1999 Report of Ministerial Relations Commitee

Report of the

Ministerial Relations Committee

             In the year ending December 31, 1998, resignations from pastorates were as follows:

   Church                      Pastor                         Effective Date

   Howell, NJ                 Harold C. Weaber       January 1, 1998

   Oley, PA                    Kenneth F. Barber       February 1, 1998

   Pleasant Valley, NY  David N. Heineman     October 18, 1998

           Also during 1998 resignations were received from John C. Studenroth at Kutztown, PA, to become effective on or before December 31, 1999, and from Dennis J. Lawrence at Camden, DE, to become effective on January 31, 1999.

           The following pastorates were established under our rules:

     Chesapeake, VA          Willis I. Dowling            September 24, 1998          Mission

     South Allentown, PA  Elliot H. Ramos              September 24, 1998  Mission

         At the close of the year, the Spring City, Howell, Oley, and Pleasant Valley congregations were seeking a pastor. Dennis J. Lawrence was anticipating a call to Quakertown, which will require Camden, DE to also begin a pastoral search. Join us in prayer that the Lord will provide the undershepherds of His choosing for these congregations.


         The committee makes the following recommendations to the 116th Annual Conference:

Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including benefits, be $25,000 for 2000.

Resolved, that the recommended revisions to Article 409 – “Pulpit Supply Procedure” be adopted at first reading. [see below]

Faith & Order Legislation

409-3 The formation and dissolution of the pastoral relationship is ordinarily without controversy. Accordingly, the Ministerial Relations Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the Annual Conference to approve formation and dissolution of the pastoral relationship except by petition of the pastor or decision of Annual Conference without petition. Rules governing the normal process are in § 409-3.1 through §409-3.4. The process by which Annual Conference dissolves the pastoral relationship in respect to disciplinary matters is found at §409-3.5.

409-3.1 An Uncontested Resignation. If a minister desires to resign from his pastorate the procedure is as follows:

      1.     Pastor submits his resignation to the church by sending a letter to the secretary of the Board of Elders. He shall at the same time submit a copy of the letter to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee.

      2.     Board of Elders acts on the resignation by approving the following:

Resolved, we recommend the congregation accept (or reject) the resignation of Pastor (name of pastor). If acceptance is recommended the proposed effective date is added to the resolution.

Special provisions (terms for remaining in the parsonage beyond effective date of resignation, extension of health care benefits, severance pay, etc.), if any, shall be specified by additional resolutions.

Ordinarily a resolution to accept a resignation is preceded by a whereas, or series of whereas clauses, which indicate the reason, or reasons, for the recommendation of the Board of Elders. Resolution(s) expressing appreciation for the ministry of the pastor may be included in the resolution(s) which recommend action on the resignation. The action of the Board of Elders shall be communicated to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee by the secretary of the Board of Elders, or delegate, on the day the action is taken. The secretary of Ministerial Relations Committee shall be contacted if the chairman cannot be reached.

      3.     If the Board of Elders has passed a resolution recom-mending that the resignation of the pastor be accepted by the congregation, and, if after conferring with the delegate and the pastor no issues of sufficient weight to delay the process are presented, the MRC shall act on the following:

Resolved, that approval be given for the congregation of church to act on the following: (whereas clauses and resolutions of church inserted). The Ministerial Relations Committee shall act on the proposal of the Board of Elders within forty- eight hours and the chairman shall communicate the decision of the Ministerial Relations Committee to the secretary of the Board of Elders of the petitioning church as soon as the Committee vote is final.

      4.     When the congregation approves the resignation of a pastor this information shall be communicated to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee within twenty-four hours.

409-3.2 A Contested Resignation

      1.     If the congregation approves a resolution from the Board of Elders recommending the resignation of the pastor be rejected, or if the congregation fails to pass a resolution from the Board of Elders recommending the resignation of the pastor be accepted the congregation must at the same time approve “whereas” clauses which explain the reason for its action. Rules for communicating the results of the decision to reject the resignation of the pastor to the Ministerial Relations Committee are the same as those for communicating a decision to accept the resignation of the pastor.

      2.     If a congregation takes action which either defeats a resolution to approve a resignation, or passes a resolution denying approval of the resignation of the pastor the Ministerial Relations Committee shall, after weighing the reasons given for denying the resignation, either conclude the reasons given for denying the resignation are insufficient and approve the resignation with an effective date, or appeal the matter to the Chairman of Annual Conference with recommendation.

