1997 Report of Board of Directors

Report of the

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church

       The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church held four regular meetings to attend to corporate business related to Annual Conference, to agencies, and to the churches.

       The Board provided oversight and advice in respect to fiscal, legal, and property acquisition in the following areas:

Annual Conference: medical insurance, administrative budget. Pinebrook Junior College property.

Agencies: Victory Valley Camp

       Once again this year the Board of Directors changed medical insurance companies. This was due to the changes in coverage and a proposed 30% increase in premiums growing out of the acquisition of US HealthCare by Aetna Insurance Company. A plan offered by Inter-County Hospitalization-Health Plan was adopted and became the medical insurance plan offered to employees of Bible Fellowship Church and agencies as of January 1, 1997. The new plan brings significant financial savings when compared with terms offered the Bible Fellowship Church by Aetna Insurance Company for 1997. Higher life insurance benefits and dental coverage are also now included in the plan. Bible Fellowship churches and agencies now using other plans might be wise to take a close look at this plan.

       The Board of Directors assisted the Board of Victory Valley in the acquisition of property consisting of acreage which enhances the integrity of present holdings, as well as a house dedicated to the use of the director.

       During the 113th Annual Conference a faxed proposal to purchase part of the property formerly occupied by Pinebrook Junior College was received from Seniorcare Service Group, Incorporated, Lansdale, PA. Although the informal offer was good, and this group continued to express interest in purchasing the property for several months, no agreement of sale was ever received from that corporation. On December 3, 1996 the Board of Directors received a fourteen page proposed agreement of sale for the 5.711 acre parcel of the property containing the buildings for $330,000. Discussions which followed led to that agreement, as amended, being signed on December 20, 1996. Matters which must be resolved before sale is consummated are: removal of asbestos and certification thereof; approvals relating to zoning and sewer from the municipality of Coopersburg, and State and Federal approval to use the property for assisted housing. Closing is proposed to be no later than June 30, 1997, but there is provision in the agreement for the purchaser to extend that date for two additional 30 day periods with prior notification of 10 days.

       Sale of the parcels previously used as soccer field and park is made difficult because there is now a moratorium on sewer connections due to a dispute between Borough of Coopersburg and Upper Saucon Township. Until this issue is resolved, interest in, and value of, the property is seriously diminished.

       The final chapter on the sale of the Coopersburg property remains to be written, but it is clear that the best that can be hoped for from proceeds of the sale is payment of loans made from banks and partial payment of loans by individuals. Decisions will need to be made by Annual Conference concerning the repayment of remaining debt to individuals, to the Trexler Foundation, to the Fund to Promote Church Extension, and to funds supervised by the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

       Last year when the Board of Directors issued its report to the 113th Annual Conference it was not clear that brother Jansen E. Hartman’s years of service to the Board of Directors would come to an end. We now express our appreciation for his 45 years of faithful and fruitful service and wish him God’s blessing as he continues to serve our conference in less formal ways.

       During the year Jay H. Fasnacht resigned from the Board of Directors after over 19 years of service due to relocation to Florida. His contribution to the board has been significant and he will be missed.

       The Board of Directors wishes to inform the 114th Annual Conference that at a properly-called meeting of the congregation of Salem Bible Fellowship Church, Allentown, PA the congregation voted to cease public meetings on February 28, 1997 and close its books as of March 31, 1997.

       All funds are deposited in the Farmers First Bank, Lititz. Accounts were audited by Charles Albert.

       We recommend that 114 Annual Conference adopt the following:

1.    Resolved, that the rate of mileage reimbursement remain at 22¢ per mile.

2.    Resolved, that the Administrative Budget for January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997 be adopted.

3.    Resolved, that the proposed Administrative Budget for January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998 be approved for submission to the churches for their pledges.

