1999 Report of Inter-Cultural Ministries

Report of the

Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee

      The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee met ten times and worked this past year toward the completion of the Biblical Principles For Living. The work is not yet complete. This year we would like to present the following Biblical Principles For Living for first reading: Spirit World and Holiness. These BPLs have been edited, reviewed, approved by the Committee, and are presented to the Annual Conference for approval and inclusion in the Faith & Order, Appendix, “Biblical Principles For Living.”

      Annual Conference directed the Committee to review the “Standards Of Worship & Life” in order to determine whether they contain wording and statements which are not culturally transferable. The Committee reviewed the “Standards of Worship & Life” in comparison to the “Biblical Principles For Living”. What we discovered is threefold. First, that there are valuable statements in the “Standards Of Worship & Life” which should be retained. Second, that the “Standards Of Worship & Life” do not cover a number of issues regarding the Christian’s relationship to God, Christ, the Church, and Society. Thirdly, we discovered a number of words and statements which are not culturally transferable. We also discovered that those coming into the church from a post-Christian society could have difficulty with some of the terminology in the “Standards”.

      The Committee believes the “Biblical Principles For Living” cover more issues, than the “Standards”, which are relevant to Christians and their relationships as children of God. Also, the “Biblical Principles For Living” are more understandable to all people who come into the BFC. The “Biblical Principles For Living” are principles explicitly substantiated by the Bible. The Committee recorded the following observations with regard to our study of the “Standards Of Worship & Life” as compared to “The Biblical Principles For Living”:


      Of Worship & Life”          Comments

      Article #101                      Covered in BPL – Worship

      Article #102                      Covered in BPL – Family

      Article #103                      Covered in BPL – Worship and in several Annual Conference Study Papers.

      Articles #104,105,106       Covered in BPL – Stewardship, Marriage And Singleness.

      Article #107                      The Article is taken up in form 703-3 and could be augmented with Biblical references.

      Article #108                      This Article is being considered by a Study Committee at this time.

      Article #109                      Covered in BPL – Holiness and Christian Liberty And Servanthood.

      Article #110                      Information in this article should be retained and further developed.

      Article #111                      Covered in BPL – Christian Liberty And Servanthood.

      Article #112                      Information in this Article should be retained and further developed.

      Article #113                      Information in this Article should be retained.

      Article #114                      Information in this Article should be retained.

      The Committee would be willing to work on the Articles which need further development, i.e. the statement on narcotic substances which needs to be more comprehensive.

      “The Biblical Principles For Living” give explicit Biblical substantiation and are broader statements of the subjects in the “Standards of Worship & Life”. They contain all the information in the “Standards Of Worship & Life”, with the exception of the Articles on Harmful Indulgences, Secret Oath-Bound Societies, Abortion, and Homosexuality, which should be retained. “The Biblical Principles For Living” are also, in most cases, more full statements on the topics in the “Standards of Worship & Life” and cover topics not included in the “Standards”. “The Biblical Principles For Living” also state things in language which is more clear to this generation and transferable across cultures.

      The Committee also suggests an order to list the “Biblical Principles For Living”. The following order for listing “The Biblical Principles For Living” is suggested:

      “Biblical Principles For Living”


             Relating To God-The Christian Before God

                          #1 Worship

                          #2 Spirit World

             Relating To Personal Qualities-The Christian In Christ

                          #3 Holiness

                          #4 Justice

                          #5 Mercy

                          #6 Humility

Relating To Personal Relationships-The Christian In Personal Relationships

                          #7 Humanity In God’s Image

                          #8 Marriage & Singleness

                          #9 Family

                          #10 Divorce

(being considered in the Study-Committee considering Divorce)

                          #11 Shared Life

             Relating To Personal Activities-The Christian In Society

                          #12 Stewardship

                          #13 Work & Rest

                          #14 Civil Government

                          #15 Christian Liberty & Servanthood

             Declarations On Particular Issues

                          Harmful Indulgences

                          Secret Oath Organization



      These findings should motivate the members of Annual Conference to read and study both the “Standards Of Worship & Life” and the “Biblical Principles For Living” and see if there is agreement with the Committee’s findings. In this next year the Committee plans on contacting the churches regarding their opinions as to where these “Biblical Principles For Living” should be placed in the Faith & Order. This communication will better assist the Committee in preparing a proposal for placement of the “Biblical Principles For Living” by next Annual Conference.