409-3.3 Churches Desiring Dissolution of the Pastorate. If a church desires a dissolution of the pastoral relation the procedure is as follows:

      If the issues leading to a desire by the church to dissolve the pastorate involve charges against the pastor the process described in 409-3.5 is followed.

      If the issues leading to a desire by the church to dissolve the pastorate do not involve charges against the pastor the process is as follows:

      When, by resolution, a Board of Elders concludes there are issues which threaten continuation of the pastorate it shall, in consultation with the Pastoral Relations Committee, provide in writing to the pastor, a list of issues of concern and proposed solutions. This communication shall include a statement indicating that failure to resolve these issues could lead to a desire to dissolve the pastoral relationship. This constitutes formal notice that the continuance of the pastorate is in question. Although formal notice is a serious step, it is not necessarily a public step.

      Accordingly, when formal notice is given to a pastor, representatives of the Ministerial Relations Committee shall meet with both parties to offer counsel and advice, upon the written request of either party.

      When a Board of Elders issues formal notice, the Pastor Relations Committee shall meet with the pastor no less than quarterly in an effort to resolve outstanding issues and it shall provide the pastor with a written progress report at least semi-annually, in respect to all issues of concern.

      If, after making every effort to resolve issues that threaten the pastorate, the Board of Elders reaches the conclusion it can no longer support sustaining the pastoral relationship it shall pass whereas clauses and resolutions which indicate its desire to end the pastoral relationship and the reasons it has reached this conclusion. Copies of these resolutions shall be provided to the pastor and the Ministerial Relations Committee within forty-eight hours. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall, at the same time, be supplied with copies of the formal notice, and all follow-up written communication to the pastor by the Board of Elders or the Pastoral Relations Committee.

      Upon receipt of a formal request by a Board of Elders to terminate a pastorate the Ministerial Relations Committee shall meet with the Board of Elders and the Pastor to discuss the situation.

      Following the meeting with the Board of Elders and the Pastor, the Ministerial Relations Committee shall either (a) approve the request of the Board of Elders to submit a resolution calling for dissolution of the pastorate to the congregation, or, (b) deny the request of the Board of Elders to proceed toward dissolution of the pastorate. Denial of a request to proceed toward dissolving the pastorate shall be accompanied by reasons for the decision, recommendations regarding how to restore the health of the pastorate, and assignment of a member, or members, of the Ministerial Relations Committee to work with the church and the pastor as they seek to restore the relationship.

      The pastor may appeal the decision of the Ministerial Relations Committee to allow a resolution to dissolve the pastorate to be submitted to the congregation by sending, within one week, a certified letter signifying his appeal to the Chairman of Annual Conference.

      The Board of Elders may appeal the decision of the Ministerial Relations Committee to deny the request of the Board of Elders to proceed toward dissolution of the pastorate by sending, within one month, a certified letter signifying its appeal to the Chairman of Annual Conference.

      Should a decision of the Ministerial Relations Committee to permit the Board of Elders to proceed toward dissolution of the pastorate not be appealed to the annual conference within one week the Board of Elders shall schedule and announce a Congregational Meeting to deal with the resolution:

Resolved, that the pastoral relationship between (Church) and (Pastor) be dissolved effective (date).

All terms of the dissolution of the pastorate, including date, special provisions (terms for remaining in the parsonage beyond effective date of resignation, extension of health care benefits, severance pay, etc.) shall be specified by additional resolutions. All terms of separation must be approved by the Ministerial Relations Committee before they are presented to the congregation. The chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee, or his designee will chair the congregational meeting called to act on dissolution of the pastoral relationship if the Ministerial Relations Committee determines this is in the best interest of the Annual Conference, or if requested to do so by the Board of Elders or the Pastor.

      The Ministerial Relations Committee shall approve dissolution of the pastorate upon approval of the resolution to dissolve the pastorate by a majority of those members present and voting at the meeting. If the congregation votes to continue the pastorate with a large minority in dissent the Ministerial Relations Committee may affirm that decision, or conclude that the situation is beyond repair and inform the church and the pastor that it intends to bring the matter to the Annual Conference with a recommendation that the pastorate be terminated.

      All decisions of the Ministerial Relations Committee which are appealable are addressed to the Chairman of Annual Conference, who shall have the authority to refer the matter to a committee he selects to make final judgment or, to the Annual Conference.

Ministerial Relations Committee: David J. Watkins, Chairman; Randall A. Grossman, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, Keith E. Plows, Calvin T. Reed, L. James Roberts, Jr., Harold L. Snyder, Jr.

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