       Pledges for the 1998 Administrative Budget shall be received by the Financial Secretary by September 1, 1997

Board of Directors: James A. Beil, President; Carl C. Cassel, Vice-President; David J. Watkins, Secretary; Horace A. Kauffman, Financial Secretary; Robert W. Gehret, Treasurer; James A. Beil, Hospitalization Secretary; Bert N. Brosius, Randall A. Grossman, L. James Roberts

Bible Fellowship Church

Balance Sheet

Assets                                                                              12/31/95               12/31/96

    General Funds                                                    $ 626,143.32        $ 651,411.53

    Phila. Emmanuel BFC Fund                                          9,167.80                   6,734.55

    Fund to Promote Church Extension                        1,442,424.24            1,435,727.92

    Pinebrook Jr. College Fund                                    458,350.99            422,573.95

         Total Assets                                                    $ 2,536,086.35         $ 2,516,447.95


    General Funds                                                     $ 52,514.95         $ 39,927.77

    Phila. Emmanuel BFC Fund                                                 0.00                          0.00

    Fund to Promote Church Extension                           378,358.49               343,130.92

    Pinebrook Jr. College Fund                                   919,452.28       1,020,298.32

         Total Liabilites                                               $ 1,350,325.72         $ 1,403,357.01

Funds Held in Trust

    Fund to Promote Church Extension                    $ 562,748.08         $ 568,482.65

Net Worth

    General Funds                                                      $ 573,628.37         $ 611,483.76

    Phila. Emmanuel BFC Fund                                          9,167.80                   6,734.55

    Fund to Promote Church Extension                           501,317.67               524,114.35

    Pinebrook Jr. College Fund                                   (461,101.29)          (597,724.37)

         Total Net Worth                                              $ 623,012.55         $ 544,608.29

Total Liabilities, Trust Funds and Net Worth         $ 2,536,086.35         $ 2,516,447.95

Note: This Balance Sheet covers only the funds and obligations directly under the care, custody and control of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church.

General Fund Balance Sheet

December 31, 1996

Assets                                                                                                                12/31/96

    Current Assets

         Cash – General Fund                                                                          $ 51,975.86

         Cash – Moving Fund                                                                                   (535.18)

         Cash – Ministers Ass’t Fund                                                                      4,901.19

         Cash – Fund to Assist Churches                                                                5,637.41

         Cash – MCC Intern. Fund                                                                         5,653.39

         Accounts Receivable

             Admin. Budget (Note 1)                                                                         770.00

             Medical Ins. (Note 1)                                                                           7,780.00

         Note – Pinebrook Conference                                                               28,083.77

    Total Current Assets                                                                              $ 104,266.44

    Fixed Assets

         R.Est. – Pinebrook Conference                                                             435,268.08

         R.Est. – Victory Valley                                                                      111,877.01

    Total Fixed Assets                                                                                 $ 547,145.09

Total Assets                                                                                               $ 651,411.53



         Admin. Budget (Note 1)                                                                    $ 500.00

         Medical Insurance (Note 1)                                                                    11,344.00

    Mortgage – Pinebrook Conference                                                          28,083.77

Total Liabilites                                                                                                 39,927.77

Net Worth                                                                                                    611,483.76

Total Liabilities & Net Worth                                                                    $ 651,411.53

Note 1. General Fund accounts receivable and prepaid for the 1996 Conference Year

Accounts receivable

    Medical Insurance

         Bayshore                                   2,033

         Bethlehem                                    546

         Camden                                     2,057

         Lehighton                                    192

         Newark, DE                              1,638

         Staten Island, NY                        546

         Robert Johnson                        768

    Total                                          $ 7,780

Administrative Budget

    Bayshore                                     200.00

    Finesville                                     300.00

    Lebanon                                        62.50

    York                                       208.30

    Total                                        $ 770.80

Accounts prepaid

    Medical Insurance

         Blandon                                       546

         Ephrata                                        384

         Hatfield                                     1,092

         Mt. Pocono                                  578

         Poughquag                                   578

         Stroudsburg                              2,514

         Sunbury                                         66

         Board of Missions                     3,687

         BFC Homes                                 523

         Victory Valley                             900

         Ken Keeler                                   284

         Roy Hertzog                            192

    Total                                       $ 11,344

Administrative Budget

    Pleasant Valley, NY                         500

General Fund Statement of Income

December 31, 1996


    Adminstrative Budget                                                                     $ 66,701.77

