1995 Stewardship Council

Report of the

Stewardship Council

              The Council met four times during the period September 1, 1993 through December 31, 1994 to conduct Bible Fellowship Church Stewardship business. The focus of the Council will continue to be on Stewardship Education at the Local Church level.

              As a result of the presentation made by Mennonite Mutual Aid at the 1992 Annual Conference, regional seminars were conducted to acquaint our pastors with the services available through MMA. Additional follow-up by our pastors was at their individual discretion.

              STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY was observed on January 23, 1994 by many churches in our fellowship. Psalm 24:1 was the recommended theme.

              The Council continues to oversee the Deferred Gift Annuity Fund managed by Mennonite Foundation. These programs were created to financially assist Fellowship Manor and some of our local churches. The combined market value of the funds as of December 31, 1994 was $71,311.35. To increase operating efficiencies and improve diversification and returns, the Council authorized Mennonite Foundation to manage the BFC accounts as part of their Jointly Managed Funds program.

              The Council was able to meet its financial obligations during this past fiscal year, and has ended the year with a strong cash reserve of $3,659.67. During the period, no contributions were needed from the Administrative Budget, or the agencies, and the same is anticipated for the 1995 calendar year. The financial reports are included with this report.

              The Director prepared an educational resource packet for BFC agencies and local churches titled, “BFC Planned Giving Programs.” These informational packets are designed to encourage donors to directly contact a BFC agency or their local church for assistance. Copies of these packets are being distributed to pastors at the 112th Annual Conference in April, 1995. Pastors are encouraged to review this information with their stewardship committees, and to reproduce copies for distribution within their congregations on an as – needed basis. Copies were also distributed to the BFC Board of Directors prior to Conference.

              The following is recommended by the Stewardship Council to Annual Conference:

Beginning in 1996 and annually thereafter, Council recommends that the first Sunday in February be designated as Stewardship Sunday. In 1996, Stewardship Sunday would be February 4, and Council encourages our pastors to present a message based on Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, But a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” (NIV)

Stewardship Council: James G. Koch, Chairman (Member at Large); Richard J. Volpe, Secretary, Treasurer (Director); Phil Atkins (Victory Valley Rep.); James A. Beil (Fellowship Homes Rep.); Bert N. Brosius (Pinebrook Bible Conference Rep.), Jay H. Fasnacht (Board of Directors Rep.), Roy A. Hertzog (Board of Missions Rep.), Bruce A. Ellingson (Member at Large), Carol Z. Snyder (Church Extension Rep.).

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