Joint Committee On Ethnic Church Planting

      The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee Report has been the place where the Joint Committee On Ethnic Church Planting has been reporting and does so again this year. In this past year the Joint Committee has again been working with different groups in order to pursue the possibilities of ethnic church planting in the BFC. The Joint Committee was able to turn over its work on establishing an Hispanic church in South Allentown to the Board Of Church Extension. Brother Elliot Ramos completed his testing with the Candidate Committee and was approved by the Board Of Church Extension to be the organizing pastor of the congregation in South Allentown. The Board of Church Extension also approved the work in South Allentown as a mission of the Board. The work is continuing under the supervision of the Board Of Church Extension and a surrogate board of elders. The Joint Committee is presently looking into other target areas of the BFC, in order to see if the South Allentown model can be duplicated in an Hispanic community where a cluster of other BFC churches exist. The cooperation and support of the Lehigh Valley Churches in the South Allentown project was exciting and pivotal to the mission in South Allentown being established. [Note: The “Articles Of Faith” have been produced in Spanish and if you have any Spanish people in your church, these would be helpful for them.]

      The Joint Committee continues its relationship with Wayne Pauley and his work among the Chinese in Brooklyn. We meet with Brother Pauley regularly and have appreciated the Edison Church and its involvement with the Chinese flock. We continue to assist this work and pray that the Lord will lead it into the Bible Fellowship Church.

      Recently the Joint Committee had some contacts with two Nigerian men and will pursue getting to know these brothers. Also, we remain concerned for the Mexican community alongside our Staten Island Church, the Portuguese community in the Newark, New Jersey area, and the Asian Indian communities in the Edison, N.J. area.


      Again, for those members of Annual Conference who may not be aware of the work of this committee over the years, a history of the Committee’s work was prepared and titled, His Glory And Deeds Among All Peoples. This historical sketch is available by contacting David E. Gundrum, Secretary of the Committee. There will also be copies available at this year’s Annual Conference.

      The Committee still needs to complete its work on the “Biblical Principles For Living” and formulate a presentation to the 117th Annual Conference for the inclusion of the “Biblical Principles For Living” in the Faith & Order. The Committee seeks your prayers and input regarding this work. We also ask you to pray for the Joint Ethnic Committee as it seeks to reach the various people groups in the target areas of the BFC.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee recommends:

1.   Whereas, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and

Whereas, the Committee believes that God has provided the people and opportunities and desires His church to reach the alien in the land and plant churches, therefore be it

Resolved, that each Pastor and Delegate to Annual Conference, if they have not already established a line item in their budgets for ethnic church planting, work with their church to budget monies for ethnic church planting.

2.   Whereas, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee has reviewed, edited and approved certain Biblical Principles For Living, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 116th Annual Conference approve for first reading and inclusion in the Appendix, “Biblical Principles For Living”, of the Faith & Order, the following “Biblical Principles For Living”: Spirit World and Holiness.

3.   Whereas, we believe the “Biblical Principles For Living” are God’s intended principles by which we should live, and

Whereas, we believe the “Biblical Principles For Living” should be urgently and diligently taught to our congregations,

Resolved, each Pastor and Delegate seek ways to implement the teaching of the “Biblical Principles For Living” to their congregation and further,

Resolved, that as “Biblical Principles For Living” are studied and taught, any discovery of problem areas, suggestions and additions, or clarifications of text, should be communicated to this Committee for consideration prior to Second Reading. These communications should be addressed to David E. Gundrum, Secretary Of The Committee and further,

Resolved, that we encourage lesson plans be developed and submitted to David E. Gundrum for ideas in the development of teacher guides for teens and adults.

4.   Whereas, we believe the “Biblical Principles For Living” will be completed in this next year, and

Whereas, the Committee values the opinions of the churches regarding where the “Principles” should be placed in the Faith & Order, therefore be it

Resolved, that the churches contact the Secretary of the Committee, David E. Gundrum, and offer their opinions regarding where the “Principles” should be placed in the Faith & Order.

