1998 Report of Inter-Cultural Ministries

Report of the

Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee

             The work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee continued this past year, with the primary purpose being that of completing the Biblical Principles For Living. The Committee worked at finalizing the following Biblical Principles For Living: Marriage And Singleness, Divorce, and Humanity in God’s Image. These principles are being presented for first reading by Annual Conference and to be included in the Faith & Order, Appendix, “Biblical Principles For Living.” The Committee has reviewed the principles for first reading, gained input from interested pastors and allowed the task groups who formulated them to review them. The Committee has approved them for presentation to Annual Conference (See Attached Appendix).

             The Board of Missions and Board of Church Extension are working together through what has been named, The Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting which is comprised of four men, two from the Board of Missions and two from the Board of Church Extension. The Joint Committee meets to monitor and assist ethnic church planting ministries. The Joint Committee approves funds for ethnic church planting which are given by the churches. This past year the Joint Committee approved financial assistance for Wayne Pauley in New York and Ebrane Cadet in Philadelphia. In all, twenty churches gave to ethnic church planting this past year in the amount of $27,000. The Joint Committee established within the Fund, designated giving for the proposed Hispanic church plant in South Allentown and also designated the monies in the General portion of the Fund for the Hispanic work. This Fund is accounted for through the Board of Missions. The Joint Committee continues to encourage and request that more churches create a line item on their budgets for ethnic church planting. The Joint Committee suggests that the line item amount be at least a minimum of $4.00 per member. These designated monies for ethnic church planting should be considered an ongoing yearly commitment and be forwarded to the Board of Missions.

             The Haitian work in Philadelphia is no longer under the supervision of the Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting. At the beginning of our association with the organizing pastor of this work, the Committee believed that, based upon our interview, the pastor would be able to receive credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church, but as the process for credentialing continued it was apparent that the organizing pastor could not come to agreement with the Faith & Order. Therefore, he could not complete his credentialing process with the BFC. The Joint Committee believed that it was in the best interest of the Haitian Church to continue under the leadership of this Pastor and that looking for another man would be disruptive to this small body of believers. The Joint Committee informed Church Extension and the Board of Directors of the BFC of the decision to disengage from the Haitian work and the Board of Directors is now seeking the Lord’s leading for the property in Philadelphia. We grieve the loss of this Haitian group from the BFC family, but continue to pray for God’s blessings upon them.

             The exciting news is that in this past year, the prospects for an Hispanic Bible Fellowship Church have become a reality. The Board of Church Extension set a budget for the proposed church and designated that sixty-five percent of the budget had to be met before calling an organizing pastor to begin the work. Thus far, eighty-five percent of the start-up money has been pledged, and we expect that through the General monies given we will have enough to begin.

             The second part of this exciting news is that God has led to us a young Hispanic man to be the organizing pastor. He is presently attending the Center For Urban Theological Studies in Philadelphia and working with the Lebanon County Intermediate Unit. He has formerly planted churches with his father who is a church planter for the PCA church. He has submitted his first test in the credentialing process and thus far has declared himself to be in agreement with the Faith & Order. He is very excited about getting started with this work in South Allentown. Dana Weller is holding meetings in the former Salem church with interested people who will be a part of this work. Chris Merrick, the Board of Missions project coordinator, has held a work day with several teams of individuals getting the church and parsonage in shape. It is a blessing to see the assistance being given to this prospective church plant, especially from the Lehigh Valley churches. If a church would like to assist with funds or in other areas, please contact any member of the Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting (David Gundrum, Dana Weller, Dan Ziegler, William Mull). Also, pray for this church to begin meeting this Spring and that the organizing pastor will complete his credentialing work.

             Last year, Annual Conference approved the publication of the Articles of Faith to be printed in Spanish. After several edits and final consideration, the Articles have been forwarded to the Board of Publication and Printing and are being printed. Please acquire a copy for your church and order copies for any Spanish Speaking people in your congregation.


             Very encouraging things are happening in the area of reaching ethnic peoples with the Gospel and planting churches among them. It is a Scriptural imperative to reach out to these various people groups and the BFC must follow the Lord’s desire to preach the Gospel and plant churches among these ethnic groups. Therefore, it is also important that we are not divided, as a Conference, on this issue of ethnic church planting, but rather be united in our efforts and be one in our prayers for the world on our doorstep to be reached with the Gospel.

             The Committee still needs to complete its work on the Biblical Principles For Living and continue to assist the churches in becoming more aware and involved in cross-cultural ministry.

             When the Biblical Principles For Living are completed, Annual Conference will determine where they will be placed to be of most value to the churches. The Committee is committed to the completion of these principles.

             We again ask you to pray for the Committee as it continues its work on the Biblical Principles For Living and faces the unique and challenging opportunities of ethnic church planting.

             For those members of Annual Conference who are not familiar with the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee and its work, there is attached to this Report a chronological history of the Committee’s beginnings and the process of its work. The paper is entitled “His Glory and Deeds Among All Peoples.”


             The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee recommends

Whereas, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and

Whereas, the Committee believes that God has provided opportunities and desires the church to reach the differing people groups in our land, therefore be it

Resolved, that each Pastor and Delegate of Annual Conference, if they have not established a line item on their budgets for ethnic church planting, work with their church to budget monies for ethnic church planting in this year.

Resolved, that the 115th Annual Conference approve for first reading and inclusion in Appendix, Biblical Principles For Living, of the Faith & Order, the following Biblical Principles For Living: “Marriage and Singleness;” “Divorce;” and “Humanity In God’s Image.”

Whereas, we believe the “Biblical Principles for Living” represent God’s intended principles by which we should live, and

Whereas, we believe that the “Biblical Principles For Living” should be urgently and diligently taught to our congregations,

Resolved, each pastor and delegate seek ways to implement the teaching of the “Biblical Principles For Living” to their congregations and further,

Resolved, that as “Biblical Principles For Living” are studied and taught, any discovery of problem areas, suggestions for additions, or clarifications of text, should be communicated to this Committee for consideration prior to Second Reading. These communications should be addressed to David E. Gundrum, Secretary of the Committee and further,

Resolved, that we encourage lesson plans be developed and submitted to David E. Gundrum for ideas in the development of Teacher guides for teens and adults.

Whereas, the work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee is not yet complete,

Resolved, that the 115th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work.

Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee: Roy A. Hertzog, Chairman; David E. Gundrum, Secretary; Delbert R. Baker II, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Daniel G. Ziegler

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