2000 Report of Ministerial Relations Committee

Report of the

Ministerial Relations Committee

           Last year was an extremely busy year for the committee. We thank the Lord for His faithfulness to His church and to the committee and would request prayer for continued wisdom and strength in the fulfillment of our responsibilities.

     In the year ending December 31, 1999, resignations from pastorates were as follows:

     Church           Pastor                        Effective Date

      Camden, DE     Dennis J. Lawrence       January 31, 1999

      Terre Hill           Steven L. Trommler       June 13, 1999

      Stroudsburg      Mark J. McCreary          June 30, 1999

      York                  Kenneth L. Good           July 31, 1999

      Zionsville          Gregory A. Ulrich           September 5, 1999

      Harrisburg         Allan R. Vivona              December 31, 1999

      Kutztown           John C. Studenroth        December 31, 1999

      Nazareth           Keith E. Plows               January 31, 2000

      Stroudsburg      Carl C. Cassell              January 31, 2000

      Quakertown      David E. Gundrum         April 30, 2000

      Red Hill             Ronald K. Denlinger      May 31, 2000

     The following pastorates were established under our rules:

      Quakertown      Dennis J. Lawrence       February 1, 1999

      Howell, NJ        David N. Heineman       March 14, 1999

      Pinebrook Bible Conference

                                Mark J. McCreary          July 1, 1999

      Harleysville       Andrew T. Crossgrove   September 12, 1999

      Emmaus           William J. Dunn             November 28, 1999

      York                  Kenneth D. Keeler         March 1, 2000

      Church Extension

                                David E. Gundrum         May 1, 2000*

     *Subject to ratification by Annual Conference

     At the close of the year, Oley, Pleasant Valley, NY; Spring City; Camden DE; Kutztown, Terre Hill, Zionsville, and Harrisburg were in the process of seeking a pastor. Pleasant Valley, NY; Spring City, and Camden DE were served by men providing ministry and were moving toward the establishment of pastorates. Also, the Quakertown and the Red Hill pulpits will become vacant in the year 2000. Keep praying with us for the Lord’s provision for each of our churches.

     The Committee met with the Ministerial Candidate Committee to discuss the process of calling a pastor. Further study will continue in an effort to facilitate the process in a manner acceptable to both churches and the committee.

     During the year, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., committee member for many years, passed away. We thank the Lord for Harold’s life and service and request prayer on behalf of his family and friends. Ronald W. Reed was appointed, by the committee, to serve for the remainder of the conference year. Keith E. Plows completed his final term of service before his retirement.

     The Committee has a strong desire to appoint a Conference Pastor (F&O ¶512-14.3) and present a name for ratification to the next conference. The committee also strongly recommends that provision be made for a part-time salary through the Administrative Budget for 2001. (Up to $24,000 including all expenses and benefits).

     The committee makes the following recommendations to the 117th Annual Conference:

Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including benefits, be $25,750 for the year 2001.

Resolved, that the recommended revisions to Article 409 – Pulpit Supply Procedure be adopted at Second Reading (see 1999 Yearbook, pp 35-40)

Whereas, Harold L. Snyder, Jr. served faithfully on this committee for many years prior to his death, therefore

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for the life and ministry of Harold L. Snyder, Jr. and pray God’s comfort for his family.

Whereas, Keith E. Plows has served faithfully on this committee for many years prior to his retirement, therefore

Resolved, that we tan the Lord for the services of Keith E. Plows and pray for God’s blessing upon him during his retirement.

Ministerial Relations Committee: David J. Watkins, Chairman; Randall A. Grossman, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, Keith E. Plows, Calvin T. Reed, Ronald W. Reed, L. James Roberts, Jr.

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