1999 Report of Strategic Planning

Report of the

Strategic Planning Committee

      In the past year the Strategic Planning Committee did significant planning in the following three areas: (1) The development of legislation regarding regionalization; (2) The development of legislation regarding proposed changes in the leadership structure of the BFC including the Board of Directors; (3) Preparation for the April 2000 gathering at BFC2000.

      The proposed legislation regarding regionalization provides a framework for the development of stronger denominational ministry based on the shared efforts of local churches in fairly close proximity to one another. Much of this regionalized ministry is already taking place. The proposed legislation will expand these efforts. During the past year many of our pastors met regularly to participate in prayer and ministry preparation with other pastors in their particular region.

      The proposed changes in leadership structure including those affecting the responsibility of the Board of Directors would have tremendous impact on the BFC. Responsibility for leadership would be cared for by regional representatives, denominational agency and board representatives, as well as the Chairman of Annual Conference.

      Plans are well underway for BFC2000, the denomination-wide gathering scheduled for the Spring of 2000. Estimated participation from the 60 churches as suggested by our pastors totals over 3,250 people. The event will be held at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem. It is the only place large enough in the Lehigh Valley to house the crowd. The service will begin at 4:00 PM with a musical prelude of worship and praise beginning at 3:30 PM. Interspersed between our guest speakers and musicians will be video-presentations from our agencies, times of small group and corporate prayer, and a combined choir, plus worship teams leading the congregation in worship. The conclusion of the event will be the Lord’s Supper and a challenge to go forth to serve. Final arrangements are underway and promotional materials are available for communicating information about this event to each congregation.

      The One Hundred and Fifteenth Annual Conference charged the Strategic Planning Committee to “develop legislation necessary for the implementation of the following: (a) Formation of Regions; (b) Additional duties for Chairman of Annual Conference; (c) Additional duties for Board of Directors of the BFC; (d) Any other related issues.”

      The Strategic Planning Committee recommends the following:

1.   Regionalization:

Resolved, that the following legislation on regionalization be adopted at first reading:


600-1.1 Purpose

The purpose of regionalization is to strengthen denominational impact by developing stronger ties between sister churches within reasonable geographic proximity to one another. Regionalization will provide corporate ministry opportunities, accountability, increased communication, fellowship, and training for ministers and lay leaders in the BFC. Regions shall be responsible to the Annual Conference. They shall give oversight to ministry within their region in accord with the Faith & Order of the BFC.

600-1.2 Composition

Regions of the BFC shall be made up of no less than five churches in reasonable geographic proximity to one another. Regions shall be approved by the Annual Conference and listed in the Addendum to the Faith & Order.

             (Initial list for inclusion in Addendum; not in the Faith & Order):

1. Berks County, PA

      Blandon, PA

      Fleetwood, PA

      Kutztown, PA

      Oley, PA

      Reading, PA

      Sinking Spring, PA

2. Bucks Mont, PA

      Graterford, PA

      Harleysville, PA

      Hatfield, PA

      Quakertown, PA

      Red Hill, PA

      Royersford, PA

      Spring City, PA

3. Capital PA

      Ephrata, PA

      Harrisburg, PA

      Lancaster, PA

      Lebanon, PA

      Paradise, PA

      Terre Hill, PA

      York, PA

4. Lehigh Valley, PA

      Allentown, – Cedar Crest

      Allentown, – Lighthouse

      Bethlehem, PA

      Coopersburg, PA

      Emmaus, PA

      Finesville, NJ

      Nazareth, PA

      Walnutport, PA

      Whitehall, PA

      Zionsville, PA

5. New Jersey/New York

      Aberdeen, NJ

      Atlantic County, NJ

      Denville, NJ

      Edison, NJ

      Howell, NJ

      Newark, NJ

      Staten Island, NY

      Toms River, NJ

6. New York/New England

      Beacon, NY

      Brooklyn, NY

      Holmes, NY

      Pleasant Valley, NY

      Poughquag, NY

      Thompson, CT

7. North East, PA

      Broadheadsville, PA

      Lehighton, PA

      Mt. Carmel, PA

      Pocono Mt, PA

      Scranton, PA

      Shamokin, PA

      Stroudsburg, PA

      Sunbury, PA

8. South East

      Camden, DE

      Chesapeake, VA

      Maple Glen, PA

      Newark, DE

      Wallingford, PA

      Wissinoming, PA

Changes in and additions to the composition of regions shall be made by the Annual Conference with the input of regional leadership.

