1999 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Board of Christian Education

      The Board of Christian Education met quarterly to give oversight to the Christian Education Ministries of the BFC. This has been a significant year of growth and development in our ministries. We are grateful for the support of our churches, pastors, and laymen in a variety of ways that allows the CE ministries to flourish. Health-related concerns impacted on several of our members. Filomena Reed has resigned from the committee due to family health needs. Karen Stull has been limited in involvement because of her own health needs. Our prayers are with both families.

      Much of our work is done by sub-committees:

Audio-visual Committee: Several new titles have been added to the video library during this past

year. These include:

      Dust to Glory; a panorama of the Scriptures featuring R.C. Sproul

      Moody Science Videos; a variety of topics for children and young people

      Ten Great Dates; a complete program from David Arp to strengthen marriages

      Purpose Driven Youth Ministry; challenging teaching from Saddleback Church

      A new catalog with a listing of all videos as well as a topical index will be available at Annual Conference.

CE Training Sub-committee:

Walk Thru the Bible Seminars

      Twelve seminars were presented in BF Churches or Christian schools associated with a BFC in 1998. Adult Walks and Kids In the Book seminars for both Old and New Testaments were taught to a total of 872 children, teens, and adults. Information about scheduling a Walk Thru Seminar at your home church will be available at the Walk Thru display at Annual Conference.

Bible Fellowship Curriculum

      Teaching materials on BFC doctrine are being prepared for use in the local church. The process was delayed somewhat this past year, but all churches will be notified when the work is completed.

Teaching Resources

      After review of helpful teaching materials, the committee has decided to provide each pastor with a copy of the resource guide, “Almost Any Answer for Practically Any Teacher” from Bruce Wilkinson for use in the local church.

Pastor Elder Deacon Retreat:

      The 1998 Retreat on November 6-7 at Pinebrook featured Rev. Carl Spackman’s ministry related to parenting. There were 123 in attendance from more than 25 BF Churches. The 1999 Retreat is

scheduled for November 5-6, 1999.


      The purpose of the Youth Committee once again this year was to bring glory and honor to God as it ministered to the adult youth leaders, teens, and young adults of the BFC. It did this by:

      1. Promoting unity in youth and young adult ministry within the BFC

      2. Providing training and resources for the local youth and young adult ministries of the BFC

      3. Being a catalyst for networking of local youth ministries and local young adult ministries of the BFC.

      Events that we oversaw and organized included a Youth Leader Seminar on April 25. We had 8 churches participate in this event with 51 teens and adults attending. Tracks for both adults and teens were well-received. Adults looked at learning styles of students and teens looked at the life of Nehemiah, a Godly example of leadership. The annual Track meet organized and staffed by the Lebanon BFC saw 6 churches with a total of 76 leaders and teens participating. The weather was excellent, the opportunity to hear God’s Word was precious, and the fellowship between churches was sweet!

      We would like to express our thanks to those at the Lebanon BFC who graciously volunteered their day to make this event happen along with Betty Herb, organizer of the event.

      At the Thanksgiving Rally this year, November 27, 341 teens and adults gathered to enjoy each other’s company as we played volleyball, football, hockey, basketball on Victory Valley’s grounds, roller- skated at Rt. 100 Roller Skating Rink, or played Skirmish (paint ball) at a local facility. The Word of God was opened by Todd Henley.

      During all three weekends of Sno-Glo 1999, teens were challenged to “trust in the Lord with all their hearts and lean not on their own understanding. In all their ways acknowledge Him, and He will make their paths straight” by Mike Herb. Yes, there was some snow (or ice) two of three weekends as 900+ teens and leaders from some 35+ BFC churches attended. Several teens made commitments to the Lord! Praise Him!

      Here are some important dates to keep in mind for Youth events for 1999:

      Track Meet                                   June 5

Young Adult retreatJuly 23-25

Denominational Missions TripAugust 20-22

Thanksgiving RallyNovember 26

      Sno-Glo 2000                               January 7-9,January 14-16, January 21-23

      We have also been continuing to pray and plan for better organizing Youth and Young Adult ministry in the BFC. Please continue to pray for us as we seek God’s Will in these areas.

      The Board of Christian Education recommends the following:

Whereas, teenagers and young adults face challenges unique to their life circumstances, and

Whereas, the Board of Christian Education has a respon-sibility to every age group in the BFC, and

Whereas, the current structure of the Board of Christian Education does not adequately address the spiritual needs of teenagers and young adults, and

Whereas, the spiritual needs of teenagers and adults would be better served through a board dedicated to this purpose, therefore be it

Resolved, that we present the following recommendation for inclusion in the Faith and Order for first reading at the 116th Annual Conference.



The purpose of the Board of Youth and Young Adults of the BFC is to bring glory and honor to God as it ministers to the adult youth leaders, teens, and young adults of the Bible Fellowship Church (BFC). It will be done by:

      1.   Promoting unity in youth and young adult ministry within the BFC

      2.   Providing training and resources for the local youth and young adult ministries of the BFC

      3.   Being a catalyst for networking of local youth and young adult ministries of the BFC.

Duties of the Board

      1.   It shall provide guidance to the local church in developing a ministry to youth and young adults.

      2.   It shall oversee denominational youth and young adult activities.

      3.   It shall provide training and resources for the local church by equipping it for youth and young adult ministries.

      4.   It shall receive funds designated by Annual Conference and disburse them for the needs of its work.

      5.   It shall provide networking between the local youth and young adult ministries of the BFC.

      6.   It shall submit a written report to Annual Conference of the BFC.


      1.   The Board will be composed of three ordained ministers and six laypersons.

      2.   They will be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class Ione ordained minister, two laypersons

Class IIone ordained minister, two laypersons

Class IIIone ordained minister, two laypersons

Board of Christian Education: Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman; J. Mark McCreary, Secretary; Robert S. Commerford, Vice Chairman; Annette E. Kuhns, Treasurer; Bruce A. Kellerman, Karen R. Stull, James Harris, Dennis J. Lawrence, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Filomena Reed, Ralph E. Ritter, David N. Schoen

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