1997 Report of Historical Committee

Report of the

Historical Committee

              The archive collection of the Bible Fellowship Church continues to grow. Our archive contains over 2000 catalogued items and almost 1500 photographs. We are grateful to those who have shared with us their valued treasures knowing that we will maintain and preserve them for our children. We do not know when the Lord will return. If He tarries, our children and grandchildren will appreciate knowing our rich heritage. If your parents and grandparents were part of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ / Bible Fellowship Church, you may have historical treasures of old records, letters, books, photographs and the like. Don’t throw them away but share them with others who can appreciate the wonderful story attached to such items.

              The Historical Society of the Bible Fellowship Church (not to be confused with this committee, The Historical Committee) is a group of people who are interested in the history of our church. The Society circulates a newsletter with matters of historical interest and meets once a year to hear presentations on subjects relating to our history. The Society is in its 14th year and has a valuable collection of presentations which are adding immeasurably to our knowledge of our past. If you or someone you know would like to be part of this society, you can contact Loretta Heist, PO Box 67, Zionsville, PA 18092. Cost of the yearly membership is $16.00 per individual and $22.00 per married couple.

              During the past year, the Historical Committee published the diary of a young preacher named Levi Young who worked with our church in its earliest days. His diary of 1863 is filled with insight into the issues and concerns that were present at our beginning. His diary is entitled, “Today I Felt Serious”. Copies are available from Richard Taylor at a cost of $4.00.

              The Historical Committee has chosen to purchase microfilm records of the Gospel Banner covering issues from 1878 to 1952. The Gospel Banner was the denominational magazine of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ and will be a great source of information about churches and individuals from our past. Through the help of the Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania of Harleysville, these records were purchased at a greatly reduced rate.

              Help us keep our story alive. If you are a secretary of a denominational board or committee, you are encouraged to place your records in the archives for permanent storage. If you are a member of a board of elders, place your records in the archives for permanent storage. Don’t let valuable documents slip into someone’s dumpster.

The Historical Committee: Willard E. Cassel, Chairman: Richard E. Taylor, Secretary and Archivist; Ralph D. Cole, Treasurer; Harold P. Shelly, Daniel G. Ziegler, David E. Thomannn

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