2002 Report of Missions

Report of the

Board of Missions

A Dynamic Year

             The past year has been a dynamic year for the Board of Missions. Our reason for existence is to act as a catalyst in assisting the BFC capture God’s heart for the world. God continues to draw from our congregations those He has chosen for career missionary service. In the statistical section of this report, you will see that that has occurred on eight occasions during the past twelve months.

             The cooperative spirit among us has allowed us to keep a witness in thirty-four nations of the world. Many churches have partnered with our missionary family not only financially, but have taken a personal interest in their work through short-term trips, organized prayer, and projects.

A Difficult Year

             Satan’s attack on the work of our missionary families has been unprecedented making this a difficult year. We experienced a couple’s dynamic ministry come to a halt because of the vicious attack of Satan on their family. We witnessed a family who had to come home temporarily because of the world political climate after 9/11. One church’s attempt to purchase much needed land has been hindered over and over again, while another family cannot get the much-needed political invitation to begin work in a village.

             Several of our missionary families have faced personal illnesses and deaths in their extended families. Several sit anxiously on the sidelines awaiting much-needed support in order to begin service.

A Defensive Year

             Paul encourages us to stand defensively against the evil one. “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then…”

             The Board of Missions has taken seriously this challenge to “stand your ground”. We continue to be committed to prayer and have aggressively updated our Prayer Calendar in order to keep the BFC current on the front lines of prayer. We continue to spend each Friday morning establishing an e-mail prayer network between all of our missionaries, board members and collegium members commonly referred to as “Friday Prayer”. We instituted “daily prayer” which is a network of over 85 individuals around the BFC who receive daily prayer updates by e-mail.

             Because the best defense is an effective offence, the BOM offers the following:

Help for churches in bringing those who show an interest in missions through the application process to career status with the BFC.

RWR retreats and youth and young adult S.S. lessons challenging young people to seriously consider their gifts and God’s call in their lives.

Global Focus Seminars to challenge local congregations to become Biblical, Balanced, and Strategic in their approach to God’s world.

Culture Link Seminars to assist churches to be effectively prepared for short-term mission trips.

Mentoring services to assist a church’s board of elders and mission committee in developing a comprehensive, long range and balanced outreach plan that uses every member in God’s global cause.

Rallying points to draw us together denominationally such as the May Rally, Missions Week at Pinebrook and special events.

Retreats for Parents of Missionaries to assist this unique group of people grapple with the special issues of having children and grandchildren overseas.

      The Board of Missions remains committed to the ongoing investigation between the BOM and the BCE for the creation of a new board having as its focus a comprehensive fulfillment of Acts 1:8

General Statistical Report on December 31, 2000

1. Number of Sending Boards under which our

             missionaries are working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

2. Number of countries in which our

             missionaries are working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3. Number of Missionaries:

                                    Family          Couples      Singles      Total

                                    Units                                                  Adults

Active Missionaries         80               60               19         141

Leave of Absence              0               0                0          0

Appointees                       8               3                5         11

Active Applicants              2               2                0           4

     TOTALS                     90               65               24        156

Board of Missions: Ralph M. Soper, Chairman; Dana E. Weller, Director; Daniel Oswald, Financial Secretary; James W. Harris, Secretary; David R. Way, Leroy O. Herb, Jacob J. Susek Jr., Gerald Schlonecker, Thomas P. Shorb, Donald Faust

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