1996 Report of Missions

Report of the

Board of Missions

“Say among the nations…’The Lord reigns’.”

 The Bible Fellowship Church has taken the theme of the missionary hymn found in Psalm 96 very seriously. From very humble beginnings a century ago, the missionary force, under the direction of the Board of Missions, has consistently grown.

 As we begin a centennial celebration, the Bible Fellowship Church has 127 adults (73 family units) declaring His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among the peoples of 31 nations. This is a one-year growth of 15 people and 5 countries. Such growth is statistically impossible for a small denomination. God, however, has shown Himself faithful. All He asks of us is to follow His specific instruction: “Proclaim His salvation day after day.”

 The Board met seven times during the year to carry out its responsibilities. During this time, it approved 16 as appointees and assisted the following new missionaries to reach the field: Felicia Baran, Scott Bose (Professional Associate–PA), Chris & Beth Bullock, Richard Erb, Martin Green, Lynn & Lesley Hart (PA), Brian & Carol Ann Lawrence, Chris & Beckie Merrick, Tony & Joanna Murrin, and Sarolta Solymosi (PA).

 This year continued to be a year of change for the Board of Missions. As reported to the 112th Annual Conference, major steps are in place to facilitate a change of leadership and increase the office personnel to handle the ever-increasing responsibilities. As indicated in our report to the 112th Annual Conference, the Board of Missions hired Dana E. Weller as Assistant Director. He has done an admirable job in assisting with the affairs of this Board. The Board of Missions has approved him to become its Director, pending ratification by the 113th Annual Conference. Charles J. Albert, Jr. was elected for another term as Financial Secretary, pending ratification by 113th Annual Conference. Donna Allen was hired to assist part time in the office. The Board is actively seeking a business manager to oversee all of the transactions necessary in maintaining a $1.2 million annual disbursement to the missionary family and managing the office.

During this year Pastor Kenneth F. Barber submitted his resignation to this Board due to increasing commitments in his home and ministry. The Board accepted his resignation with great appreciation for the experience and depth of counsel that he has given to this Board during his years as a Board member. The Board elected Pastor Ralph M. Soper, a previous Board member, to serve as a replacement for this vacancy until Annual Conference.

 Roy and Diane Hertzog have served the Bible Fellowship Church for the past 37 years, 25 of those years with the Board of Missions. Roy became the first full-time Executive Secretary of the Board. He and Diane have ministered in the home office since November 1, 1985. Roy anticipates assisting the Board as interim business manager until such a person is found and trained. He will retire when circumstances are deemed appropriate by the Board, but no later than December 31, 1996. The office of the Board of Missions has been maintained in the lower level of their home. The growth of the ministry has increased to the extent that the offices are outgrown and will be relocated during 1996.

The Board of Missions has prepared for a year long celebration of its 100th year of service to God and the Bible Fellowship Church. The centennial plans include a collector-quality Missionary Directory, three celebration banquets, and a Board-sponsored missions trip geared specifically to assisting the youth of the smaller Bible Fellowship Churches in experiencing a cross-cultural ministry.

 The challenges for 1996 are many. Not only must we, as a denomination, continue to sacrificially give toward those among us to whom God has given the call of missions; we must also seriously tackle the critical problem of the eroding support base of our veteran missionaries.

Pray with the Board of Missions that God will continue to provide us, as a denomination, the courage, vision and sacrificial lifestyle to maintain the course He has given to us.

General Statistical Report on December 31, 1995

1. Number of Sending Boards under which our

missionaries are working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

2. Number of countries in which our

missionaries are working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3. Number of Missionaries:

 Family Total

 Units Couples Singles Adults

Active Missionaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 54 19 127

 Leave of Absence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 0 4

 Appointees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 7 5 19

 Active Applicants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 3 15

 TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 69 27 165

4. Geographical Areas where our missionaries are assigned and their number

 Area Families Adults Countries

U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 41 U.S.

 North America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Canada, Mexico

 (excluding the U.S.)

 Central America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 Bonaire, Costa

 & (Caribbean). . . . . . . . . . . Rica, Guadeloupe, Honduras

 South America. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 18 Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Suriname, Venezuela

 Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 19 Austria, France, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain, UK, Yugoslavia

 Africa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 14 Kenya, Tanzania

 Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 India, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Thailand

 Southeast Asia & Pacific. . . . . . .5 9 Guam, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines

TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 127 31 COUNTRIES
Annual Reports From Missionaries

 Annual activity reports from missionaries will be sent out by the missionaries themselves. These reports for 1995 will be sent out in early 1996.

