2003 Report of BFC Homes

Report of the

Board of Directors, BFC Homes, Inc.

             The Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. Board of Directors has continued to serve the Lord and the residents of Fellowship Community by maintaining a commitment to excellence, innovative programs, and quality service. The Board has met regularly to oversee the development of Fellowship Community and to monitor continuous performance improvement activities throughout the organization. The Board is grateful as the construction of PHASE III concludes and construction of PHASE IV has begun.

             PHASE III included the building of an Assisted Living building, which includes 101 licensed beds known as Fellowship Terrace. PHASE III also included building Gehman Court which includes 21 units for independent living, construction of a Storage building and renovations to Fellowship Manor. The renovation to Fellowship Manor included construction of a new Hair Care unit, an Auditorium, a Rehabilitation Department, an Exercise room, a Sitting area for residents on the first floor and a new telephone system.

             Fellowship Terrace opened for occupancy on January 8, 2003 with the transfer of the twenty-seven residents from Fellowship Home in Nazareth.

             Fellowship Home in Nazareth has been sold. Final settlement occurred on January 8, 2003. The property was sold for $810,000. After realty and legal fees were paid, $751.806 was transferred to a Bond Redemption and Improvement Fund held by the trustee at the Bank of New York as required by the Bond agreement.

             PHASE IV, Construction of Hershey Court, an additional 21 units for independent living, has begun and should be completed and ready for occupancy this Fall. Occupancy agreements have been signed for each of the Hershey Court units and we are beginning a waiting list for the development of the next court, which will be called Brunner Court.

             The Park Fund is progressing slowly. The current amount in the Park Fund is $63,085. Our goal was to reach $100,000 each year for the next four years. The Park Project is to build a park area around the existing quarry. The park will include pavilions that will hold up to 100 people. It will also include a kitchen, rest rooms, nature trail, ½ mile walking trail, park benches, etc. The project will take approximately 4 – 5 years to complete.

             Fellowship Community continues to maintain a pro-active presence in the community and continues to maintain an excellent reputation. This past year we maintained compliance with all the JCAHO accreditation standards and compliance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and the Pennsylvania Department of Life Safety regulations. Fellowship Community is meeting the Bond Covenant requirements as outlined by the construction financial feasibility study.

             The occupancy of Fellowship Manor remains at over 98% and Fellowship Courts is 100%. The new Fellowship Terrace is being occupied as planned and at the present time the first and second floors are at 76% occupancy.

             Fellowship Community remains committed to provide services to senior citizens throughout the Bible Fellowship Church. We offer the following services to the BFC.

             1.          BFC members are admitted on a priority basis to Fellowship Community.

             2.          The staff at Fellowship Community is available to the churches for placement counseling and as a healthcare information resource.

             3.          The staff provides a speakers’ bureau with a variety of Healthcare and Management topics.

             4.          The staff is available to provide information about Fellowship Community to church groups.

             5.          Fellowship Community encourages church members to participate as volunteers and members of the Auxiliary.

             6.          Staff members are available to assist churches interested in establishing a Parish Nurse program.

             7.          Fellowship Community encourages churches to participate with a bus tour referred to as “Places to Remember”. This tour provides information on the history of the BFC and tours several of the BFC agencies. The tour includes lunch and an orientation to Fellowship Community.

             The staff and volunteers at Fellowship Community (Manor, Terrace and Courts) are to be commended for their caring attitude and cooperative spirit. We thank the Lord for providing us with a very dedicated and loyal staff.

             In conclusion, the Board of Directors appreciates all the contributions from churches and individuals. The church contributions are used to assist BFC members who no longer have the resources to be maintained as private-pay residents.

             Contributions should be make payable to Fellowship Community and mailed to Fellowship Community, 3000 Fellowship Drive, Whitehall, PA 18052.

             Note that the financial report prepared by Lisa Hazler, CPA, is a condensed version of the full financial report audited by ParenteRandolph. The fiscal year of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. is from July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002. The audited report from ParenteRandolph is available and may be obtained by contacting the Secretary of the Board.

             The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. recommends the adoption of the following legislation:

Whereas, the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. has, over the years, expanded and has become in practicality, an entity of its own, and

Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. has had full ownership and fiduciary responsibility since 1993, and

Whereas, the financial commitment of the Bible Fellowship Church has continued in its traditional and most acceptable manner and is appreciated by the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., those contributions are less than 1% of the total revenues, and

Whereas, the by-laws of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. require all Board Members and the President and CEO of the Corporation to commit to the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, this commitment assures the continuing spiritual ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. on a level equal to the present ministry, and

Whereas, the legal demands on the operation of the ministry have forced it to take on a greater level of liability thus increasing the number of potential lawsuits, and

Whereas, Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. is of the opinion that the existing relationship between Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. and the Bible Fellowship Church is to increase the risk of suits to the denomination, therefore be it

Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at first reading:

512-2 Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

512-2.1 Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. is an affiliate of the Bible Fellowship Church.

512-2.2 Bible Fellowship Church has no ownership or fiduciary responsibility in Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. The Church’s sole responsibility is the election of five (5) members to the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

512-2.3 Those Board Members elected by Annual Conference shall give a written report annually on the spiritual status of the ministry.

512-2.4 A financial report given for information only and not to be adopted by Annual Conference shall be given annually to Annual Conference.

512-2.5 Elections: Five (5) members shall be elected in three classes for three (3) year terms:

Class one:one minister, one lay person

                          Class two:         one minister, one lay person

                          Class three:       one minister

Upon adoption of the above, the following is presented:

Whereas, the potential of serious liability consequences should not be borne by the Bible Fellowship Church and

Whereas, the action taken in 1993 manifests a desire by the Bible Fellowship Church for Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., to assume such responsibility, and

Whereas, the attorneys for the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. and the Bible Fellowship Church recommend these changes to be made as soon as possible, and

Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church hereby relinquishes its control of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church is in agreement with said action, therefore be it

Resolved, that by Rule of Exception, §512-2.1 – 2.4 shall be immediately implemented and further

Resolved, that the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall no longer be considered under the control of Annual Conference and assumes full responsibility for constituting a Board of Directors in accordance with its By-laws for the ensuing transition period, and further

Resolved, that Bible Fellowship Homes, Inc. may at its own discretion keep the Board as it is now constituted as the Board of record in order to give time to implement these changes.

Board of Directors, Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., Robert H. Zentz, President; LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Dean A. Stortz, Vice Chairman; William H. Bartron, Secretary; John W. Trauch, Treasurer; David W. Cole, Robin A. Musselman, Glenn D. Ruoss, Roger L. Reitz, Henry U. Sandt, Jr., Gene W. Smith, Dennis W. Spinney, Hans Waldvogel

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