2002 Report of Publication and Printing

Report of the

Board of Publication and Printing

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of m

any witnesses entrust to reliable men

who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:2

             After exhorting Timothy to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, Paul sounds his frequent note in the Pastorals about preserving and transmitting the tradition of truth (cf. 1:13-14). As Paul had entrusted the Gospel to Timothy (1:14), so now Timothy must pass it on to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. In the church we never do better than when we faithfully and accurately convey biblical truth to others around us. For some recipients it is the first hearing of the gospel that is joyfully received. Yet there is an anticipation that more than the gospel is to be conveyed here. There is doctrinal and practical living kind of truth which needs to be transmitted. We attempt to communicate biblical truth through many different ways even using breakfast, lunch, and dinner as opportunities to convey it.

             Accuracy becomes most important in the transmission of truth. Truth can be lost or badly garbled if it is not carefully guarded. We, on the Board of Publication and Printing, sense the gravity of accurately transmitting that which is entrusted to us. We rely a great deal on proofreading and rereading what we have produced. We make no claim to perfection but we do try to “get it right” so that what is read is indeed an accurate record of what we received. We profit from suggestions offered from you who use our publications, web site, and compact discs.

             This past year, we published 11 issues of Fellowship News, one Yearbook, update pages for our Faith & Order, and a compact disc of both the F&O and the Yearbook, as well as making access to our web site faster and publishing the “Biblical Principles of Order” on it. The Fellowship News articles on worship, written from many different perspectives, was particularly well-received. Past articles authored by our beloved sister, Darlene Mahurin, have been published in a volume which will commemorate her kingdom work among us. Thanks to family and friends that helped make this endeavor possible. On November 29, the Board sponsored a meeting at our Cedar Crest Church of concerned minds to project into the future the possibilities of more creative and purposeful use of our web site called “BFC Into Cyberspace Summit.” A number of concerned people came and shared their helpful ideas. Since then a committee has been formed to bring about some of these changes.

             The Yearbook and updated F&O as well as ancillary material will be burned onto a CD. “Hard copy” updates for the 2001 edition of the F&O are available at this Annual Conference. We thank those who are able to purchase the supplies they need for the upcoming year while at Annual Conference. This saves on shipping costs. We also appreciate churches who are able to pay at Annual Conference.

             New this year, and available at Conference, will be a tract or pamphlet suitable for giving to visitors to our churches. Space has been provided for each church to copy some of their own information.

             Please note the following information:

             1.          Fellowship News articles and questions about editorial policy should go to: Carol Z. Snyder, 3091 York Road, Gettysburg, PA, 17325; 717.337.3408,


             2.          Questions about billing of accounts and checks should go to the Business Manager: Paul T. Rutman, Apt 607, 824 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, PA, 17011, 717.731.1490

             3.          Orders for anything published by the Board should be sent to: BFC of Ephrata, PO Box 299, Ephrata, PA, 17522; 717-733-2526; ebfc@ptd.net.

             4.          Webservant, Stephen Mann at svmann@compuserve.com You can contact him through the main page on our website at www.bfc.org.

The Board makes the following recommendations:

Resolved, that a contribution of $325 for the conference year 2002 to be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each agency to help underwrite the cost of printing and distribution of the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, by December 31, 2002.

Resolved, that $1.75 per member of the Bible Fellowship Church for 2002 be forwarded to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Board of Publication and Printing table at the 119th Annual Conference.

Resolved, that the cost of the 2002 Yearbook be $8.00 per copy.

Whereas, the Board of Publication and Printing is involved with more than the printed page, therefore be it

Resolved, that the name of our board be changed from Board of Publication and Printing to Board of Communications. [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that the appointment of Carol Z. Snyder be ratified as Editor of Fellowship News for term of three years.

Whereas, the Board neglected to seek ratification of the Business Manager of the Fellowship News, at the 118th Annual Conference, and

Whereas, the terms of the Editor and Business Manager are to be on different years, therefore be it

Resolved, that the appointment of Paul T. Rutman be ratified as Business Manager of the Fellowship News for a term of two years.

Resolved, that the proposed budget for the year January 1 to December 31, 2003 be adopted.

Board of Publication & Printing: William H. Bartron, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Paul T. Rutman, Business Manager; Carol Z. Snyder, Fellowship News Editor; Stephen Mann, Clyde W. Snyder, Jonathan P. Tait.

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