2003 Report of Church Extension

Report of the

Board of Church Extension

             The Board of Church Extension has continued in 2002 its work of beginning new churches. Our purpose is to proclaim the gospel and start new congregations to the glory of God. “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen” (Romans 11:36).

             The Board has met quarterly to oversee this work. In addition, committees of the Board have met as needed to create policy and procedures, to oversee personnel and to oversee the purchase, sale and maintenance of properties. The Board is thankful for the leadership of David Gundrum, our Executive Director. David has shown great initiative and enthusiasm for visiting the established churches to present the work of Church Extension and to oversee the Church Extension Mission Churches and Churches. In addition, Ruth Richards has been of great value in her work in the Church Extension office. Carol Snyder, Special Projects Assistant; John Pello, Outreach Assistant; and Chris Merrick, Ministry and Work Team Coordinator, provided valuable support to the team. Ray Bertolet, former TransWorld Radio Missionary on Guam, has been called to be Assistant Church Planter. He is now serving with the DelMarVa project. The Board is grateful for all those who are partners in this work through prayer, financial support, and volunteer service in the Mission Churches and Churches. Please continue to pray for the work of Church Extension in the Bible Fellowship Church.

             This year both the Hellertown, PA and Rehoboth, DE works began public worship services. Pray for these works as they seek to grow and develop as churches.

             The church in Newark is raising money and beginning to make plans for construction of a worship center on its property.

             The Walnutport Church graduated from the department in 2002.

             Partnering teams called “Aquila and Priscilla Teams” were established. Presently we have three couples and several individuals from our Churches who are partnering with our Mission Churches and helping them get established. 

             The Policy and Strategy Committee of the Board has developed the Team Structure Booklet, which defines the various organizational entities that make up the work of Church Extension. A copy of this booklet can be obtained through the Church Extension Office.

             With regret the Board of Church Extension has decided to discontinue its financial support of the Scranton Church after ten years of support and oversight. The Ministerial Relations Committee is working with the Scranton elders in providing care for Pastor Reitz and direction for the future of the church. We are thankful for Roger’s years of ministry in the Church Extension Department.

             With great sorrow the Board of Church Extension has removed W. David Armstrong from its members. David’s term is being filled by Ken Keeler.

             The Property Committee of the Board provided oversight for the completion of the sale of the Staten Island property and has initiated proceedings for the purchase of eight acres of land for the Lewes/Rehoboth mission in Delaware. In addition, the Ocean County Church has obtained property during 2002. They have done extensive work in remodeling and renovating the property. We praise God for his provision.

             The Task Force, which has explored the opportunity to form one mission board comprising the Board of Church Extension and the Board of Missions, has recommended that we not make this a priority at this time. The Board of Missions has presented a resolution to withdraw the proposals concerning the Great Commission Ministries. We support this resolution and will continue to pursue further cooperative efforts.

             The following is a list of men who are presently serving in the Department of Church Extension:

             Aberdeen, NJ                 John C. Vandegriff, Jr.

             Brooklyn, NY                Ralph E. Ritter

             Chesapeake, VA                         Willis I. Dowling

             Hellertown, PA              Stephen C. Mann

             Las Cruces, NM                          Jack Becker

             Lewes/Rehoboth, DE     Ken Barber

             Newark, NJ                    Delbert R. Baker, II

             South Allentown, PA     Elliot H. Ramos

             Toms River, NJ (Ocean County)             Dean A. Stortz

             Thompson, CT                            Dennis W. Spinney

Whereas, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Thompson Mission Church of Thompson, Connecticut, meets the qualifications of a Particular Church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Thompson Mission Church of Thompson, Connecticut, be recognized as a Particular Church, and that its delegate be received into membership of the one-hundred- twentieth Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Resolved, that the Annual Conference ratify the election of David E. Gundrum as Executive Director of Church Extension for a term of three years.

Board of Church Extension: Richard E. Taylor, Chairman; Byron Widger, Vice-Chairman; William R. Singletary, Treasurer; Dennis M. Cahill, Secretary; David E. Gundrum, Executive Director, Kenneth D. Keeler, John C. Elias, Robert W. Davies, Robert H. Zentz, Clyde W. Snyder and William G. Schlonecker.

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