2002 Report of Credentials Committee

Report of the

Committee on Credentials

             The Committee on Credentials held four meetings during the year in the performance of its duties.

             As a fulfillment of our requirements concerning our involvement in the military chaplaincy program, Keith E. Plows and Ralph M. Soper represented the Committee on Credentials at the NACMAF Convention in Washington, DC, in December.

             The Faith & Order questionnaire was sent to each of the ministers holding Ordination Credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church. All of the brethren returned their questionnaires except: Robert N. Gordon, W. Neil Harding, Jr., William W. Mull. The Committee is well satisfied with the responses of those who handed in their questionnaires. the Committee will communicate with those who have not returned their Questionnaire.

             The following changes in status were approved:

David R. Way was changed from Ordained Ministers Between Calls to Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the BFC.

Clifford B. Boone was changed from Ordained Ministers Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the BFC to Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the BFC.

Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., was changed from Ordained Ministers Under the Direction of the BFC to Ordained Ministers in Retirement.

William H. Bartron was changed from Ordained Mininsters Under the Direction of the BFC to Ordained Ministers Between Calls.

             The Committee met with four men for ordination examination. The Credentials Committee gives thanks to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who has given these gifted men for the ministry of the BFC.

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Andrew T. Crossgrove, and William J. Dunn for ordination, and

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Donald R. Ellwanger, and

Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

Whereas, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that Andrew T. Crossgrove, and William J. Dunn be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and further,

Resolved, that the prior ordination of Willis I. Dowling and Donald R. Ellwanger to the gospel ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church and further,

Resolved, that the service of ordination be held Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. at Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, PA.

             The Credentials Committee has placed our Ordained Ministers in the following categories. (These men are eligible to serve a Bible Fellowship Church):

I. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church

Allen, Daniel P.

Armstrong, W. David

Arnold, Jonathon W., Sr.

Baker, Delbert R., II

Bomgardner, Clyde D., Jr.

Boone, Clifford B.

Brush, R. Jerome

Cahill, Dennis M.

Cassel, Alva C.

Clapier, G. Wayne

Cole, Charles E.

Commerford, Robert S.

Cooper, Brian H.

Cowen, Timothy S.

* Crossgrove, Andrew T.

* Dowling, Willis I.

* Dunn, William J.

* Ellwanger, Donald R.

Erb, Ronald C.

Fischer, Carl J., Jr.

Grossman, Randall A.

Gundrum, David E.

Harris, Richard D.

Heineman, David N.

Heller, LeRoy S.

Keeler, Kenneth D.

Lawrence, Dennis J.

Mahurin, Ronald C.

McCreary, J. Mark

Morrison, Mark L.

Paashaus, Richard T.

Phillips, D. Thomas

Prontnicki, Louis

Ramos, Elliot H.

Ravis, Richard B.

Reed, Calvin T.

Reitz, Roger L.

Ritter, Ralph E.

Ruhl, Jeffrey L.

Schlonecker, William G.

Schoen, David N.

Shorb, Thomas P.

Sloan, Robert A., Jr.

Smith, Gene W.

Soper, Ralph M.

Spackman, Carl K.

Spinney, Dennis W.

Stortz, Dean A.

Susek, Jacob, J., Jr.

Tait, Jonathan P.

Taylor, Richard E.

Thomann, David A.

Uhrich, Gregory A.

Vandegriff, John C., Jr.

Vivona, Alan R.

Watkins, David J.

Way, David R.

Weller, Dana E.

Wells, Howard N.

Wickstead, James A.

Widger, Byron

             * Contingent upon approval of recommendation of their ordination in this report.

II. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the Bible Fellowship Church:

Aukamp, William A.

Denlinger, Ronald K.

Gehman, Richard J.

Harding, W. Neil, Jr.

Head, Jim D.

Johnston, Walter M.

Lea, Herbert K.

Manney, David L.

Morrison, Philip E.

Moyer, Duane E.

Moyer, Jerry L.

Pollock, Thomas A.

Riddell, David W.

Studenroth, John C.

Yerrington, Philip E.

Zimmerman, Paul G.

III. Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the Bible Fellowship Church:

             Hurst, Kenneth J. – Military

             Minsky, Barry J. – Military

             Moyer, Richard A. – Prison Ministry

IV. Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries:

             Ellingson, Bruce A.

             Martin, Carl T.

V. Ordained Ministers Between Calls:

Bartron, William H.

Batchler, James R. Jr.

Dommel, Albert J.

Herb, John H.

Jones, David H.

Trommler, Steven L.

VI. Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence:

Byrd, Terris L.

Frable, Arthur H., Jr.

MacMillan, Thomas S.

Neher, James E.

VII. Ordained Ministers in Retirement:

Barber, Kenneth F.

Beil, James A.

Bigley, T. James Jr.

Brosius, Bert N.

Buck, Leonard E.

Cassel, Carl C.

Cassel, Willard E.

Coulbourn, Hugh C., Jr.

Dotts, Raymond R.

Draper, Robert L.

Dunn, John

Frank, Walter H.

Fritz, Harvey J., Jr.

Gordon, Robert N.

Harley, J. Barclay

Hartman, Jansen E.

Herb, Frank L., Jr.

Herb, George E.

Hertzog, Roy A.

Hoyle, Ronald W.

Kirkwood, Donald T.

Koch, James G.

Moyer, Edward K.

Mull, William W.

Munyan, Edgar H.

Plows, Keith E.

Reichenbach, R. C.

Riggall, John H.

Seifert, A. L.

Shelly, Austin G.

Smock, Robert W.

Thomann, David E.

Weaber, Harold C.

Yarrington, Harold D.

Ziegler, Daniel G.

Credentials Committee makes the following recommendations:

1. That an Ordination Service be held Tuesday, April 29, 2003, at the Berean BFC, Stroudsburg, PA., during the 120th Annual Conference.

2. That Faith BFC, Harleysville, PA, Chesapeake BFC, Chesapeake, VA, Bethel BFC, Emmaus, PA, and Calvary BFC, Sinking Spring, PA, be encouraged to have services acknowledging the ordination of Andrew T. Crossgrove, Willis I. Dowling, William J. Dunn, and Donald R. Ellwanger, respectively and that they be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the services.

Committee on Credentials: Keith E. Plows, Chairman; David A. Thomann, Secretary; Dennis M. Cahill, LeRoy S. Heller, Ralph M. Soper.

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