2003 Report of Conference Pastor

Report of the

Conference Pastor

Ronald C. Mahurin

      We have good men called of God to provide leadership to the various agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church and to report to Annual Conference. “But,” asked one of our pastors, “who reports to Annual Conference on the state of our churches?” This same pastor insisted, “It is the Conference Pastor’s responsibility.”

      It has been my privilege and joy to serve our pastors and our churches in this capacity for nearly two years. I have been humbled and blessed by the gracious reception I have received from my ministering brethren and the churches they serve.

      While visiting 51 of our congregations, I have been profoundly blessed by our pastors’ messages. There is great diversity in the style and dynamics of the presentation, bu tall are committed to the authority of the Word of God and the proclamation of the gospel. Also evident is the diversity of the form of worship, but again, all our congregations, where 30 or 1,000, function as worshiping people of God. Praise the Lord!

      Our appreciation for the connectional relationship of our churches is not only theological but also very practical as made evident by our churches’ response to the physical and financial needs of Pastor Roger Reitz. We thank the individuals and churches who have responded by sending a gift to Calvary BFC of Scranton, PA and designating it for “Pastor’s Support.” We praise the Lord for God’s sustaining grace to the Reitz family and our sister congregation.

      I am constantly on the lookout for resources which could be helpful to our pastors and their congregations. Here is an outstanding source for pastors and elders to assess themselves and their ministry. This online assessment will produce a 28-page report that helps you build strong, close-knit relationships. Go to www.ministryinsights.com or contact me for further information. Ministry Inights International, Inc. also provides “Position Insights.” Hiring the right people begins with knowing what the job really requires. The Position Insights Assessment defines the requirements of the position and matches the position to the right candidate. This could be a valuable tool for search committees as well as all our church leadership.

      I thank the brethren who have become part of our first Bible Fellowship Speaker Pool. Whenever you have need for a pulpit supply you may, with confidence, contact any name listed.

      It continues to be a real source of wisdom and counsel to me to work closely with the Ministerial Relations Committee. These brethren have given me much needed advice and support. God is using these men in significant ways in assisting and strengthening our churches.

      The Darlene J. Mahurin Fund has been used ten times during this year. The only way to maintain this source of help to our pastors and their families is through continuing contributions. Checks are to be made out to Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church designated D. J. Mahurin Memorial Fund.

      Please accept my deepest gratitude and thanksgiving for the distinct privilege and blessing to serve the King of Kings through the Bible Fellowship Church. Again, be reminded I am available to you anytime you wish to contact me.

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