2003 Report of Arrangements

Report of the

Committee on Arrangements

             The Committee on Arrangements for the 120th Annual Conference met three times during the course of the conference year. The purpose of the committee includes reviewing the mechanics and efficiency of each conference as well as assisting in providing hospitality. Any suggestions on what we can do to accomplish the above are welcome.

             The Committee solicited assistance from Carl C. Cassel, Roy A. Hertzog and Robert A. Sloan, Jr. to determine the need and then recommend implementation of a “Rule of Special Consideration.” Attached to this report is a brief description of this rule and all documentation for its implementation.

             One assignment given to the Committee was to define what the term “handle” means in regards to the Registrar’s new duty for communications with those who cannot attend Annual Conference. A job description for the Assistant Registrar is being recommended. This too is listed in our recommendations.

             In order to remember the many positive changes made for Annual Conference by the Arrangements Committee and so as not to add undo legislation with the Faith & Order a Policy Handbook is maintained by the committee. Several of the additions for this year include the material that follows:

Legislation for the Committee on Resolutions

             1.          The Chairman of Annual Conference appoints the Committee on Resolutions at the first meeting of Annual Conference. He designates one member as chairman.

             2.          The chairman of the Committee on Resolutions should call for an organizing meeting at the next meal or break.

             3.          A secretary should be selected at the organizing meeting, who will be responsible for compiling the report and presenting it to the Annual Conference.

             4.          Proposed resolutions should be assigned to each member of the committee. These should include, but are not limited to:

                          a.          Resolutions concerning significant events and milestones at the Annual Conference (e.g. a new church, a retirement, etc.)

                          b.          Resolutions concerning prayer requests (e.g. guidance for a new venture, sickness of a pastor, etc.)

                           c.          Resolutions expressing gratitude (e.g. for the Pages, kitchen workers, etc.)

                           d.          Resolutions concerning any other matters deemed appropriate.

             5.          A review of previous Yearbooks can be a helpful reminder of appropriate resolutions. Care should be taken to present resolutions for adoption by Annual Conference which demonstrate an even-handed treatment of all.

Distribution Guidelines

The delegates attending Annual Conference are here for the purpose of conducting the business of the Bible Fellowship Church. Materials directly related to this business are distributed to each delegate via the Page-system. Venders are permitted to make one pass through the bar per Annual Conference to distribute material. The Head Page will coordinate this distribution.

Oversight of Space at Annual Conference

             K.         The Committee on Arrangements shall oversee space at Annual Conference. This includes the table and seating arrangements as well as display space.

                          1.          The Annual Conference Bar shall be so designated by colored table clothes.

                          2.          The arrangements of the tables shall be in a horseshoe-fashion with the Chairman at the front-center and the secretaries on one side of the Chairman. On the opposite side shall be room for a podium, microphone stand, and various chairs for full-committee presentations.

                          3.          Space for BFC Missions and Agencies shall be provided at one table each, or its equivalency, at no charge.

Space to set up displays for outside mission organizations, church-related venders, and other church-related organizations will be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis. A suggested donation to the Board of Publication and Printing, for an Ad in the annual Yearbook, shall be considered the lease.

                          4.          The Registrar will oversee the usage of space.

             Incidentally, an “Annual Conference Space Request” form is being implemented at this year’s Annual Conference.

             The Committee seeks to continue to streamline the proceedings at Annual Conference so that we can give and do our best for the Lord. Any suggestions are happily accepted.

             Orientation material has been placed in the beginning of the Report Book. This material should be read by each member of Annual Conference.

             The Overseer of the Pages for the 120th Annual Conference is Clyde D. Bomgardner, Pastor of Youth and Discipleship at the Reading Church, and the Head Page is Louis Curcio, Assistant Pastor, Hatfield, PA.


1.          Resolved, that the 121st Annual Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA, April 26-28, 2004 beginning at 10:00 AM on Monday.

