2001 Report of Pinebrook

Report of the

Pinebrook Bible Conference

          Entering the year 2000 was an exciting time for everyone as we patiently, and with mild uncertainty, anticipated the entrance of Y2K . Uneventful as it may have been, Pinebrook’s ministry flourished in outreach to over 13,000 registered guests throughout the year.

          Exciting programs and events which included our Spring Ladies Retreat, Summer Conference 2000, “In God We Trust, A Patriot Tribute” on July 5th, Senior Saints and dozens of effective retreat programs rendered hundreds of conversions, re-commitments and life-changing decisions to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We praise God for His presence and the continual work of the Holy Spirit in so many lives.

          2000 also came with some unexpected challenges. Extreme increases in our general operating expenses, caused primarily by energy rate increases, trickled down and substantially affected nearly all areas of general expenses. Major portions of budgeted expenses rose as much as 100% by the end of the first quarter. As a result, we found it necessary to implement extreme cut backs in normal operating procedures and mild personnel layoffs.

          Although the human senses of concern and anxiety rose, we are thankful that the Father we serve showed His hand of guidance in leading His ministry through this economically difficult year. By His Sovereign Grace He has reminded us that His work will continue and will succeed if we only focus on and follow Him.

          This year another one of our long-time Directors, Robert F. Johnson, went to be with the Lord. Brother Johnson’s ministry with us, especially working with the leaders and some of the staff as a pastor and mentor, will be greatly missed. The Senior Pastor of our Bethlehem Church, Brian H. Cooper, was asked to serve in Brother Johnson’s place until Annual Conference.

          We appreciate your continued prayers and support as we serve our Lord together. We are thankful for the many who financially support this ministry of the BFC. We are grateful for the financial support of the church as well. May He find favor upon our efforts and dedication to reaching a world in need of Him.

Board of Directors, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Nathan B. Brosius, Director; Mark C. McCreary, Director of Ministries; Alva C. Cassel, President & Chairman; David T. Allen, Vice President & Vice Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, Treasurer; Carl Ackerman, Charles E. Cole, Brian H. Cooper, Kermit K. Gehman, LeRoy O. Herb, Gerald L. Schlonecker, John M. Stengele, Hans Waldvogel, James A. Wickstead.

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