2001 Report of Strategic Planning

Report of the

Strategic Planning Committee

        The year 2000 was a significant year of ministry for the Strategic Planning Committee.

        After several years of preparation the first gathering of its kind, “BFC2000″ was held on April 30 at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem, PA. An estimated 3,500 worshipers of all ages and from many of our churches gathered for an amazing afternoon of celebration, fellowship, and challenge. The speakers, musicians including guest, Michael Card, and video presentations were used by the Spirit to lead us as a denomination to say, “We will serve the Lord!” After all expenses were covered, an offering of $5,500 was given to the Board of Church Extension for the expanded outreach of the BFC.

        In seeking to plan for future gatherings of this nature, the Strategic Planning Committee has asked the Board of Christian Education’s Family Ministries Committee to plan a denomination-wide family gathering at Knoebels Grove in Elysburg, PA for the Fall of 2002. A committee is being appointed as well to make preparations for BFC2005 for the Spring of 2005 as another denomination-wide gathering.

        Regionalization of the denomination continues to progress. An increased number of regions are meeting regularly for prayer and shared ministry. Those not yet participating are asked to do so in agreement with legislation agreed upon in last year’s Annual Conference. In addition, all regions are reminded of the necessity for pastors and delegates to meet at least once annually and of the written report of regional activity that should be submitted to the Strategic Planning Committee on an annual basis.

        In response to the directive of Annual Conference to have the Strategic Planning Committee function as a committee to oversee a feasibility study regarding potential consolidation of offices, resources, and personnel for several BFC agencies, the Committee met with representatives from BFC agencies and boards on October 5. As a result of that session, the following resolutions were agreed upon:

Resolved, that there be an office of the Bible Fellowship Church for Boards and Committees of Annual Conference and that it initially include: Board of Church Extension, Board of Missions, Board of Directors, Board of Publications and Printing, and further

Resolved, that the office be located on the grounds of Fellowship Homes, Inc. and further

Resolved, that Robert Zentz and Ray Dotts along with representatives of the Board of Church Extension, Board of Missions, and Board of Publications and Printing serve as an ad hoc committee to implement such consolidation.

        In response to some of the input gained from BFC2000 as well as the gathering of department leaders on October 5, the Strategic Planning Committee has come to believe that the input of a consultant would give valuable insight that would aid in comprehensive planning and decision making for the denomination.

        During this year a Pastors E-group has actively served to communicate important information to all pastors and to provide a cohesive denominational calendar. Any pastors not currently using e-mail and taking advantage of this valuable communication group are asked to do so. The E-group currently has 133 participants.

        The following resolutions are submitted to the 118th Annual Conference for their approval:

1.     Whereas, the Internet has been found to be an excellent method of communication for pastors, churches, and denominational boards, committees, and agencies of the BFC, and

Whereas, the BFC E-group now includes 133 participants who have instant written access to one another, and

Whereas, we believe that every pastor and/or church either has or can have access to Internet services and computerization at little or no cost, and

Whereas, presently, the need for a comprehensive, accurate denominational calendar is being met by the BFC E-group Calendar, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the BFC E-group Calendar serve as the official denominational calendar, and

Resolved, that each agency, board, committee, church and/or pastor establish Internet access by May 15, 2001 in order to take advantage of the BFC E-group Calendar as well as other inter-church communication and further

Resolved, that each agency, board, committee, church and/or pastor submit an Internet accessible e-mail address to Daniel P. Allen, publisher of the 2001 Yearbook. by May 15, 2001.

2.     Whereas, the Strategic Planning Committee believes that the continuity of the Committee’s work could be hampered by the mandatory term limits that are currently in place, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Bylaws for Annual Conference, Article 512-17.2 entitled: Composition and Election, number 2 be rescinded.

3.     Whereas, the Strategic Planning Committee is at a critical point in our planning process and

Whereas, plans for the coming year will include input from a consultant that will help us to establish a corporate vision, evaluate our purpose and structure, develop a strategic plan to implement that vision, and assist us in taking steps to act on the plan, and

Whereas, the current term limits will hinder us from doing this effectively, therefore, be it

Resolved, that, by Rule of Exception, the above changes to Article 512-17.2 be effective this year.

Strategic Planning Committee: Daniel P. Allen, Chairman; Richard T. Paashaus, Secretary; Raymond R. Dotts, Gary L. Spangenburg, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Dana E. Weller, Robert H. Zentz

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