    Medical Insurance                                                                              338,315.00

    Contributions, Special                                                                            2,705.00

    Interest                                                                                               1,800.00

         Total Income                                                                              $ 409,521.77


    Moving Fund                                                                                          2,025.10

    Ministers’ Assistance Fund                                                                    1,000.00

    Annual Conference Entertainment                                                         5,000.00

    Annual Conference Expenses (Arrangement Com.)                               2,284.60

    Beneficiary Fund                                                                                       500.00

    Historical Committee                                                                              1,000.00

    Ministers’ Retirement Fund                                                                  14,000.00

    Ministerial Convention Exp.                                                                   1,000.00

    Expenses of Committees

         Com. to Exam Church Min.                          173.13

         Credentials Committee                                 544.24

         Ministerial Cand. Com.                             3,154.55

         Ministerial Rel. Com.                                   356.08

         Nominating Committee                                210.30

         Statistical Committee                                    291.81

         Com. On Intercultural Min.                          457.56

         Conference Agenda & Program                   231.51

         “Laymen” – “Laypersons” Com.                     19.49

         Strategic Planning Com.                               206.93

         Com. Revise Faith & Order                     130.60

             Total Committee Expense                                                             5,776.20

         Chaplaincy Expense                                                                             701.22

         Bd. Directors’ Expenses                                                                        643.83

         Medical Insurance                                                                       337,735.43

    Total Expenses                                                                              $ 371,666.38

Gain or (Loss)                                                                                           37,855.39

Philadelphia Emmanuel BFC

December 31, 1996


    Cash                         $ 6,734.55

         Total Assets        $ 6,734.55


    Net Worth                $ 6,734.55

Total Liabilities

   & Net Worth              $ 6,734.55


    Rent                           900.00

         Total Income         $ 900.00


    Electric                      $ 349.09

    Fuel Oil                        1,102.35

    Water & Sewer             1,041.81

    Property Insurance     840.00

         Total Expenses      $ 3,333.25

Gain or (Loss)               ($ 2,433.25)

Fund to Promote Church Extension

Income Statement

December 31, 1996


    Interest Received                                                                            $ 22,796.68

         Total Income                                                                              $ 22,796.68

Fund to Promote Church Extension

Balance Sheet

December 31, 1996


    Current Assets

         Cash                                                                                              $ 652.27

         Interest Receivable – PJC                                                                 47,500.67

         Note – Thompson, CN 2/1/99                                                           45,000.00

         Note – Edison, NJ                                                                               5,284.74

         Note – Mt. Pocono                                                                              2,588.72

         Note – Ocean Co., NJ 8/1/88                                                            27,248.76

         Note – Poughquag, NY                                                                       5,229.64

         Note – Somers Point, NJ 6/91                                                           12,015.95

         Note – Red Hill (8%)                                                                        20,990.71

         Note – Red Hill (Private)                                                                  28,000.00

         Note – Pinebrook Jr. College                                                       290,000.00

             Total current Assets                                                               $ 484,510.76

    Fixed Assets

         R. EST – Thompson, CN                                                           $ 132,427.00

         R. EST – Howell, NJ                                                                     146,146.00

         R. EST – Holmes, NY                                                                     78,311.00

         R. EST – Kutztown                                                                          88,957.50

         R. EST – Ocean Co., NJ                                                                126,985.70

         R. EST – Newark, NJ – Goldsmith                                                  24,692.53

         R. EST – Newark, NJ – Randolph                                                    60,631.48

         R. EST – Plainfield, NJ                                                                   42,760.00

         R. EST – Poughquag, NY                                                                43,958.00

         R. EST – Somers Point, NJ                                                              40,547.95

         R. EST – Red Hill                                                                       165,800.00

             Total Fixed Assets                                                                $ 951,217.16