2.          Resolved, that all Study Committees, Committees and Agencies have their reports sent to the designated distribution point, PO Box 299, Ephrata, PA 17522, by March 1, 2004.

3.          Resolved, that the following be adopted as First Reading:

Insert a new 506-3 and change the numbers of all following 506 articles accordingly:

506-3 Duties of the Assistant Registrar

(1)He shall assist the Registrar in carrying out his duties.

                          (2)        He shall respond to all ordained men excused from all of Annual Conference with a letter acknowledging their absence and shall provide them with a copy of the report by the Annual Conference Reporter on the proceedings of Annual Conference as well as an order form from the Board of Publication and Printing.

                          (3)        He shall review all communications sent to the Registrar and convey to Annual Conference any items of special concern to Annual Conference, including requests for prayer.

Change 506-2(2) (3) to:

(2) He shall prepare a list of the Annual Conference delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) in each congregation from the information supplied to him on the Annual Conference Registration Form.

(3) He shall verify that the Annual Conference delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) are elders in their congregation and have been duly-elected. This shall be accomplished by comparing the information supplied on the Annual Conference Registration Form with the official list of Annual Conference delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) supplied to him from the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches. Any discrepancies should be resolved prior to a delegate or alternate delegate being seated at Annual Conference.

Change the present 506-3 to:

506-4 The Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches shall, prior to Annual Conference, furnish to the Registrar a list of duly-elected Annual Conference delegates and alternate delegates as they appear in the minutes of the particular churches.

Change 511-1.3 Duties (3)

(3) It shall, prior to Annual Conference, furnish to the Registrar a list of duly-elected Annual Conference delegates and alternate delegates as they appear in the minutes of the particular churches.

Change 407-4

Each pastor shall inform the Registrar of Annual Conference of the names of the duly-elected Annual Conference delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) by way of the Annual Conference Registration Form.

4.          The Rule of Special Consideration

Whereas, many issues come to Annual Conference that need more time for review and response; and

Whereas, there are urgent issues that should be being discussed at the Annual Conference level that never make it to the Annual Conference floor due to time restraints; and

Whereas, many matters brought to Annual Conference take years for approval when it would be desirable to work through the issues and approve them more quickly than we are presently doing; and

Whereas, technology is available to assist in rapid communication and responding to circulated materials through the means of the internet and e-mail; and

Whereas, it is now encouraged that each Bible Fellowship Church, pastor, and delegate have an e-mail address for rapid communications among the pastors and within the BFC; and

Whereas, it is possible to circulate materials almost instantaneously for review and response throughout the year; therefore be it

Resolved, that we approve the following paragraph as First Reading for the Faith & Order.

508-9 Advance Notification for Review and Response

Every Board or Committee of Annual Conference is encouraged to communicate between Annual Conferences with all the members of the Annual Conference to promote discussion of new ideas, proposals and legislation prior to formal consideration at Annual Conference. Receiving responses both positive and negative to the philosophy, content and language of proposals prior to Annual Conference by mail, by internet and by hearings will enable presenters to bring material to Annual Conference requiring less time for consideration of details at Conference. Less time used for details means more time for major considerations. The earlier in the year dissemination of material begins the greater the benefits the process can bring.

and further,

Resolved, that we approve the “Rule of Special Consideration” for First Reading as a parliamentary procedure of the Bible Fellowship Church and the following statement placed in the Faith & Order:

Proposed 508-10 The Rule of Special Consideration

The Rule of Special Consideration is an action taken by the Annual Conference to expand the opportunity for review and response between presenters and Annual Conference members throughout the year. Annual Conference may require by majority vote the use of this rule by the Board or Committee to which it gives an assignment, or any Board or Committee of the Annual Conference making a proposal may seek to use this rule by implementing the guidelines for this rule in circulating its proposed material and soliciting response prior to its being published in the Report to Annual Conference.