5.   Whereas, the work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee is not yet complete,

Resolved, that the 116th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work.

Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee: Roy A. Hertzog, Chairman; David E. Gundrum, Secretary; Delbert R. Baker, II; Carl C. Cassel; G. Wayne Clapier; Daniel G. Ziegler.

Spirit World

      God is spirit 1 and has created everything, including material and non-material reality.2 The non-material includes a great number 3 of spirit beings. Among these are angels who are without flesh 4 and are invisible except when supernaturally revealed.5 Angels surround God’s throne to worship and serve Him.6 They are powerful 7 and are sent as God pleases 8 to provide and care for,9 to protect and deliver,10 to instruct and guide,11 to discipline and punish.12 They long to understand the grace of salvation and rejoice over each sinner who repents.13 God also created human beings who are spirit 14 and flesh to worship and serve Him as God alone.15

      An angel, later known as the devil or Satan rebelled against God.16 Within limits allowed by the sovereign God,17 Satan leads a powerful world system of wickedness which is hostile toward God and His purposes.18 Satan may inflict pain, suffering, emotional problems and may cause death.19 He can control people to oppose the work of God, blind their minds to prevent their understanding the Gospel, and oppress the servants of God.20 Anyone not led by the Holy Spirit is open to the possibility of Satan’s influence.21 He seeks to influence nations and governments.22 Satan is a masterful deceiver appearing at times as an angel of light and called the father of lies.23 False prophets, religions, and cults are instruments of deception.24 Those blinded and deceived by Satan live a life-style that is opposed to God.25

      Other angels followed Satan in his rebellion against God. These fallen angels, evil spirits or demons, serve Satan, the god of this evil world system.26 Satan and evil spirits can possess people and animals.27 God has enabled believers to cast out demons by His Spirit.28 God may continue to give this enablement, however, this is not in itself reason for boasting and not necessarily an evidence of an individual’s relationship with Christ.29

      Believers are commanded to stand against the evil spirit world 30 and are warned against such detestable things as divination, witchcraft, sorcery, interpreting of omens, casting of spells, and consulting the dead. These things could be devices that Satan uses to lure people toward destruction. People who practice these things are under the condemnation of God.31 Because of Satan’s power, victory is possible only through our Lord Jesus Christ.32 Through the Cross of Christ, God has provided victory over this world system for those born of God.33 In prayerful dependence upon God, they are protected from and victorious over the powers of darkness as they use all the armor God provides, submissively draw near to Him, and resist the devil.34

      The sovereign God is in control of the entire social, political, and spiritual realm.35 God will cast Satan and all his followers into the lake of fire which has been prepared for them where they will remain forever.36 The kingdom of this world will one day become the kingdom of our Lord and He will reign forever and ever.37