Total Assets                                                                                        $1,435,727.92


    Notes Payable

         Red Hill Friend                                                                           $ 8,000.00

         Kline, James & Debra                                                                      10,000.00

         Kriebel, Sylvester & Cora                                                           10,000.00

             Total Notes Payable                                                               $ 28,000.00


         Thompson, CN                                                                           $ 84,030.55

         Howell, NJ                                                                                       94,851.00

         Holmes, NY                                                                                     32,981.47

         Kutztown                                                                                          12,291.62

         Ocean Co., NJ                                                                                  80,539.54

         Poughquag, NY                                                                             10,436.74

             Total Mortgages                                                                    $ 315,130.92

Total Liabilities                                                                                   $ 343,130.92

Trust Funds

    Thompson, CN                                                                                $ 48,396.45

    Howell, NJ                                                                                            51,295.00

    Holmes, NY                                                                                          45,329.53

    Kutztown                                                                                              76,665.88

    Ocean Co. NJ                                                                                        46,446.16

    Newark, NJ – Randolph                                                                        60,631.48

    Poughquag, NY                                                                                    33,370.20

    Somers Point, NJ                                                                                  40,547.95

    Red Hill                                                                                           165,800.00

         Total Funds Held in Trust                                                         $ 568,482.65

Net Worth                                                                                              524,114.35

Total Liabiliites, Net Worth and Trust Funds                                    $1,435,727.92

Pinebrook Junior College

Fund Balance Sheet

December 31, 1996


    Current Assets

         Cash – General Fund                                                                    $ 3,676.20

             Total Cash                                                                               $ 3,676.20

    Accounts Receivable                                                                        .

    Fixed Assets

         Land                                                                                           $ 46,657.28

         Buildings (786,069.72)                                                                  367,018.94

         Equipment (20,866.22)                                                                 5,221.53

             Total Fixed Assets                                                                 $ 418,897.75

Total Assets                                                                                         $ 422,573.95


    Interest Payable

         Pinebrook Education Found.                                                              1,841.67

         Fund to Promote C.E.                                                                       47,500.67

         Krigor, Interest                                                                                   9,900.00

         Rotenberger, Interest                                                                      1,500.00

             Total Payables                                                                             60,742.34

    Notes Payable

         Trexler Foundation                                                                             9,000.00

         Fund to Promote C.E. – 8%                                                        $ 290,000.00

         Pinebrook Endowment Fund – 8%                                                   32,653.66

         Krigor – 8%                                                                                    165,000.00

         Rotenberger – 8%                                                                        25,000.00

             Total Notes                                                                            $ 521,653.66


         CoreStates Bank – 9.75%                                                           $ 96,750.00

         Quakertown National Bank – 8.25%                                           341,152.32

             Total Mortgages                                                                      437,902.32

    Total Liabilities                                                                               1,020,298.32

    Net Worth                                                                                        (597,724.37)

Total Liabilities & Net Worth                                                             $ 422,573.95

Pinebrook Jr. College

Statement of Income and Expenses

for the Month and Year Ended December 31, 1996


    Contributions                                                                                    $ 1,250.00

    Rent                                                                                                   100.00

         Total Income                                                                                $ 1,350.00


    Interest – Corestates Bank                                                                $ 10,188.33

    Interest – Quakertown N. Bank                                                             29,036.44

    Interest – Krigor                                                                                    12,933.33

    Interest – Rotenberger                                                                             2,000.00

    Interest – Fund to Prom. C.E.                                                                19,289.86

    Interest – Pinebrook Ed. Fd.                                                                    1,038.56

    Electric                                                                                                   1,063.86

    Water & Sewer                                                                                       1,007.02

    Maintenance                                                                                           2,022.59

    Fees & Permits                                                                                          161.00

    Attorney Fees                                                                                            251.50

    Taxes, Property                                                                                            97.59

