1999 Report of BFC Homes

Report of the

Board of Directors,

Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

      We are reminded in Proverbs 16:3 – Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. It is encouraging to report that Fellowship Community continues to be a “Light House” in the community by reaching out to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional and educational needs of people which includes the residents, their families and the community.

      Our resident occupancy continues at a very high level, 98% at Fellowship Manor, Whitehall, 95% at Fellowship Home, Nazareth, and at the present time all of the units at Fellowship Courts are occupied. God has been faithful.

      This past year has been a very active and productive year for the Board of Directors and the Fellowship Community Staff. The following is a summary of significant events:

      1.   Developed with consultation from Third Age, Inc., a Comprehensive Strategic Plan for Fellowship Community. The plan was approved and implementation was initiated. The plan includes consideration for future expansion which includes the building of a facility to provide an Assisted Living Program on the Whitehall Campus and further expansion of the Independent Living Courts. A preliminary Architectural design, a Financial Feasibility Study and a refinancing of the present Bond Issue were initiated.

      2.   The Board accepted James A. Beil’s request to retire as the President of the Corporation. A special recognition dinner was held to honor the many years of dedicated service provided by James A. Beil and his wife Gail. It was through his faithful leadership, dedication, patience and strong work ethic that Fellowship Community now exists. Brother Beil will continue to serve Fellowship Community as the Administrator for the Independent Living units at Fellowship Courts. Gail Beil will continue as the Administrative Secretary for Fellowship Community. Robert H. Zentz was elected by the Board to serve as President of the Corporation and will continue to serve as the Administrator of Fellowship Manor. LeRoy S. Heller was elected by the Board to serve as Chairman.

3.   James Ernst’s request to retire as the Director of Fellowship Home, Nazareth, was accepted. Tina Getter RN was appointed as the Interim Director until she obtains the necessary license required to function as a Personal Care Home Administrator. James Ernst will continue to serve Fellowship Community as the Assistant Plant Engineer.

4.   Fellowship Manor implemented the new Medicare-mandated Prospective Payment and Consolidated Billing System. This new payment system affects all Medicare residents who require Skilled care and has caused major financial adjustments and concerns throughout the Skilled Care industry. As a result of this new program many changes have occurred at Fellowship Manor, which include the following new services provided by Fellowship Manor Staff:

      a.   Short and Long Term Rehabilitation which includes Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Swallowing Therapy.

      b.   IV Therapy Services.

      c.   Electrocardiogram Services.

      d.   Enteral Feeding Services.

5.   Enhancement of the Pastoral Care Services at Fellowship manor which resulted in the employment of Pastors Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., and Jonathan P. Tait. This service was expanded to include active participation at Family Conferences, individual resident and family consulting, hospital visitation, conducting memorial services, and providing oversight for various Worship Services.

6.   Maintained a very high quality of care to all our residents. Obtained a Five Star rating from National Eldercare Referral Systems, LLC, which is based on evaluations from Department of Health Survey results. A Five Star rating is provided to the top 15% of all Skilled Nursing Facilities throughout the United States. This past year the Manor received two minor isolated deficiencies from the Department of Health which have been corrected. The Manor also received three minor low risk Life Safety deficiencies which were also corrected. There were no deficiencies from the Department of Public Welfare.

      7.   Fellowship Community initiated a Y2K Compliance Program which demonstrates readiness for the transition.

      8.   Fellowship Community installed 19 new computers, extensively trained the staff and now has access to Group Wise E-Mail and the Internet. A Web-Site is presently being developed.

      9.   Fellowship Community has developed a community outreach program which includes utilization of the Facilities by the community and by providing Educational services. The Lehigh Valley Jesus Video Project Steering Committee, Grace E.C. Church from Allentown, and Lehigh Valley Crisis Pregnancy Center held meetings and services at the Manor. The Board of Church Extension and various other BFC Committees meet at the Manor.

      10. Fellowship Community celebrated its 10th year anniversary by providing a special program for the residents and community which featured Buddy Green, Allentown Band and Rob Vaughn.

      The staff and volunteers at Fellowship Community are to be commended for their caring attitude and cooperative spirit. We thank the Lord for providing us with an excellent staff.

      In conclusion of this report, the Board of Directors demonstrate their praise and gratitude to our gracious, merciful, and saving God. His faithfulness has never failed. His presence and companionship are a constant consolation.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors of the BFC Homes, Inc. to Annual Conference for adoption:

Whereas, Fellowship Community offers a central location for the offices of the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, Fellowship Community offers an opportunity for cost-effective consolidation of space, human resources and benefit administration, and

Whereas, Fellowship Community offers many advantages for the enhancement of Bible Fellowship Church, and its agencies, Boards and Committees, therefore be it

Resolved, that a feasibility study be made by Bible Fellowship Church as to the effectiveness of consolidation of offices and personnel at Fellowship Community, and further

Resolved, that the committee be composed of one pastor and one layperson from the following Agencies and Committees: Director of BFC Board of Homes, Inc., Board of Missions, Board of Church Extension, Board of Directors of BFC, and from the Strategic Planning Committee, and further

Resolved, that the Study Committee report with recommendations at the next Annual Conference.

Board of Directors BFC Homes, Inc.; Robert H. Zentz, President; LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Dean A. Stortz, Vice Chairman; William H. Bartron, Secretary; John W. Trauch, Treasurer; David W. Cole, Robert Erland, Glenn D. Ruoss, Roger L. Reitz, Henry U. Sandt, Jr., Robert W. Smock, Dennis W. Spinney, Doris A. Wire

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