600-1.3 A coordinator for each region shall be chosen by the ministers and delegates from among the ministers serving within a given region. He shall be responsible to call for and oversee meetings of ministers and delegates within the region, to insure adequate communication between churches within the region, and to coordinate corporate ministries between the churches.

600-1.4 A secretary shall be chosen by the ministers and delegates within a given region. He shall be responsible to maintain adequate communication between churches within the region and between the region and the Annual Conference as needed.

600-1.5 All ministers and Annual Conference delegates within a region shall comprise the regional leadership. One minister and the first delegate from each congregation shall have voting privilege.

600-1.6 Ministers within each region shall meet at least bi-monthly for prayer and interaction. Ministers and delegates within each region shall meet at least once annually, other than during Annual Conference, for prayer and interaction.

600-1.7 Each regional secretary shall submit a brief written report to the Annual Conference each year to be included in the Year Book. This report shall include the number of times the regional representatives met, the shared ministries that took place, the names of the coordinators and secretaries, and plans for future ministries. The report should be sent to the distribution point at the designated time.

2.   Officers of Annual Conference

Resolved, that the following legislation related to the Chairman of Annual Conference be adopted at First Reading:

      1.   The following will be placed immediately after “Article 507 – Officers of Annual Conference”:

These officers shall have a one year term beginning at Annual Conference and ending the day prior to the following regular Annual Conference.

      2.   Replace the word “twice” with “three times” – [§507-1. Election (2)] to read:

A Chairman shall be eligible to succeed himself three times.

      3.   The following shall be added to the “Duties” of the Chairman of Annual Conference [§507-1. Duties]:

(4) He shall be the spokesman for the Bible Fellowship Church during his year of office.

(5) He shall be a member of the Board of Directors.

(6) He may attend any meetings of Conference Agencies, Boards and Committees in an advisory capacity.

(7) He shall be a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.

      4.   The following emboldened and underlined phrase shall be added to the first duty of the Vice-Chairman – [§507-2. Duties: (1)]:

(1) He shall function as chairman of Annual Conference and fulfill all other duties in the absence of the chairman.

      5.   To the duties of the Secretary of Annual Conference shall be added – [§507-3. Duties:]:

(7) He shall be a member of the Board of Directors.

      6.   To the duties of the Vice-Chairman, replace #3 with the following:

(3) He shall assist the chairman by performing duties delegated by the Chairman.

3.   Additional duties for Board of Directors of the BFC

Resolved, that the following additional duties for the Board of Directors of the BFC be adopted at first reading:

[The following would take the place of 512-1.3 (1). The present (1) would become (3).]

(1) It shall act on behalf of Annual Conference between conferences. All decisions shall be subject to review by Annual Conference.

(2) It shall meet annually with the leaders of regions, agencies, boards, and committees to review their progress.


Whereas, a broader representation is needed on the Board of Directors, therefore be it

Resolved, that the following composition replace the present composition of the Board of Directors of the BFC:

512-1.1 Composition and Election

      (1) The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church shall be composed of the following members of Annual Conference: two from each Region (one ordained minister; one delegate); two from the BFC Agencies (one from “service” Agencies – Homes, Camps; one from “out-reach” – Church Extension, Missions); Chairman and Secretary of Annual Conference. No director can be elected to more than one board seat.

(2)The classes shall be composed as follows:

             Class I               Odd Number Regions

Class IIEven Number Regions

Class IIIAgency Representatives

      (3) Regional and Agency Representatives to the Board of Directors shall serve three year terms. Regional representatives shall be elected in two classes by their region prior to Annual Conference. Agency representatives will be elected by Annual Conference. Each director shall serve until his successor is duly elected.

      (4) A region shall select a replacement for any representative that leaves the region or otherwise loses qualifications.

4.   Change the first sentence of “Quorum” §512-1.5 to read as follows:

      (3) A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the duly-elected directors.

Strategic Planning Committee: Daniel P. Allen, Chairman; Richard T. Paashaus, Secretary; Raymond R. Dotts, William R. Singletary, Gary L. Spangenburg, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Dana E. Weller

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