1997 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Board of Christian Education

              The Board of Christian Education met four times during the past year to give oversight to the Christian Education ministries of the denomination. In addition to the meetings of the entire board, four sub-committees met as needed to plan, develop, and implement specific Christian Education ministries for the denomination.

Audio-Visual Library

              Video resources continue to be a valuable asset to the local churches. Among the additions to the Library this year are Patrick Morley’s “The Man in the Mirror,” Henry Blackaby’s “Experiencing God” and Bruce Wilkinson’s two series, “The Testing of Your Faith,” and “The Three Chairs.” We once again encourage local churches to take advantage of this invaluable resource provided by the denomination. The library is housed in Bethel Bible Fellowship Church in Emmaus.

Christian Education Training

              The 1996 Christian Education Seminar was held March 2, 1996 in Nazareth with Dr. Robert Choun of Dallas Seminary. Choun addressed the Christian Education leaders from the denomination concerning evaluation and effective ministry in the next millennium.

              In an exciting, unprecedented move, the Board of Christian Education provided the resources necessary to train one of our pastors, David N. Schoen, to be an approved instructor with “Walk Thru the Bible Ministries” in Atlanta. Through an agreement with Walk Thru the Bible, David is now trained and available to present the Old Testament Walk Thru seminar at Bible Fellowship Churches, regardless of size. In addition, the children’s program entitled, “Kids In the Book” is being offered as well. Several churches have already taken advantage of this excellent ministry. We encourage interested churches to contact David Schoen for further details.

Pastor – Elder – Deacon Retreat

              This year’s retreat was held November 8-9 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. In an attempt to return to basic biblical teaching regarding the ministries of pastors, elders, and deacons in the Bible Fellowship Church, speakers for this year’s retreat were gifted pastors and laymen from within our denomination. This weekend of practical, Bible teaching provided an excellent training tool for 185 aspiring, new, and experienced leaders in the church.

              The 1997 retreat will be held November 7-8 at Pinebrook. “Mentoring” will be the focus of the weekend.


              Another exciting year of ministry to teens has been led by the Youth Subcommittee of the Board. Tremendous response has been seen in the increased participation of our churches at all youth events. Thank you for your support.

Thanksgiving Youth Rally

              After an afternoon of sports and activity, 333 teens and leaders met at the new all purpose building at Victory Valley for pizza, music, and interaction. Daryl Cox, a young man who is HIV+ due to blood transfusions received more than 15 years ago, shared his testimony with the young people. Response to the entire day was excellent. It is a joy to work cooperatively with other Bible Fellowship Boards to bring events like these to our people.


              More than 900 teens and leaders participated in Sno-Glo the first three weekends of 1997. We were pleased to have exclusive booking of Pinebrook Bible Conference so that the focus of all three weekends could be entirely on Bible Fellowship young people. Rod Arters, Randy Hunt, and Todd Henley taught the teens and response was very positive. We look forward to working with Pinebrook again in 1998 to provide three invaluable weekends of ministry for the young people of the denomination.

Youth Leadership Seminar

              The September 14 Youth Leadership Seminar was presented at Blandon Bible Fellowship Church with Dr. Paul Tripp as the keynote speaker. More than 50 youth and adult leaders participated in this training event. Plans are now underway for a September 13, 1997 seminar. Please watch for details.

              The ministries of the Board of Christian Education have been successful due to the blessing of our sovereign God. It is important to realize that He has used the faithful giving of the particular churches, the talents and gifts of committed leaders, and the encouraging support of the entire Bible Fellowship Church to bless these ministries. We look forward to working beside you in the year ahead.

Board of Christian Education: Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman; Robert S. Commerford, Vice Chairman; J. Mark McCreary, Secretary; Annette E. Kuhns, Treasurer; Edwin W. Ahlum, Jr.; Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr.; Bruce A. Kellerman; Richard B. Ravis; Ralph E. Ritter; Gary W. Saggio; David N. Schoen; Karen R. Stull

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