1999 Report on Arrangements

Report of the

Committee on Arrangements

             The Committee on Arrangements for the 116th Annual Conference met twice during the conference year. The purpose of this committee is threefold: 1) to oversee the mechanics of Annual Conference; 2) to promote the efficiency of Annual Conference; and 3) to assist in the provision of hospitality of Annual Conference.

             Pertinent orientation material has been placed in the beginning of the Report Book. This material should be read by each member of Annual Conference.

             The Head Page/Overseer of the Pages for the 116th Annual Conference is Clyde D. Bomgardner, Pastor of Youth and Discipleship at the Reading Church.


1.   Add to F&O, §510-7

The term of office of those elected and appointed to boards or committees by this body shall be for the term designated by our rules for that office (measured from the last day of the regular Annual Conference at which they are elected to the last day of the regular Annual Conference at which their term expires) or until successors are chosen.[First Reading]

2.   Whereas, Article 508-3 of the Business Rules of Annual Conference mandates prescribed times for meetings of Annual Conference, and

Whereas, this legislation creates the awkward necessity for procedural motions to “extend the time” and “suspend the rules to reconvene”, etc., and

Whereas, the Committee on Agenda and Program is responsible to “establish the order of business and program for the succeeding Annual Conference” and sets the time and length of meetings and program as appropriate, therefore be it,

Resolved, that the following be deleted from the Business Rules of Annual Conference and succeeding sections be renumbered accordingly:

                   508-3   Two sessions shall be held daily as follows from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Evening meetings are at the discretion of Annual Conference.

and further

Resolved, that §511-1.1 Committee on Agenda and Program be revised as follows:


(3) It shall establish the proposed order of business and program for succeeding Annual Conference and shall establish the times of the meetings of Annual Conference.[First Reading]

3.   Whereas, the work of the Committee on Communications can be done by the Registrar, therefore be it

Resolved, that 511-2.2 be deleted.[First Reading]

4.   Whereas, it is important that each official delegate and Pastor receive all the reports from the Study Committees, Committees and Agencies and

Whereas, in order to coordinate this procedure one distribution point should be employed, therefore be it

Resolved, that all Study Committees, Committees and Agencies have their reports sent to the designated distribution point, PO Box 299, Ephrata, PA 17522, by March 1.

5.   Resolved, that the 117th Annual Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA, April 24-26, 2000 beginning at 10:00 AM on Monday.

Committee on Arrangements for 116th Annual Conference: David A. Thomann, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; James A. Beil, Randall A. Grossman, J. Mark McCreary, Thomas P. Shorb

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