1997 Report of BFC Homes

Report of the

Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

       Time is a gift from God given to every person in equal increments. The one variable in the gift of time is when the end for each one will occur.

       As time moves incessantly, we each face significant periods in our individual personal lives as well as in our various corporate “lives”. Ecclesiastes 3:1 informs us that, There is a time for every thing, and a season for every activity under heaven. The writer continues with a series of oxymorons. These sharp contrasts do sum up the activities which consume our time.

       However, life is more than a monotonous round of seeming contradictions. Certainly we experience times of testing and even darkness, but we can declare, whether boldly or weakly, that our times are in His hands (Psa. 31:15). God wants us to redeem the time or use every opportunity that he places before us. (Eph. 5:15 & 16; Col. 4:5).

       God, who created time and controls time, is moving towards the final end of history. We do not know when that final end will be, but we can move with God toward that end. Let us endeavor to buy up every opportunity to use this ministry of Bible Fellowship Church Homes to further God’s kingdom and to serve others in His name.

Fellowship Community

       As an advertising program is developed a concerted effort will be made to develop a consistent use of the name Fellowship Community.

       Also, with the name Fellowship Community, we must formulate development plans for the entire Community. Fellowship Courts can continue to be expanded. We must plan for this by developing a financial plan and the time framework. On the Whitehall campus, two levels of assisted living should be considered for development, which would be Personal Care and Assisted Living, sometimes referred to as Aging in Place. May God grant to us His wisdom and perseverance to accomplish a full offering of care options.

Fellowship Courts

       Construction of the two buildings which will complete Musselman Court is on schedule. Inclement weather has not been a significant factor in causing delays.

       The construction schedule, barring unforeseen delays, calls for an occupancy date of the 5-unit building on May 18, 1997 and an occupancy date of June 29, 1997 for the 8-unit building.

       Because our marketing programs allow prospective residents the opportunity of choosing among several no-cost or low-cost options, there is some intensive coordination required from time to time. Equipment for the “community” kitchen will soon be ordered, which includes tableware, dishware, appliances, and tables and chairs for the dining room.

       The residential appliances have been ordered.

       The utility building is completed on the exterior. Since this will have a workshop area, donations of tools, work tables, used kitchen floor and wall cabinets and other such items would be accepted.

       Ten of the twelve units under construction presently have deposit moneys placed on them. There is significant interest in the remaining units to cause us to feel confident that they will be occupied. One of the twelve new units is being reserved for occupancy by an adminstrator/manager of the Courts.

       The community spirit of the residents continues to develop by means of holiday dinners, teas and luncheons. Weekly shopping trips are provided. We are grateful to Ralph Cole for volunteering to drive for most of these trips as well as to a monthly Seniors’ luncheon at Emmaus and one special shopping trip to the Poconos. Perhaps he will soon commit himself to becoming a resident. We could use his volunteer assistance, but such commitments are difficult for one to make. The residents continue to provide volunteer services to Fellowship Manor in the activities program, the record keeping department and the central supply program.

       On October 31, a get acquainted reception was held for the prospective residents. It was encouraging to see how quickly they “bonded.” From time to time newsletters are mailed to these folks.

Fellowship Manor

       The past year for Fellowship Manor has been a very busy one. The census has remained well above the budgeted number of 96.6%. There has been an increase in the number of times when we had to turn applicants away because all the beds were filled.

       Fellowship Manor is seeking accreditation by the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Health Organizations. Times have been busy because in order to be approved by JCAHO, our policy and procedure manuals must be revised and rewritten so as to fit the JCAHO model.

       Robert Zentz has been filling his position as Administrator in a very fine and commendable manner.

Fellowship Home

       This year was most satisfactory at Fellowship Home. Census was at or near 100% until the last 2 months. Four vacancies occurred within days of each other, and because full occupancy for a period of time caused the waiting list to fade to zero, all the beds have not been filled yet. The beds are being filled and applications are being processed.

       There is a strong desire by administration and staff to have the patio built in the yard outside the dining room.

       James Ernst as Administrator is again to be commended for his faithful, concerned, and persistent work ethic and performance.


       An agreement with the Township of Whitehall has been signed relieving Fellowship Manor of any obligation to pay the business privilege tax. Fellowship Manor has agreed not to proceed with action to obtain refunds on the taxes paid on the previous three years.

       An agreement has been signed allowing PennDOT the right-of-way to widen Mauch Chunk Road from Schadt Avenue to Rural Road. Construction has been slated to begin in Spring of 1997, and should be completed by early Fall 1997.

       All of our staff members at every level of service are to be commended for their faithful service. The Board members serve well to oversee this important ministry. The greatest praise must go to our gracious God and Saviour who enables all to serve in this ministry.

Note: The financial report is an abridged report prepared by Steven Schlegel from the full financial report audited by W.N. Serfass & Co. The fiscal year is from July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996.

Board of Directors, Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.: James A. Beil, Chairman & President; Robert W. Smock, Vice Chairman; Karen Uhrich, Secretary; William H. Bartron, LeRoy S. Heller, James G. Koch, Robin Musselman, Glenn D. Ruoss, Henry Sandt, Jr., Gene W. Smith, Dean A. Stortz, John W. Trauch, Doris W. Wire

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