2002 Report of Pinebrook

Report of

Pinebrook Bible Conference

             Every year, each of us experiences new rewards and challenges which God orchestrates in order for His believers to realize His awesomeness and grace. Who would have expected some of the challenges our country experienced during the year of 2001? This tragedy was deep-reaching into the emotions and spiritual core of believers as well as unbelievers alike. Pinebrook counts it a privilege to have been able to continue ministering to hundreds of individuals in the post period of 9-11-2001.

             The results of the terror which were imposed upon our country and more specifically residents of New York City and the urbanized sprawl were no more evident than in our local community. 70%-80% of Pinebrook’s fall and winter retreats stem from groups originating in these locations and the devastation to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in the attack was heartbreaking and quite sobering. Yet, Pinebrook continued to be given the opportunity to minister and aid in the reiteration of God’s presence in people’s lives. These are some of the rewards which God has enabled Pinebrook to experience.

             Alternately, the financial implications of this dreadful loss of life and the rebuilding of communities affected by 9-11 presented a financial challenge of astronomical proportions to Pinebrook. This challenge created an emergency which had not been experienced in Pinebrook’s history. Escalating utility, insurance, and tax related expenses posed a financial hardship on Pinebrook prior to 9-11, and in the weeks to follow 9-11 the number of guest reservations drastically dropped due to cancellations caused by the 9-11 attack. The combination of both of these factors rendered Pinebrook’s financial prognosis at a loss of approximately $100,000 by the close of 2001.

             Once again God showed His grace and power by empowering His people to give of themselves via their financial support to Pinebrook. We are thankful to the BFC who saw the need and responded in such a generous way!

             As noted on the 2001 financial statement Pinebrook’s potential loss was nearly $86,000, but thanks to the gifts and generosity of God’s people, this deficit was reduced by nearly $68,000. We still incurred a loss as a result of the incidents and heightened expense demands of 2001 but we are grateful that, with God’s intervention and the generosity of God’s people, the damages incurred to our financial stability were minimized to a level that is manageable with prudent stewardship and wisdom from our Lord and Savior.

             2001 also rendered a great blessing as the almost four-year process of acquiring the Daniel Crawford property was completed. Through many months of negotiations and red tape, settlement occurred on December 3, 2001. We look forward to the benefits which will be reaped by this acquisition. God has blessed in this project and again we thank those who graciously gave to this paramount project which will greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Pinebrook’s ministry.

              The Board and Administration of Pinebrook would like to extend our deepest gratitude to those who supported Pinebrook through this very difficult time. The churches and individuals who were involved in this memorable showing of support and grace have proven that God’s people are dedicated to the effectiveness of Pinebrook’s ministry. Once again, God has shown us that He is in control and that His people unite in times of trial.

             May God continue to bless the ministry of Pinebrook as well as those who support our ministry. May we as His children, give thanks unto Him for He has blessed us richly..

Board of Directors, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Alva C. Cassel, Chairman & President; David T. Allen, Vice Chairman & Vice President; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, Treasurer; Carl Ackerman, Charles E. Cole, Brian H. Cooper, Kermit K. Gehman, LeRoy O. Herb, Roger L. Reitz, Gerald Schlonecker, John Stengele, Jr. , Hans Waldvogel

             Nate Brosius, Director; J. Mark McCreary, Director of Ministries

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