1 John 4:24

2 Neh. 9:6; Psa. 148:2-6; Col. 1:16

3 Dan. 7:9-10; Rev. 5:11

4 Luke 24:39; Eph. 6:12; Heb. 1:14

5 Gen. 28:12; Luke 2:8-13; Mat. 28:1-6

6 Psa. 89:5-7; Isa 6:1-8; Rev. 7:11-12

7 2 Chr. 32:21; Acts 12:5-11; 2 Pe. 2:11

8 Psa. 103:20-21

9 Gen 24:7, 40; 1 Kgs. 19:5-8; Gen 21:17-19; Luke 22:43

10 Exo. 23:20; Psa 91:11-13; Dan. 6:22; Num. 20:15,16; Psa 34:7;

         Acts 5:19-20

11 Luke 1: 26-37; Acts 27:23-26; Rev. 1:1; Matt. 2:13; Acts 8:26;


12 Luke 1:18-20; 2 Sam. 24:16-17; Acts 12:23

13 1Pe. 1:10-12; Luke 15:10

14 Rom. 8:16; 1Thes 5:23

15 Exo. 20:3-5; John 4:23-24

16 Eze. 28:13-16; Rev. 12:9

17 Job 1:10-12; Psa. 103:19; Pro. 21:1; Col.2:9-10

18 Eph. 6:11-12; 1Jo 2:15-17; 5:19

19 Job 1:8-20; Luke 13:10-16; Jn 8:44

20 Mat. 16.23; Luke 22:3-4; 2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Tim 2:25-26

21 Mat. 12:43-45; Acts 5:3; Eph. 4:27

22 Acts 4:25-26; Rev. 20:3

23 2 Cor. 11:13-15; John 8:44

24 Acts 13:6-11; 2Thes. 2:9-10

25 John 8:37-38, 41; Eph. 2:1-3

26 Mat. 25:41; Eph. 6:11-12; Rev. 12:9

27 Mat. 8:28-32; Mark 5:2, 6-13

28 Mark 3:14-15; Acts 8:6-7; 16:18

29 Mat. 7:22-23; Mark 9:38-40; Luke 10:20

30 Eph. 6:10-14; James. 4:7; 1Pe. 5:8-10

31 Exo. 20:4, 5; Lev. 19:26; Deu. 18:10-14, 20; Isa. 8:19,20

32 Rom 8:37-39; 2 Thes. 3:3; 1 Pet. 1:3-7

33 1 Cor. 15:57-58; Col. 2:13-15; 1Jo. 5:4-6

34 Eph. 6:13-18; James 4:7-8; Rev 12:10-11

35 Job 1:1 – 2:13; Psa. 2:1-12

36 Mat 25:41, 46; Rev 20:10, 14-15

37 Dan. 7:13-14; Zec. 14:9; Rev 11:15


      God is holy.1 He is separate from and superior to all creation.2 He is absolutely pure and good.3 He cannot sin and hates sin.4 Because He is holy, He calls people to holiness.5

      Holiness involves a setting apart, a dedicating or devoting, of someone or something for a special purpose.6 Believers are set apart for God and called saints, or holy ones.7 The Bible reveals the holiness of God and declares His standard for a holy life.8 God’s law teaches all people are sinners and His Spirit convicts of sins.9 All those who belong to God are, through the work of Christ, declared holy and are responsible to live holy lives.10 God’s purpose is that every believer through the experiences of this life be changed into the likeness of His Son.11

      Sanctification, or practical holiness, is progressively realized by the power of the Holy Spirit.12 For Christians, there is to be a separation from all forms of evil, and a full surrender to the Lord.13 Believers are not to continue any longer in the sinful ways of the world but should rather seek to have all thoughts and actions conformed to the revealed will of God.14 Sin’s control and its continued practice must cease.15

      The church is also called to holiness.16 Believers are to encourage one another to live righteously,17 warn against the dangers of all sin,18 confess and repent of all individual and corporate sin,19 and submit to discipline as taught by the Lord.20 Christian leaders have a particular responsibility to set proper examples.21

1 Exo.15:11; Psa.99:9; Isa.6:3

2 Psa. 89:5-8; Isa.57:15; Rev.15:4

3 Psa.33:5; Hab.1:13; James.1:13

4 Ex.34:6-7; Psa. 5:4-6; 1Jo.1:5

5 Lev.10:3; 19:2; 1Pe.1:15

6 Ex.20:8; Deut.7:6; 1Pe.2:9-10

7 1Cor.1:2; Rom.1:7; Heb.12:14

8 Exo.20:1-17; Mat.22:37-40; James.2:10

9 Rom.3:19-20; Jn.16:7-14; 1Tim.1:8-11

10 Rom.3:23-26; Rom.8:1-17; Heb.10:10

11 Rom.8:28-29; Phil.1:6; 2Pe. 1:3-4

12 Rom.8:26-30; 2Cor.3:18; 2Thes.2:13

13 2Cor.6:14-7:1; Eph.4:17-5:14

14 Rom.12:1-2; Col.3:9-10; 1Pe.1:13-16

15 Rom.6:1-14; Tit.2:11-14; 1Pe.2:11-12; 1Jo.2:13

16 1Cor.3:16-17; Eph.5:25-27

17 Gal.6:1-2; Heb.10:23-25

18 1Thes.5:14; James.5:19-20

19 Pro.18:13; 1Cor.5:1-2; 2Cor.2:5-8; 1Jo.1:9; Rev.3:19

20 Mt.18:15-17

21 Phil.3:17; Heb.13:7; 1Pe.5:1-3

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