2000 Report of Inter-Cultural Ministries

Report of the

Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee

     The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee continued this past year its work on completing The Biblical Principles For Living. This year we present several items for your consideration. One, the following Biblical Principle For Living for first reading: Christian Liberty And Servanthood, and the revised Biblical Principle For Living, Stewardship. We are re-presenting the Stewardship principle because we received some suggestions regarding the Principle and after reviewing the Principle, we decided several changes should be made. Two, we are presenting The Preamble for first reading. Three, we are presenting a Booklet of the Principles formatting the listing of the Biblical Principles For Living, along with particular Standards which should be retained from the Standards Of Worship & Life. Four, we are also presenting a proposal for the placement of the Biblical Principles For Living in the Faith & OrderThe Biblical Principles For Living and the Preamble presented for first reading, and the Booklet, have been edited, reviewed, approved by the Committee, and are presented to the Annual Conference for approval and inclusion in the Faith & Order.

     This past year the Committee mailed a Questionnaire to all the BFC churches, their Pastors and Delegates. There were thirty-three responses. Four questions were asked:

     1. Have you used the BPLs in your church, teaching or preaching ? Responses: Yes-12, No-21. Many of the Nos, responded that they plan on using them in the future.

     2. Do you believe that the BPLs cover our Standards Of Worship & Life in a comprehensive manner? Responses: Yes-24, No-9. Most of the Nos stated that we should retain certain Standards. We plan on doing this.

     3. Would you suggest that other BPLs be added to the present listing? Responses: Yes-7, No-14. A number did not answer this question.

     4. Where would you finally place the BPLs upon approval at Second Reading? Responses:

a. As a body to replace the Standards Of Worship & Life – 18.

b. As a body of work to stand alongside the Standards Of Worship & Life – 14. A number stated they selected this because certain Standards should be retained, which we are planning to do (see Proposed Listing).

c. Other suggestions – 1 (BPLs should be integrated with Standards)

     The Committee is thankful to the members of Annual Conference who responded and praise God for the number who took the time to complete this Questionnaire. It greatly assisted the Committee with its recommendations.

     Several members of Annual Conference gave the Committee their suggestions and insights with regard to the Biblical Principles For Living. We thank these men for their suggestions and have considered the suggestions and in some cases made corrections or additions to the particular Biblical Principles For Living.

Joint Committee On Ethnic Church Planting

     The Report of The Joint Committee On Ethnic Church Planting has been included along with the Report of the Inter-Cultural Committee. The Joint Committee has been working with differing ethnic groups in order to pursue the possibilities of ethnic church planting in the Bible Fellowship Church. The Joint Committee is presently looking into a particular target area of the BFC, in order to see if a church can be planted in this predominantly Hispanic community. [Note: The Articles of Faith have been produced in Spanish and if you have any Spanish people in your church, these would be helpful for them.].

     The Joint Committee is no longer meeting with Wayne Pauley and believes that the church he is planting in Brooklyn will most likely not be led to become a BFC church. We will remain open to the possibility of reconnecting with this group in the future.

     The Joint Committee met this past year with a Nigerian group from the Wilmington, Delaware area and is waiting upon the Lord to see how this contact will develop. We remain concerned for the Mexican community along side our Staten Island Church, the Portuguese community in the Newark, NJ, area, and the East Indian communities in the Edison, NJ area and prayerfully the Lord will lead us to pursue the development of a church among one or more of these people groups in this year. We urge the Annual Conference to continue its support of ethnic church planting and to give to this work through the Fund For Ethnic Church Planting. Continue to send your contributions to The Board Of Missions, designated for Ethnic Church Planting.


     For the consideration of those members of Annual Conference who may not be aware of the work of The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee, a history of the Committee’s work was prepared and titled, “His Glory And Deeds Among All Peoples.” This historical sketch is available by contacting David E. Gundrum, Secretary of the Committee.

     The Committee still needs time to complete its work on the Biblical Principles For Living. The Committee requests your prayers and input regarding this work. We also ask you to pray for the Joint Ethnic Committee as it seeks to reach the various ethnic people groups in the target areas of the Bible Fellowship Church.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee recommends:

Whereas, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee has reviewed, edited and approved certain Biblical Principles For Living and a Preamble, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 117th Annual Conference approve for first reading and inclusion in the Appendix, Biblical Principles For Living, of the Faith & Order, the following Biblical Principles For Living: Christian Liberty And Servanthood, Stewardship, and The Preamble.

Whereas, the Biblical Principles For Living cover more issues which are relevant to Christians and their relationships as children of God, and

Whereas, the Biblical Principles For Living give explicit Biblical substantiation and are broader statements of the subjects in the Standards of Worship & Life, and

Whereas, the Biblical Principles For Living are also more complete statements on the topics in the Standards of Worship & Life and cover topics not included in the Standards, and

Whereas, the Biblical Principles For Living also state things in language which is more clear to this generation and transferable across cultures,

Resolved, that the Biblical Principles For Living collectively replace The Standards Of Worship & Life in the Faith & Order after their Second Reading and further,

1.  Resolved, that the section in the Faith & Order which will contain the Biblical Principles For Living, be titled Biblical Principles For Living, and further,

2.  Resolved, that the articles: Harmful Indulgences, Secret Oath Organizations, Abortion, and Homosexuality, from the present Standards Of Worship & Life, be retained and included in the Biblical Principles For Living under a category titled, Declarations On Particular Issues, and further,

3.  Resolved, that the listing of the Biblical Principles For Living in The Faith & Order be as follows:

Biblical Principles For Living


Relating To God-The Christian Before God

101 Worship

102 Spirit World

Relating To Personal Qualities-The Christian In Christ

103 Holiness

104 Justice

105 Mercy

106 Humility

Relating To Personal Relationships-The Christian In Personal Relationships

107 Humanity In God’s Image

108 Marriage & Singleness

109 Family

110 Divorce

111 Shared Life

Relating To Personal Activities-The Christian In Society

112 Stewardship

113 Work & Rest

114 Civil Government

115 Christian Liberty & Servanthood

Declarations On Particular Issues

130-1 Abortion

130-2 Harmful Indulgences

130-3 Homosexuality

130-4 Secret Oath Bound Societies

(Dedication Of Children – present Article 107 – to be incorporated in 703-3)

Whereas, we believe the Biblical Principles For Living are God’s intended principles by which we should live, and

Whereas, we believe the Biblical Principles For Living should be urgently and diligently taught to our congregations,

4.  Resolved, each Pastor and Delegate seek ways to implement the teaching of the Biblical Principles For Living for their congregations and further,

5.  Resolved, we encourage that lesson plans be developed and submitted to David E. Gundrum for ideas in the development of teacher guides.

Whereas, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and

Whereas, the Committee believes that God has provided the people and opportunities, and desires His church to reach the alien in the land and plant churches, therefore be it

6.  Resolved, that each Pastor and delegate to Annual Conference, if they have not already established a line item in their budgets for ethnic church planting, be encouraged to work with their churches to budget monies for ethnic church planting.

Whereas, the work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee is not yet complete, and the Committee would like to review the Declarations On Particular Issues, presently Articles 110,112,113,and 114, in order to determine if there is any language with is not culturally transferable, and

Whereas, the Committee would like to prepare the Biblical Principles For Living for second reading,

7.  Resolved, that the 117th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee: Roy A. Hertzog, Chairman; David E. Gundrum, Secretary; Delbert R. Baker II, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Daniel G. Ziegler.

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