Dates To Mark On Your Calendar Of Events:

 Friday, March 15, 1996 Centennial Celebration Missions Banquet in Bethlehem, PA

 Friday, March 22, 1996 Centennial Celebration Missions Banquet in Lancaster, PA

 Saturday, April 20, 1996 Centennial Celebration Missions Banquet in Holmes, NY

 Thursday, May 9, 1996 Conference-Wide Missionary Rally from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at New Life BFC in Oley

 July 6 — 11, 1996 Board-sponsored missions trip to Mexico

 August 3 — 9, 1996 World Missions Week at Pinebrook Bible Conference

Recommendations to the 113th Annual Conference

Recommendation Number 1

RESOLVED, that we delete the material in the Faith And Order pp. 153 through 157 from “A. Board of Missions — Purpose” through “I. Contributions” and replace with the following (First Reading):



The Board of Missions is delegated by Annual Conference to direct and promote the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church, and to select, oversee, and care for its missionaries who serve in foreign countries and in the United States of America in ministries other than Bible Fellowship Churches and Agencies, except where cooperative ventures in cross-cultural church planting have been developed with the Board of Church Extension.

 B. Composition

The Board of Missions shall be composed of ten members; namely, the Director, the Financial Secretary, four ordained ministers, and four laypersons.

 C. Election

The Director shall be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions subject to ratification by the Annual Conference.

The Financial Secretary shall be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions, but not necessarily from the Board. If he is elected from outside the Board, he is subject to ratification by the Annual Conference and only then becomes a voting member of the Board of Missions.

Four ordained ministers and four laypersons shall be elected by Annual Conference for terms of three years in the following classes:

I.One minister and one layperson

 II.Two ministers and one layperson

 III. One minister and two laypersons

The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board of Missions shall be elected annually by and from the Board of Missions at its organizational meeting.

The Officers of the Board and the Director shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board of Missions.

 D. Duties of the Board of Missions

1. To formulate objectives and policies for the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church.

 2. To interview and examine all prospective candidates for missionary service and to make decisions pertaining to approval and support of individuals who are committed to follow the FAITH AND ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.

 3. To cooperate with the elders of a Particular Church, the Credentials Committee (for men holding license within the Bible Fellowship Church) and sending agency, in the oversight and spiritual care of the missionaries and appointees serving under the direction of the Board of Missions.

 4. To maintain, within the missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church, standards compatible with the FAITH AND ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.

 5. To supervise and care for financial and administrative matters pertaining to the Board of Missions.

 6. To promote interest and involvement in missions in conjunction with the Particular Churches (e.g., assisting Missions Committees and missionary organizations within the local church).

 7. To submit a written report to Annual Conference.

 8. To appoint committees as needed for regional and Conference-Wide missionary meetings and/or events.

 E. Duties of the Chairman of the Board of Missions

He shall be responsible to convene and preside over meetings and to initiate implementation of policies and decisions made by the Board of Missions and to carry out the responsibilities as outlined in the Policy Handbook of this Board.

F. Duties of the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Missions

He shall fulfill the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

G. Duties of the Director of the Board of Missions

He shall be responsible under the supervision of the Board of Missions for the development of vision, strategy and mobilization for world evangelization among Bible Fellowship Churches and to carry out the responsibilities as outlined in the Policy Handbook of this Board.

 H. Duties of the Financial Secretary of the Board of Missions

Under the Director and the Board of Missions, he shall be responsible for overseeing monies received, disbursed, and invested, and to circulate appropriate statements and other reports as directed by the Board of Missions.

 I. Contributions

All financial contributions shall be made payable to “BFC Board of Missions” and sent to the Board of Missions.

Recommendation Number 2

WHEREAS, legislation is being presented to this 113th Annual Conference changing job description and title of the chief executive officer; and

WHEREAS, the term for Roy A. Hertzog as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions has been completed; and

WHEREAS, Dana E. Weller has been elected by the Board of Missions to serve as Director; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the election of Dana E. Weller as Director of the Board of Missions be ratified for a period of three years.

Recommendation Number 3

WHEREAS, the three year term of Charles J. Albert, Jr. as Financial Secretary of the Board of Missions has been completed; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Missions has re-elected him to his third term; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the election of Charles J. Albert, Jr. as Financial Secretary of the Board of Missions be ratified for a period of three years.

Board of Missions: R. C. Reichenbach, Chairman; Roy A. Hertzog, Executive Secretary; Charles J. Albert, Jr., Financial Secretary; Kenneth F. Barber (resigned January 25, 1996, Ralph M. Soper serves as replacement until Annual Conference), Robert Breitegam, James W. Harris, Leroy O. Herb, William W. Mull, Gerald Schlonecker, Thomas P. Shorb

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