2002 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Board of Christian Education

The Board met three times in 2001 to give oversight and input to the corporate Christian Education ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church. Much of its work is cared for by sub-committees. This work includes the following:

Christian Education Training

On March 10, the 2001 Teacher’s Training Seminar was held at Calvary BFC in Coopersburg, PA. The “Teaching with Confidence” material was presented to 103 participants from 20 different congregations. Dr. Joseph Ross and Pastor and Mrs. Ted Wilbanks led the sessions. Each of the speakers is associated with the Evangelical Training Association. The entire seminar was well received and proved to be a valuable training tool for BFC Christian Education leaders and staff.

The 2002 Seminar is scheduled for March 9 at Calvary BFC in Coopersburg with Bill Rendell and Yvonne Thigpen speaking on the theme, “Teaching for Understanding.”

The CE Training Committee of the Board of Christian Education has compiled a list of speakers and topics to assist the local churches with their teacher training. These speakers are willing to come to the church or region to assist with training. For more information, please contact Rev. G. Wayne Clapier at 215-743-3751 or at e-mail address: Clapiergw@aol.com.

Walk Thru the Bible Ministries

Seminars were taught at three churches this year, including a week long “Kids Seminar” at a Vacation Bible School. A seminar for middle school students was presented at a Christian School associated with a BFC. One highlight was that an abbreviated seminar was presented to children and teens in Romania as part of a summer missions trip.

An adult seminar was taught at Baylor Women’s Correctional Facility in Delaware in cooperation with Prison Fellowship Ministries.

Please contact David Schoen at the Emmaus BFC for information on how your church can take advantage of the BFC/Walk Thru the Bible partnership that enables churches with an average Sunday morning worship attendance of 300 or less to host a seminar.

Pastor, Elder, Deacon Retreat

The 2001 Retreat was held November 2-3 at Pinebrook Bible Conference with speaker, Dr. Kennard Brackney. Ken spoke on the theme, “Serving Together in Ministry.” We were pleased that 141 men attended the gathering.

The 2002 Retreat is scheduled for November 1-2 at Pinebrook. Each church is encouraged to include the men on its leadership team in this special weekend of fellowship and training.

Audio-Visual Library

The A-V Library housed at Bethel BFC in Emmaus, PA, continues to provide excellent resources for the local churches of the denomination. Usage this past year has declined slightly. An up-to-date listing of all of our resources is available through the office of the Bethel BFC in Emmaus, PA. Additional series are added annually to the collection. Suggestions for such purchases are welcome.

Other Business:

The Inter-cultural Study Committee has asked the Board of Christian Education to prepare teaching materials based on the Biblical Principles of Living. Work on this project will proceed during the year ahead.

An ad-hoc committee has been appointed to develop guidelines for the local church regarding criminal record and child abuse clearance. Its goal would be to help local churches to establish a plan that would protect the children, church, and staff as well as to eliminate duplication of efforts for each congregation. Though its work is not complete, the committee urges all BFC to implement a criminal record and child abuse clearance plan. Questions regarding such plans can be addressed to Pastor Richard Paashaus, Calvary BFC, Coopersburg, PA.

Board of Christian Education: Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman; David N. Schoen, Vice-chairman; Michael Herb, Secretary; Annette Kuhns, Treasurer; G. Wayne Clapier, Timothy S. Cowen, David Eisenhower, Mark Matson, Nancy Mertus, Mark L. Morrison, Karen Stull, Jonathan P. Tait.

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