1999 Report of Publication and Printing

Report of the

Board of Publication & Printing

      Have you had your “checkup” yet? We don’t always like to hear those words do we? Yet a checkup on the things that make our family vehicle run smoothly is definitely to our advantage. A spring checkup of our property is important. When our children were still living with us I wished I could take some kind of parenting test each year to check-up on how I was doing in that important role. A notice from the physician’s office that we need to schedule an examination doesn’t usually come high on our list of favorite things to do. We do it though because it is a wise thing to do.

      Having a “checkup” usually implies accountability to someone else. A life lived without conscious accountability to another person can be a very reckless way to live. In fact, it can be dangerous. We who make up the church of Jesus Christ, specially the BFC in our particular situation, need to be accountable to each other. We do that each year at Annual Conference. But we do it regularly through various conference boards and committees as well. Paul advised Timothy, Keep that which is committed to your trust (1 Timothy 6:20). Each believer has a trust to keep. Church leaders have a trust to keep.

      The Board of Publication and Printing takes seriously the trust first committed to us by God. But we also take soberly the guardianship given us by each of you who are part of the BFC. We want to hear from you. If there is something we need to be doing better we need to know that. If we need to take an initiative you see that you think we’re not seeing, tell us. Specific suggestions for Fellowship News should be conveyed to our editor. Ideas for our Website should be conveyed to our Webservant. Ideas for other publications should be directed to any member of the board.

      To assist you in this quest, here are some important addresses:

      Fellowship News: Articles and questions about editorial policy should go to: Carol Z. Snyder, 2660 Allentown Road, Quakertown, PA 18951; 215-536-0768; CEBFC@Enter.net

      Checks and questions related to billing of accounts should go to the Business Manager – Paul T. Rutman, Apt. 607, 824 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011; 717-731-1490.

      Orders for anything published by the Board should be sent to: Daniel P. Allen, PO Box 299, Ephrata, PA 17522; 717-733-2526; EBFC@ptd.net.

      Fred C. Motney is heading up the web page. He can be reached at (302)454-USMC. FCMotney@juno.com.

      The Board of Publication and Printing recommends the adoption of the following:

Resolved, that the Proposed Budget of the Board of Publication and Printing for conference year January 1 to December 31, 2000 be approved as presented (see attached).

Resolved, that a contribution of $325.00 for the conference year 1999 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each agency to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager by December 31, 1999.

Resolved, that $1.75 per member of the BFC for 1999 be forwarded to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager at the 116th Annual Conference.

Resolved, that the cost of the 1999 Yearbook be $7.50 per copy.

Resolved, that the appointment of Carol Z. Snyder be ratified as Editor of Fellowship News for a term of three years.

Board of Publication & Printing: William H. Bartron, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Carol Z. Snyder, Fellowship News Editor; Paul T. Rutman, Business Manager; Byron G. Barnshaw, Clyde W. Snyder, Jonathan P. Tait

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