2001 Report of Stewardship Council

Report of the

Stewardship Council

          Paul is emphatic in admonishing us that we are not our own because we are bought at a tremendous price. We must therefore glorify God with our body-I Corinthians 6:19. We have no option. This principle goes beyond simply our body, but to all that is ours. It becomes a foundational standard of stewardship.

          The Stewardship Council provides opportunity for the BFC Agency leaders to formally meet to discuss the issues of Stewardship in the Bible Fellowship Church. The following services are provided:

– Roy Hertzog serves as Coordinator of Stewardship Services. He acts as a resource for both the agencies and the churches. He can be contacted at 484.232.6423 or rhertzog@enter.net.

– The Stewardship Services Web Page can be accessed through BFC.org.

– Monitoring of deferred gift annuities of agencies and churches as directed by Annual Conference.

– Promotion of Stewardship throughout the BFC.

– Education through Stewardship Seminars.

          The first Sunday in February continues to be Stewardship Sunday. Pastors are encouraged to present a message on stewardship during the morning worship service.

Stewardship Council Members: One representative of each board and agency, Gary E. Karch, Daniel G. Oswald, Rick J. Volpe (members at large).

Stewardship Council Organization: Gary E. Karch, Chairman; J. Mark McCreary, Vice-Chairman; Dana E. Weller, Secretary; Daniel G. Oswald, Treasurer; Roy E. Hertzog, Stewardship Services Coordinator.

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