1999 Report of Pinebrook

Report of the

Board of Directors of

Pinebrook Bible Conference

             Sixty-six years have passed since the inception of Pinebrook. In our mortal lives, this may seem like a lifetime; however, an attempt to grasp the eternal presence of our Lord and Savior brings a perspective that is hard to ignore. For, if we, as beneficiaries of the sovereign grace of our Lord and Savior, do not realize the responsibility and impact that our short tenure in this world renders, we cannot fully dedicate our lives to effective service to our Redeemer.

             This responsibility is paramount to Pinebrook’s ministry. The dedication of Pinebrook’s ministry team has proven to reveal the goal of making every day count for our Lord! We thank God for his daily blessings as we anticipate our reunion and celebration with Him.

             Pinebrook’s Board of Directors has reaffirmed its dedication to focused vision and sound ministry at Pinebrook by adding the new and vital position of “Director of Ministries”. We are excited about the potential of this position and pray that God will reveal to us His choice in the individual who will guide Pinebrook’s future programming, summer staffing, and permanent staff.

             The year of 1998 came and went with ministry for Christ as Pinebrook’s purpose. We praise the Lord for the letters of excitement from our guests expressing their joy in seeing hundreds of friends, family and students come to a closer walk with Christ; and hundreds more who, for the first time, claimed Christ as their Savior.

             After almost nine years as Director, Pastor Bert N. Brosius and his wife Joan entered retirement in 1998, but have remained in part-time service at Pinebrook. Pastor and Mrs. Brosius shall officially move from the grounds of Pinebrook on May 01, 1999 to a new house near their home-town of Sunbury, PA. Pinebrook would like to extend its appreciation for their dedication to the work here as well as to the BFC, where they have served for forty years.

             On December 10, 1998, Pinebrook’s Board of Directors ratified the appointment of Nathan B. Brosius as Pinebrook’s Director. Nate and his wife Marie have served at Pinebrook since 1987. They have two children, Nathan and Matthew.

             Many changes and exciting improvements continue to allow Pinebrook to serve as an effective agency of the BFC. Departmental and personnel adjustments, linked with the addition of a Publications department, effective on January 01, 1999, have brought Pinebrook’s ability to minister to a new and exciting level. We find it a privilege to be a ministry of and to the BFC, while serving the greater Christian Community of believers.

             Pinebrook entered into a lease agreement with Stroud Township. The land, located on the east side of Route 191, shall be leased to the Township for a ten year period. The Township will be developing this property as a “Passive Recreation” park. This property has been classified as 100 and 500 year flood-plain lands. We are pleased by the fact that it shall be made available to Pinebrook’s guests in the same manner as to the community. This is an exciting advantage to Pinebrook as this normally unusable land will be beautified and maintained while benefitting our guests.

             We praise the Lord for the support by the BFC congregations and other friends of Pinebrook as we pursued and continue to pursue the purchase of the adjacent 36+ acre property of Dr. James Taylor. Legal complications and bankruptcy issues have drawn out the process. We continue to seek the Lord’s guidance and blessing as we press on toward this important goal.

             God is blessing Pinebrook’s ministry and therefore, has allowed us to continue the improvements of our programming as well as our facilities.

             It is an awesome responsibility to realize that, in the omnipotent plan of our Lord and Savior, each day renders eternal effects on the life of each person who comes in contact with Pinebrook. It is our prayer that, as a representative of the BFC and, greater yet, Our Heavenly Father, that Pinebrook will continue to show forth the glory, love, and saving grace of Jesus Christ. May each of us dedicate ourselves fully to focused service for our Savior as we serve Him during our short tenure here on earth.

Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference: Nathan B. Brosius, Director; Alva C. Cassel, President and Chairman; Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Vice President and Vice Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; John F. Moran, Treasurer; Carl Ackerman, Lee E. Boyles, Kermit K. Gehman, LeRoy O. Herb, Robert F. Johnson, Calvin T. Reed, Gerald L. Schlonecker, John M. Stengele, James A. Wickstead.

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