Any proposal may be circulated and response sought prior to Annual Conference, but the use of the Rule of Special Consideration requires timely circulation and response and allows the imposition of limits on debate and amendments at Annual Conference. The Rule of Special Consideration is a subsidiary motion that may be applied to any main motion when specific guidelines have been substantially followed. This subsidiary motion is debatable. An affirmative vote on the Rule of Special Consideration means that the guidelines have been adequately followed. Approval by a 2/3 majority would limit debate and amendments as described in the “Guide to Parliamentary Procedure.” Even after The Rule of Special Consideration is approved, it may be rescinded by 2/3 vote of Annual Conference. The Rule of Exception can never be used with the Rule of Special Consideration.

Guidelines for the use of this Rule of Special Consideration are available in the “Guide to Parliamentary Procedure.”

and further,

Resolved, that the following material be placed in the Bible Fellowship Church publication entitled “Guide to Parliamentary Procedure”:

The Rule of Special Consideration.

The Rule of Special Consideration is an action taken by the Annual Conference to expand the opportunity for review and response between presenters and Annual Conference members throughout the year. Annual Conference may require by majority vote the use of this rule by the Board or Committee to which it gives an assignment, or any Board or Committee of the Annual Conference making a proposal may seek to use this rule by implementing the guidelines for this rule in circulating its proposed material and soliciting response prior to its being published in the Report to Annual Conference.

Any proposal may be circulated and response sought prior to Annual Conference, but the use of the Rule of Special Consideration requires timely circulation and response and allows the imposition of limits on debate and amendments at Annual Conference. The Rule of Special Consideration is a subsidiary motion that may be applied to any main motion when specific guidelines have been substantially followed. This subsidiary motion is debatable. An affirmative vote on the Rule of Special Consideration means that the guidelines have been adequately followed. Approval by a 2/3 majority would limit debate and amendments as described in the “Guide to Parliamentary Procedure.” Even after The Rule of Special Consideration is approved, it may be rescinded by 2/3 vote of Annual Conference. The Rule of Exception can never be used with the Rule of Special Consideration.

Characteristics of the Rule of Special Consideration.

             1.          It extends the opportunity for deliberation and feedback apart from Annual Conference.

             2.          Because of the expanded opportunity for deliberation and feedback, each person is allotted 3 minutes on the floor instead of the usual 10 min.

             3.          Since ample time is given to make amendments and substitutions in advance of Annual Conference, no amendments or substitutions are allowed from the floor.

             4.          Suggestions are allowed from the floor. If the presenters see the suggestion as an improvement, they may alter their statement. This may be done immediately on the floor or revised and brought back later at the same Annual Conference.

             5.          Since much more time is given for review and response apart from Annual Conference, it is reasonable to set a limit of time for debate on the floor. The time allotted for debate on the floor will be set by the presenters and shall be part of the motion.

             6.          It requires a 2/3 majority only when it immediately limits debate on the floor.

             7.          It is a rule that can be used by a board or committee of Annual Conference and may also be used by Annual Conference to direct a board or committee to use this rule of special consideration in carrying out its responsibilities.

The form of the motion and who may use it.

The Rule of Special Consideration may be used by Annual Conference to require that a board or committee use this rule for an assignment or it may be voluntarily used by a board or committee presenting proposed material to Annual Conference.

             1.          This rule may be used by Annual Conference in making assignments. The following suggested wording would be used.

Resolved, . . . (Main Motion)

and further,

Resolved, that the “Rule of Special Consideration” be employed.

When used in this way, only a simple majority is required in that debate is not limited at this time. It is not necessary to divide the question.

             2.          This rule may be used by boards or committees of Annual Conference presenting materials for consideration. The following suggested wording would be used.

Resolved, . . . (Main Motion)

and further,

Resolved, that we use the “Rule of Special Consideration” with a time limit for debate of (e.g. 30) minutes.

The question must be divided. The “Rule of Special Consideration” is voted on before the Main Motion. An affirmative vote is agreement that the recommended guidelines have been substantially and adequately followed. Because this limits debate on the floor, a 2/3 majority is required to approve the “Rule of Special Consideration.” The Main Motion is voted on separately and the type of motion determines the majority that is required.

