1998 Report of Victory Valley

Report of the

Board of Victory Valley Camp

But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant which He swore to your forefathers, as it is today.

      God is the person who is leading Victory Valley Camp – He is the One who is causing us to prosper. he is the One who was and is and is to come! For who He is and for what He has done in our lives and the ministry at Victory Valley Camp we give Him praise! And, there is much for which to thank Him this year!

      1997 was a year of change by way of improvements to the existing program and facilities at VVC. Phil Atkins, camp director, and his family continue to improve 7572 Sigmund Road and update it, making the house and property suitable for Jill’s special needs. Phil also continues to serve faithfully in helping to direct the work of the Lord at VVC. Donna Bauer and her family continue to live on the grounds and Donna serves faithfully as the Assistant Director, putting a lot of time into programming and follow-up of summer staff and campers. This year we have added a full-time staff person to the VV family – Sandy Mitchell began working for the Valley late spring and has continued to gain confidence in doing the bookkeeping and other administrative tasks in the office. We thank God for her gifts and the opportunity to see Him at work in her as she serves the Lord at VVC.

      Other changes this year include the building of a new tree house, updating and moving the location of the initiatives area, adding the new surface to the floor of Victory Hall, and upgrading and replacing the plumbing, electric, and communications in the cabin area. Also, the ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee of the Board finished its findings and made recommendations so that VV could continue working on ideas and upgrades as we move into the 21st century.

      Our well-prepared, unified summer staff ministered to 835 campers. 42 children trusted Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives this summer! Praise God! Many more committed with the Spirit’s help to “re-dedicate” themselves to following God’s commands and making Jesus Lord of their lives. The proclamation of the Gospel and watching the power of God work in the lives of young people, whether they are children, young adults, or older adults is truly at the center of the VVC’s ministry in the BFC.

      Another area of praise to God is the continuing ways He is faithfully providing for the financial needs of the camp. The “Victory Interested Person” program continues to be a vital part of camp ministry and many people were added to the ranks this year. We’re also excited to report that particular church giving increased again this year and we thank God that the denomination continues to recognize the dynamic impact of VVC on the particular churches as well as the denomination as a whole.

      Basic fees for a week at camp this summer will be $179. These fees still do not cover the actual cost of a week per camper; therefore, we cordially request each church to prayerfully evaluate its giving to the camp again this year. We want to remind the churches that those who contribute 1% of their total budget are eligible to receive a 10% discount for all campers/groups which come to VVC.

      We want to say thank you to all who helped by giving their time and effort this year at VVC to do many things from putting up treehouses to cutting firewood to entering data on the computer and many other invaluable things which ultimately brought glory to the name of the Lord. We would also invite any church or church group who desires to do a service project this year at VV to contact Phil Atkins at the camp as soon as possible. May the Lord continue to bless as we all work together to please Him at VVC.

      The Board of VVC held four regularly scheduled meetings since the 114th Annual Conference. In addition to the meetings of the full Board many additional hours were spent by individuals of the Board in service on committees and in fulfillment of other camp related responsibilities. The Board is divided into five sub-committees: Executive, Program and Staff, Building and Grounds, Development, and Finance.

Schedule of Future 1998 Dates

             Spring Workday                   May 2

             Fall Workday                       October 3

             VIP Picnic                            June 7

             Victory Golf Challenge        September 19

             VIP Christmas                      BanquetDecember 5

                                       Camp         Outpost Village

    June 21-June 27      ages 8-12       ages 10-12

    June 28 – July 4       ages 8-12       ages 10-12

    July 5 – 11               ages 8-12       ages 8-10

    July 12-18               ages 8-12       ages 10-12

    July 19-25               ages 8-12       ages 10-12

    July 26-August 1     ages 12-14     ages 12-14

    August 2-8              ages 12-14     ages 12-14

    August 9-15            ages 14-18

    Venture Quest

    June 21-26               Ages 12-14 (Boot ‘n Boat)

    June 28 – July 3       Ages 14-18 (Boot ‘n Boat)

    July 5 – 10               Ages 14-18 (Cape Cod Bike Trip)

    July 12 – 17             Ages 12-18 (Adirondack High Peak Trip)

    July 19 – 24             Ages 14-18 (W. Virginia High Advent. Trip)

    Camper-Helper Program

    June 21 – July 4       Guys Only (Ages 14-16)

    July 5 – 18               Guys Only (Ages 14-16)

    July 19 – August 1   Gals Only (Ages 14-16)

    August 2 – 15           Gals Only (Ages 14-16)

Board of Victory Valley: William G. Schlonecker, Chairman; John C. Vandegriff, Vice-Chairman; Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Secretary; Steven D. Schlegel, Treasurer; Carl J. Fischer, Jr.; Jonathan D. Reynolds; David N. Schoen; Timothy D. Weaber; David L. Weller

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