1999 Report of Victory Valley

Board of Victory Valley Camp

      It has truly been an exciting year at Victory Valley Camp and we give praise to God for His working through both full-time and summer staff to touch and change the lives of young people.

      A record high of 905 campers came to the Valley during the summer with 19 of them believing on Jesus as Savior and many others committing themselves to a greater level of obedience to and love for God. Weekend retreats, rental groups, Sno-Valley, Ski-Spree and other activities brought more young people for a total of about 6300 camper days of use at Victory Valley. We are thrilled knowing that these numbers reflect lives . . . lives that have been challenged to live for Him.

      Additional Venture Quest weeks of hiking, biking or boating have been successful in offering a unique camping experience that does not tax the camp facilities that are already bursting at the seems. Work is always being done to creatively utilize all possible resources in an effort to give more young people the opportunity of a week at Victory Valley.

      Tornadoes came through the camp property the beginning of June that toppled about 350 trees. We give praise to God that there was no structural damage to any of the buildings. It created a great deal of extra work at a very busy time of year when final preparations for the summer season are completed. Special “thanks” to all who helped to cut trees and clear debris.

      The “Victory Interested Person” (VIP) program increased in membership to 84. These people support the Valley in prayer and with a minimum gift of $10.00 each month. A new look to the VIP program was introduced at the Christmas banquet and we hope will encourage more participation. It will also give the donor an opportunity to send a camper to the Valley for a week at half or full financial aid.

      We appreciate the financial support of churches within the conference. That, along with the increased number of campers and increased use of the camp by rental groups has increased our cash flow and created a small but growing reserve. This is extremely important as in the near future some costly repairs and renovations will be needed such as: major repairs on the pool, repointing of the White House, replacement of the tractor and construction projects.

      Volunteers as individuals or in groups are always welcome to come and assist with special projects and general maintenance and upkeep. These volunteers are greatly appreciated. Please contact Phil if you or a group from your church would like to participate in the ministry at Victory Valley.

      Phil Atkins, Donna Bauer and Sandy Mitchell serve full-time throughout the year and we are grateful for their dedication and heart for ministry. Donna reached a milestone in her service as 1998 marked her 20th summer at Victory Valley. She and Allen were recognized at the VIP Christmas banquet and given a weekend get-away at Willow Valley Farms in Lancaster, PA.

Board of Victory Valley Camp: William G. Schlonecker, Chairman; John C. Vandegriff, Vice-Chairman; David N. Schoen, Secretary; Steven D. Schlegel, Treasurer; Carl J. Fischer, Jr.; Jonathan D. Reynolds; Gary W. Saggio; Timothy D. Weaber; David L. Weller

1999 Calendar of Events

                      May 1   Work Day

                      June 6   VIP Picnic

                    June 26   Summer Staff Dedication banquet at 6:00 PM

         June 27-July 3   Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost

                 July 4-10   Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost

Venture Quest – Teen Boot n’ Boat

               July 11-17   Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost

Venture Quest – Teen Boot n’ Boat

               July 18-24   Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost

Venture Quest – Teen West Virginia

               July 25-31   Children’s Camp; Children’s Outpost

Venture Quest – Teen Bike Trip Niagara falls (?)

                  Aug. 1-7   Teen 12-14 Camp; Teen Outpost

Venture Quest – Teen Adirondack High Peaks

                Aug. 8-14   Teen 12-14 Camp

              Aug. 15-21   Teen 14-18 Camp

               August 21   Staff Awards Banquet in the evening

                   Sept. 18   Victory Golf Challenge

                October 2   Work Day

                     Dec. 4   VIP Banquet

                   Dec. 31   Staff Reunion 

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