1996 Report of Publication and Printing

Report of the

Board of Publication and Printing

              “What’s new?” How many times have we been greeted with that sort of laconic lip-service to communication between people? How many times have we said it ourselves? Are we trying to say “How are you?” Do we really care? Maybe down deep we are like the Athenian philosophers who want “to tell or to hear some new thing.” (Translated “nu thang” in DC Talk lingo.) Too often meaningful conversation has submerged to meaningless verbal convention filled with mindless chatter between two people. From a human perspective the same thing goes on in a henhouse.

              We who are twice-born should know much that is “new” shouldn’t we? We should know the “new covenant.” be a “new creature,” bear “new fruit,” expect a “new earth,” have a “new spirit,” possess a “new name,” cultivate the “new Man,” sing a “new song,” celebrate a “new thing” (Christ’s birth, Jer.31;22), and hope for the promise of “all things new.” There are “new” people to meet; “new” roads to explore; “new” insights to gain. So, brother/sister in Christ, “What’s new with you?”

              Your Board of Publication and Printing takes the question “What’s new?” pretty seriously. We must admit to being somewhat akin to those ancient agnostic Athenian assayers of arcane argumentation. When our Fellowship News editor asks “What’s new?” it is with dead seriousness. With a couple of exceptions, most of you want to know “What’s happening in the churches?” (We know this from a couple different surveys we have done.) Gradually, a web of particular church and regional reporters is growing. If your church does not have a Fellowship News reporter why not find one as soon as you get back from Annual Conference? Sometimes, a young person might be the perfect person. (One of our regional reporters is a high school student.)

              The question “What’s new?” applies not only to what our Fellowship News editor may ask. The question “Who’s new?” would apply to our editor. With this report the Board is recommending to you the ratification of Carol Z. Snyder as Fellowship News editor (see below). We are already acquainted with the excellent job she is doing in editing work she has been doing for Mission America. Her skills have taken us to the front lines of church planting and the impact baby Bible Fellowship Churches have had in people’s lives. We are confident she is the right person for the job. Please give her your fullest support.

              The revision of the Faith and Order is complete. This revision is thoroughgoing using a more accessible paragraph numbering style and easier to read print. The loose-leaf style will be more usable in this edition than in the previous edition. The paper is sized and punched to be conformed to the current binder. The Board intends to have them available for sale at Annual Conference.

              The Yearbook has had some new material added. Again, we will be working to get that to you as soon as possible. Some other projects, mentioned other years will be placed on hold for a while until the Faith & Order is published. We have a list of special projects we are always working on.

              Again, here are some names, addresses, and telephone numbers that may prove helpful to you in the future.

Fellowship News articles and questions about editorial policy should go to:

              Mrs. Carol Z. Snyder

              2660 Allentown Road

              Quakertown, PA 18951

              (215) 536-0768

Checks and any questions about billing or accounts should go to the Business Manager. Don’t call anyone else because they won’t know the answer to your question. If it concerns money contact:

              Mr. Paul T. Rutman

              Apt. 607, 824 Lisburn Road

              Camp Hill, PA 17011

              (717) 731-1490

Orders for anything published by the Board should be sent to:

              Rev. Daniel P. Allen

              PO Box 299

              Ephrata, PA 17522

              (717) 733-2526

The Board of Publication and Printing recommends the adoption of the following:

RESOLVED, that the proposed budget for the year January 1 to December 31, 1997 be approved for presentation to the 113th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church (see attached).

RESOLVED, that a contribution of three hundred dollars ($300) for the conference year 1997 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following boards and committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Bible Conference, and Board of the Homes at the 114th Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per member for the 1997 year be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distribution the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, Paul T. Rutman, at the 114th Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1996 Yearbook be $6.25 per copy.

RESOLVED, that Annual Conference ratify the following appointment by the Board of Publication and Printing: Carol Z. Snyder, Editor, Fellowship News for a three-year term expiring in 1999.

Board of Publication and Printing: William H. Bartron, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Paul T. Rutman, Business Manager; James E. Neher, Fellowship News editor; Byron G. Barnshaw, James R. Batchler, Jr., Clyde W. Snyder

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