1997 Report of Victory Valley

Report of the

Board of Victory Valley Camp

“Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you; for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isa. 41:10 (NASB)

       I am reminded as I prepare this report that there really are only two ways to look at life– through the eyes of man or through the eyes of our Sovereign, mighty God. God allows circumstances to change and brings both good and calamity, and yet the promise that we need not fear or be anxious about anything because God is God is still truer than ever. Praise the Lord!

       As we look at the year in review for Victory Valley Camp, we continue to be reminded and encouraged that we need not fear or be anxious about anything– the loss of a building, the lack of funds for a property purchase, or the awesome responsibility of almost 900 campers on our grounds for the summer. God is still God and His promises can still be counted on!

       God is still faithfully ministering to summer staff, children and teens, and retreat groups through our most capable full-time staff members, Phil Atkins and Donna Bauer, and their families. The fall of 1996 brought a change in housing for Phil and his family as they moved into the house on the property (7572 Sigmund Rd.) which God provided this year. God has been faithfully working through many in our denomination from the Board of Directors to the Board of Fellowship Homes to many individuals who gave to make this purchase happen! We especially want to thank God for His provision through the gifts given through the matching fund drive for the new property purchase and want to thank those of you who sacrificially gave to make this possible. Also, we praise God for those who gave to make beginning repairs and ending purchase costs possible too! God has seen fit to allow the re-building of Victory Hall this year as well and one exciting note to make is that it was first used by the youth of our church for the November Thanksgiving Rally!

       To go along with the many improvements made to our physical plant, God’s hand was evident in the lives of staff and campers this past summer. Our 61-member summer staff ministered to 853 campers. 72 of these campers come to us from the “Jews for Jesus” group which has been bringing children for the past 6 years. Throughout the summer, we keep track of those children who have professed faith in Christ for the first time. 21 children trusted Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives this summer! Praise God! Also, 15 children expressed a commitment to profess Christ to others through their lifestyle today and future vocation! These are the kinds of things that we count when looking to see that the summer was a success. One other special program note is that our Outpost Camping ministry was 93% full this summer with 183 children and teens attending.

       The “Victory Interested Person” program continues to be a vital part of camp ministry and support throughout the year. We once again want to thank those who continue to give of their time and money to help keep Victory Valley operating.

       Camper fees will increase this year from $169 to $175. These fees still do not cover the actual cost of a week per camper; therefore, we cordially request each church to prayerfully evaluate its giving to the camp again this year. We want to remind the churches that those who contribute 1% of their total budget are eligible to receive a $17.50 discount for all summer campers and a 10% discount for all retreat groups from that church who come to Victory Valley.

       The 1996 financial report reviewed by Ellis L. Hostetter will follow this report.

       The Board of Victory Valley Camp held four regularly-scheduled meetings since the 113th Annual Conference. In addition to the meetings of the full Board many additional hours were spent by individuals of the Board in service on committees and in fulfillment of other camp-related responsibilities. The Board is divided into six sub-committees: Executive, Program and Staff, Buildings and Grounds, Development, Finance, and Strategic Planning Committee.

Schedule of Future Dates – The dates for the 1997 program are as follows:

       December 6                    VIP Christmas Banquet

                                              Camp                        Outpost Village

       June 22-June 28             ages 8-12                  ages 10-12

       June 29-July 5                ages 8-12                  ages 10-12

       July 6-12                        ages 8-12                  ages 8-10

       July 13-19                      ages 8-12                  ages 10-12

       July 20-26                      ages 8-12                  ages 10-12

       July 27-August 2            ages 12-14                ages 12-14

       August 3-9                     ages 12-14                ages 12-14

       August 10-16                 ages 14-18


       July 13-18                      Ages 15-18(BP&C)

       July 20-25                      Ages 12-14(BP&C)

       July 27-August 1            Ages 15-18(WV)

Board of Victory Valley: William G. Schlonecker, Chairman; Clyde D. Bomgardner Jr., Secretary; Steven D. Schlegel, Treasurer; Carl J. Fischer, Jr.; Jonathan D. Reynolds; David N. Schoen; John C. Vandegriff; Timothy D. Weaber; and David L. Weller.

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