RESOLVED, that since this is an editorial change and not a change in practice, the change shall be implemented at one reading.

4.           WHEREAS, the General Rules of Elections and Resignations (Faith & Order, 1987 Update, p.3) specify the procedure to be followed in the event of the resignation or death of a committee member, and

WHEREAS, paragraph 3 of the Composition and Election of the Historical Committee (Faith & Order, 1986 Update, p.4) includes a similar redundant statement, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that in the interest of brevity and consistency with the bylaws of other boards and committees, the following be deleted under Historical Committee:

In the event of the resignation or death of a member of the committee, the committee shall appoint a replacement who will serve until the subsequent Annual Conference. At that conference, a new member shall be elected to fill the unexpired term.

and be it further

RESOLVED, that since this is an editorial change and not a change in practice, the change shall be implemented at one reading.

5.           WHEREAS, Duty (2) of the Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference reads: “The Board shall be responsible to execute all legal transactions of the Conference and manage all business affairs in accord with their own bylaws and subject to the Faith & Order and Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church” (1994 Yearbook, page 14), and

WHEREAS, this is confusing because there is no document titled “Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church”, and

WHEREAS, the Faith & Order is the bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the phrase “and Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church” be deleted from Duty 2 of the Duties of the Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference (1994 Yearbook, page 14).

6.           WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith and Order is preparing to publish a new edition of the Faith and Order, and

WHEREAS, revision of the section “Reports of boards and committees to Annual Conference” of the Business Rules of Annual Conference (Faith and Order, p.130) is desired for inclusion in the new edition, and

WHEREAS, the recommended changes reflect current practice which has been authorized by Annual Conference, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception the following revision of the section “Reports of boards and committees to Annual conference” in the Business Rules of Annual Conference (Faith and Order, p.130) be adopted for inclusion in the Faith and Order at one reading.

9.Reports of Boards and Committees to Annual Conference

                            a.           All Annual Conference Boards and Committees elected by ballot shall send copies of their reports to the place and by the time designated in the minutes of Annual Conference as recommended by the Committee on Arrangements. Study Committees and other committees appointed by the chairman shall follow the same procedure.

                            b.           Each board and committee shall have its records audited by an auditor(s) chosen by the board or committee prior to preparing its report for Annual Conference, and the name of the auditor(s) shall be included in the report to Annual Conference.

                            c.           The report of each board and committee made to Annual Conference shall include a statement of its treasurer indicating the total amount of cash on hand and the depository where this fund is maintained.

                            d.           Reports that have previously been circulated shall not be read publicly unless requested from the Conference floor.

                            e.           The reports may be questioned and corrected before being accepted by Annual Conference.

                            f.            One corrected copy of each report shall be given to the Secretary of Annual Conference upon acceptance of each report for inclusion in the Conference Yearbook.

(Note: b. and c. have been moved to this location from the Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference, #4 and #7, Faith and Order, p. 181.)

7.           WHEREAS, the “Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference” are in need of revision or relocation, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the following be omitted:

                            1.           The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall send copies of the Yearbook to the Eastern and Western Clergy Bureaus and to any other agencies deemed advisable. The Church shall be responsible to pay for copies of the Yearbook when ordered.

                            2.           All needs for support of missionary work not under the jurisdiction of the Board of Church Extension shall be controlled by the Board of Missions.

                            6.           Each pastor shall inform the Registrar of the Annual Conference of the names of the Annual Conference Delegate(s) and Alternate Delegate(s) as soon as possible after their election by the congregation, but no later than April 1.

                            8.           The term of office of those elected and appointed by this body shall be for the term designated by our rules for that office or until successors are chosen.

and be it further

RESOLVED, that the following be amended:

              512-1 Yearbook

                            (1)         The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall be Editor of the Yearbook, in which the official minutes of the Annual Conference shall be published.


                            (2)         The Yearbook shall contain the annual reports of boards and committees.


                            (3)         If a pastor or missionary dies during the year, a photograph shall be inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.

                            (4)         If a church or parsonage is built during the year, a photograph shall be taken and a picture inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.

Move #9

                            (5)         Copies of the Yearbook shall be ordered and paid for at the Annual Conference. Payment shall be made to the Board of Publication and Printing.

                            3.           Change “Conference Secretary” to “He”. Change “men” to “persons”. Move to p. 129.

                            4.           Move to pp. 130-131 “Reports of boards and committees to Annual Conference”.

                            5.           Renumber as 512-2.

                            7.           Move to pp. 130-131 “Reports of boards and committees to Annual conference”.

                            9.           Moved to 512-1 (5)

                            10.         Move to pp. 101-102 Miscellaneous bylaws of particular churches.

                            11.         Renumber as 512-3.

8.           WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith & Order is preparing to publish a new edition of the Faith & Order, and

WHEREAS, it is desired that the revised Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference be included in the new edition, and

WHEREAS, the revisions are needed and minor in nature, therefore be it,

RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception the following be adopted as the revised Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference and be included in the Faith and Order at one reading.

Article 512 – Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference

              512-1     Yearbook

                            (1)         The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall be Editor of the Yearbook, in which the official minutes of the Annual Conference shall be published.

                            (2)         The Yearbook shall contain the annual reports of boards and committees.

                            (3)         If a pastor or missionary dies during the year, a photograph shall be inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.

                            (4)         If a church or parsonage is built or purchased during the year, a photograph of it shall be taken and a picture inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.

                            (5)         Copies of the Yearbook shall be ordered and paid for at the Annual Conference. Payment shall be made to the Board of Publication and Printing.

              512-2     The tenure of men elected to study committees created for a specific assignment shall continue until the completion of the specific assignment. Vacancies due to death, resignation, or other causes shall be filled by further elections.

              512-3     The past minutes of Annual Conference boards and committees shall be deposited for storage and preservation in the denominational archives.

Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith & Order: Randall A. Grossman, Chairman; Thomas P. Shorb, Secretary; Kenneth L. Good, Robert W. Smock, Richard T. Paashaus.

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