    Insurance                                                                                              18,524.75

    Depreciation Expense                                                                           27,791.71

    Property Sale Expense                                                                            3,303.00

    Transfer to Pinebrook Ed. Fd.                                                            9,263.54

         Total Expenses                                                                           $ 137,973.08

Gain or (Loss)                                                                                   $ (136,623.08)

Proposed Administrative Budgets


                                                                          Jan.1, 1997 to             Jan.1, 1998 to

                                                                          Dec.31, 1997              Dec.31, 1998

1.      Beneficiary Fund                                         $ 500                    $ 500

2.      Ministers’ Assistance Fund                                    500                              500

3.      Ministerial Convention                                       1,000                           1,000

4.      Ministers’ Retirement Fund                           28,000                      30,000

               Total                                                       $ 30,000                     $ 32,000

1a.    Conference Entertainment                            $ 5,000                     $ 5,000

1b.    Conference Expense                                           3,750                           3,750

2.      Moving Fund                                                             0                                  0

3.      Fund to Assist Churches                                 100                       100

               Total                                                        $ 8,850                      $ 8,850

1.      Publication & Printing                                   $ 4,000                      $ 3,500

2.      Expenses of Committees

         a.   Chaplaincy Expenses                                      700                              700

         b.   Stewardship Council                                           0                                  0

         c.   All other Expenses                                       6,000                           6,000

3.      Expenses, Board of Directors                             1,200                           1,200

4.      M.C.C. Internship Fund                                         750                              750

5.      Historical Committee                                          1,000                           1,000

6.      Contingencies                                               $ 14,611                     $ 13,000

               Total                                                       $ 28,261                     $ 26,150

Total Budget                                                          $ 67,111                     $ 67,000

Pledges to the Administrative Budget

Church                       1996          1997

Allentown, CC         3,600         3,600

Allentown, Salem       100              50

*Bayshore, NJ             200            200

Beacon, NY                     0           100

Bethlehem                2,100         1,500

Blandon                       840            900

Camden, DE                100            100

Coopersburg             3,400         3,400

*Denville, NJ              150            150

*Edison, NJ                 150            150

*Emmaus                 4,200         4,200

Ephrata                     2,000         2,200

Finesville, NJ              300            330

Fleetwood                   500            500

Graterford                1,750         1,800

Harleysville              2,600         2,600

*Harrisburg              2,800         2,800

Hatfield                    2,250         2,250

Holmes, NY                200            250

*Howell, NJ                600            600

Kutztown                    800            800

Lancaster                  3,600         3,400

Lebanon                   1,780         1,780

Lehighton                    560            560

Maple Glen                750            750

*Mt. Carmel                996            996

Mt. Pocono                  600            600

Nazareth                   2,600         2,600

*Newark, DE              550            550

Newark, NJ                 942         1,000

Church                     1996          1997

Ocean Co., NJ             200            250

Oley                         2,580         2,520

Paradise                       600            600

Phila, Wissinoming     500            500

Pleasant Valley, NY    400            500

Poughquag, NY           200            300

Quakertown             2,600         2,800

Reading                    3,000         2,450

Red Hill                       200            200

*Royersford             1,000         1,000

Scranton                      100            100

Shamokin                    200            200

Sinking Spring         1,600         1,600

Somers Point, NJ             0                0

Spring City               1,550         1,550

Staten Island, NY          25              50

Stroudsburg              1,600         1,600

Sunbury                    2,500         2,500

Terre Hill                    400            400

Thompson CT             300              50

Wallingford              3,150         3,250

Walnutport                      0             75

Whitehall                    125            150

York                         1,250         1,250

Zionsville                    375            400

BFC Home                  350            400

Bd. Church Extension 100            200

Bd. Missions            1,000         1,000

Pinebrook Bible Conf.500            500

Totals                  $ 67,423    $ 67,111

Proposed Budget                  $ 67,000

Percent of Budget pledged        100.2

*Pledge same as last year not confirmed by the church.

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