Report of the

Advisory Committee on Revising the

“Faith & Order”

     The Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith & Order was appointed by the Chairman of the 109th Annual Conference to assist the Board of Publication and Printing in coordinating the assembling of the necessary revisions for a new edition of the Faith & Order (1992 Yearbook, p. 52f.).

     The Committee met four times this conference year to complete the revising and proofreading of the new edition of the Faith & Order. The publication of the new edition is anticipated in the Spring of 1996. William H. Bartron and Daniel P. Allen have attended meetings of the committee representing the Board of Publication and Printing, and R.C. Reichenbach has assisted the committee. With the publication of the new edition of the Faith and Order, this committee considers its work to have been completed.

     This edition introduces a new format utilizing a numerical outline system that will facilitate more definitive citation (by section and chapter) and perpetual updating by the publication and insertion of replacement pages so that the Faith and Order is always current. The format, style, and a new index are intended to make the Faith and Order more user-friendly.

     Since the primary place of business for the corporation, Bible Fellowship Church, listed in the Faith & Order is no longer current (Faith & Order, p. 145) and since Annual Conference has not acted on a revision of the primary place of business, this committee consulted with the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church and inserted a revised primary place of business in the new edition. This revision is being presented as a recommendation to the 113th Annual Conference.


1.    Whereas, the Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith and Order was directed by the 112th Annual Conference to study the issue of value of church property in the Faith and Order and make appropriate recommendations (1995 Yearbook, p. 24), and

Whereas, the 112th Annual Conference instructed the Statistical Committee to delete from its report “Present Value of Church Property” (1995 Yearbook, p. 24), therefore be it

Resolved, that the phrase (6) “Ratification by the congregation of the valuation of church property” be deleted from the Suggested Format for Congregational Meetings, 4.a. Report on the Board of Elders (Faith and Order, p. 89).(FIRST READING)

2.    Whereas, a form for the Chartering Ceremony for a New Church was approved by the 103rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church (1986 Yearbook, p. 8), and

Whereas, it is desirable to have this form accessible in the Faith and Order, therefore be it

Resolved, that the form for the Chartering Ceremony for a New Church be placed in the Appendix of the Faith and Order under Suggested Forms.


For a New Church

This ceremony shall be a worship service held in the community of the church.It shall be planned by the particular church and may include the following:

                     Singing of Hymns

                     Reading of Scripture

                     Ministry in Music


Presentation of the Charter by an Officer of Annual Conference

                     Reception of the Charter by an Officer of the Local Church

                     Signing of the Charter by All Members Who Are Present

Presentation of the Minutes of the Board of Surrogate Elders by an Officer of the Board of Surrogate Elders

Receptionof the Minutes by the Secretary of the Board of Elders

                     The Offering

                     The Sermon

                     Declaration of Commitment by the Congregation

                     Prayer of Commitment

                     Installation of the Pastor (if he has been called)

                     The Benediction

3.    Whereas, a suggested form for Local Church Recognition of Ordination was prepared by the Credentials Committee and accepted as part of its report to the 111th Annual Conference (1994 Yearbook, p. 9, 62), and

Whereas, it is desirable to have this form accessible in the Faith and Order, therefore be it

Resolved, that we approve the suggested form for Local Church Recognition of Ordination and that it be placed in the Appendix of the Faith and Order under Suggested Forms.

Suggested Outline:

Local Church Recognition of Ordination


                     Call to Worship

                     Statement of Purpose



                     Special Music

                     Greetings from Invited Guests:

                             Community Leaders

                             Representatives of the Bible Fellowship Church

Evangelical Leaders of Church and Parachurch Organizations

Recognition of the Presence of Other Pastors and Missionaries



Declaration by Credentials Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church

                     Announcement of Date and Place of Ordination

(Announcement of Recognition of Previous Ordination, if Pastor was ordained when he was accepted by the Bible Fellowship Church)



                     Celebration/ Reception/ Refreshments (optional)

4.    Resolved, that the primary place of business for Bible Fellowship Church be revised in the legislation for the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church, Article V:Miscellaneous Regulations (Faith & Order, p. 145.)

       1.    Primary place of business.The primary place of business of the Corporation shall be the address of the Secretary of the Board of Directors listed in the current Yearbook.           (FIRST READING)

Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith & Order, Randall A. Grossman, Chairman, Thomas P. Shorb, Secretary; Kenneth L. Good, Robert W. Smock, Richard T. Paashaus.

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