2001 Report of Ministerial Convention Committee

Report of the

Ministerial Convention Committee

        The Annual Ministerial Convention was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 26th and 27th, 2000 at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center.

        The Conference theme was “The Holy Spirit and Preaching” with Dr. John H. Armstrong from Reformation and Revival Ministries, Inc. We had a great time of instruction, worship, fellowship, and observance of the Lord’s Supper. Pastors’ wives were also invited and they met for their own meetings as well as joining us in some of the services.

        At the business meeting the following members were elected to serve on the 2001 committee: Ronald C. Erb and Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr. Excused from the committee due to the expiration of their terms were Mark L. Morrison and Howard N. Wells.

        The Committee constitution is as follows:

    2000 Convention Committee       2001 Convention Committee

     Mark L. Morrison, Chairman      Ronald C. Erb, Chairman

     Howard N. Wells, Secretary         Allan R. Vivona, Secretary

     Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Treasurer    Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Treasurer

     Ronald C. Mahurin                     Ronald C. Mahurin

     Allan R. Vivona               Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr.

          Length of terms is as follows: Ronald C. Mahurin (1 year); Allan R. Vivona and Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (2 years); Ronald C. Erb and Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr. (3 years)

          The 2001 Ministerial Convention is scheduled for September 25-26, 2001 and has been planned to be a time of spiritual renewal for our pastors and their wives. The theme is entitled: Shepherding with Passion. Three sessions will deal with “The Shepherd’s Pastor,” “The Shepherd’s Priorities,” and “The Shepherd’s Passion,.” For each session we will hear from a retired pastor relating how things were viewed and done in the past, and from a current pastor dealing with the same issues today. Please place these dates on your calendar.

          Future Conventions: For the 2002 Convention we will be dealing with the theme, “The Pastor and Suffering.” For the 2003 Convention an invitation has been sent to R. Kent Hughes to discuss his book, Liberating Ministry From the Success Syndrome.

Ministerial Convention: Ronald C. Erb, Chairman; Allan R. Vivona, Secretary; Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Treasurer; Ronald C. Mahurin, Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr.

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