Recommended Guidelines for the use of the Rule of Special Consideration.

             1.          An Annual Conference Board or Committee should send out a letter to Bible Fellowship Church pastors via the U.S. Postal Service notifying them of the intent to circulate a matter by e-mail with the desire of utilizing the Rule of Special Consideration. This letter should also encourage each pastor to verify the accuracy of the e-mail addresses of pastors and delegates from his church as subscribed to the Bible Fellowship Church e-mail group. This letter should be sent out two weeks before the statements are e-mailed.

             2.          Each church or pastor should then submit any new or change of e-mail addresses for pastors and delegates within the following two weeks.

             3.          Board or Committee disseminates statement(s) as soon as the first draft is prepared. It is preferable if numerous opportunities for exchange and feedback of information can occur prior to Annual Conference. Statements are sent to members of Annual Conference by e-mail.

             4.          The pastor is ultimately responsible to copy and circulate the communicated information to each pastor and delegate within his congregation who did not receive it via e-mail.

             5.          We urge members of Annual Conference to respond to the presenting board or committee concerning the statement(s) under consideration. Positive and negative responses are encouraged with suggestions of possible modifications. One month should be allowed for responses. Suggestions should be submitted with specific wording as an amending or substituting motion.

             6.          The presenting body should then review the feedback and revise the statement if deemed necessary.

             7.          It is advisable to start the process as early as possible so that there can be several rounds of exchange and opportunities for revision. If it is deemed advisable by the presenting body to revise the statement and if there is time to send out a revised statement, the presenting body disseminates a revised statement(s) for further review and feedback.

             8.          It would be well if suggestions submitted in a form of an amendment or substitution would be made available to Annual Conference members so all can see the proposal(s) considered by the presenting body. This may be done via the internet, e-mail, or placed as an addendum to the presenting body’s report to Annual Conference which would not be published in the yearbook. 

             9.          The presenting body submits final copy of report and statement(s) for publication and circulation to Annual Conference members for their further consideration prior to Annual Conference. If the suggestions submitted in the form of an amendment or substitution have not been circulated to this point, consideration should be given to attach them as an addendum to their report. Such an addendum would not be published in the yearbook. The publication deadline for this report is the date established by Annual Conference.

Committee on Arrangements for 120th Annual Conference: David A. Thomann, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Clyde D. Bomgardner, J. Mark McCreary, Thomas P. Shorb

Below is a chart clarifying the recommended guidelines listed above. This is not necessarily intended to be included in the material for the “Guide to Parliamentary Procedure.” Action point numbers agree with the numbered items listed above as “Recommended Guidelines.”

ActionPointAction byType of ActionAction Date no later than . . .
#1Presenting Bd. or Com.Letter of intent sent out to pastors. (See #1 above.)Before statements are sent out but no later than Dec. 15
#2PastorsPastors notify of e-mail changes or additions including delegates. (See #2 above.)Dec. 15 — 31
#3Presenting Bd. or Com.Statement(s) for special consideration sent out via e-mail. (See #3 above.)Jan. 1
#4PastorsPastors copy and circulate statements to AC members who did not receive it via e-mail. (See #4 above.)When received.
#5Pastors & DelegatesAnnual Conference members review statement(s) and give feedback. (See #5 above.)Jan. 1 —   Feb. 1
#6Presenting Bd. or Com.Review of feedback and revision if deemed necessary. (See #6 above.)Feb. 1 —   Mar. 1
#7Presenting Bd. or Com.If all of the above has been completed before Jan. 1, a second round (#3 through #6) can be circulated if statement has been revised.Adhering to dates as indicated above.
#8Presenting Bd. or Com.Make suggestions in the form of amendments and substitutions available to AC members. (See #8 above.)Mar. 1
#9Presenting Bd. or Com.Final copy of statement sent in for publication and circulation for AC consideration.Mar. 1

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