2003 Report of Pinebrook

Report of the

Board of Directors,

Pinebrook Bible Conference

      The mission statement of Pinebrook is very broad and clear. “Pinebrook is a ministry of and to the Bible Fellowship Church while serving the greater Christian community”. For this reason, it is our commission to serve an enormous diversity of individuals.

      As Pinebrook continues to offer witness and proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, it is our desire to accommodate the needs of not only those who are born again, but to minister directly or even indirectly to those who need Christ.

      Many changes and improvements have taken place at Pinebrook over the past number of years, but one of the most encouraging things has been the outreach that Pinebrook has in its local community.

      We believe that “Serving the greater Christian Community” is not only accomplished by serving, teaching, and offering accommodations to Born Again Believers. The scope of our responsibilities and opportunities is infinitely expanded by our ability to reach those in our local and extended secular communities. This is accomplished by two distinct aspects. First is our staff’s ability to interact and witness to those in our community, and secondly are Pinebrook’s facility and amenity opportunities which spark an interest in our community. We believe the responsibility to be a “Ministry of and to the Bible Fellowship Church while serving the Greater Christian Community” is also achieved by sowing seeds in the hearts of those who do not know Christ through the witness of Pinebrook’s ministry.

      The potential results of our local outreach is limitless and for this we thank God for the challenge and opportunity. We have seen results and are encouraged by the future prospects which seem to be growing each day.

      It is the goal of our Board of Directors, Administration, and staff to follow the direction of our Lord and Savior and go out into the world and be fishers of men. This cannot be accomplished without corporate prayer, corporate desire for ministry, and corporate financial support. The potential of Pinebrook’s facilities and spiritual program will not come to fruition without the dedicated commitment of all of our friends and supporters in the Bible Fellowship Church.

      2002 proved to be a recovery year from the 2001 – 9/11 attacks and we again were encouraged by the outpouring of financial support that our denomination offered in those very difficult times.

      As we enter 2003 we are met with new challenges of global confrontation, a weak economy and attacks on our nation’s faith in God. Yet, people are searching for satisfaction. This search can only be satisfied by repentance and faith in our Lord and Savior.

      This, dear brethren, is the basis of what Pinebrook’s ministry is about. Most encouraging though is the fact that, by design, Pinebrook is one of the most powerful tools of evangelism in our denomination.

      We encourage you to view the opportunities of this tool in ways you may have never considered before. We invite you to utilize the effectiveness of this tool by making use of it. We challenge you to enhance and insure the future abilities of this tool through corporate and individual commitment of energetic prayer and financial support.

      May God bless the efforts and intentions of the Bible Fellowship Church. May He find favor in our desire to serve Him while serving others. May He grant us the wisdom and fortitude that is demanded to proclaim His Holy Name within our local churches as well as our respective communities of believers and nonbelievers alike.

      Due to health reasons, John Stengele, Jr., a fifteen-year member of the board, had to step aside. The Board recommended and appointed Jay Fasnacht to take John’s place until the120th Annual Conference.

Board of Directors, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Alva C. Cassel, Chairman & President; David T. Allen, Vice Chairman & Vice President; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, Treasurer; Carl Ackerman, Charles E. Cole, Brian H. Cooper, Jay Fasnacht, Kermit K. Gehman, LeRoy O. Herb, Roger L. Reitz, Gerald Schlonecker, Hans Waldvogel

Nate Brosius, Director; J. Mark McCreary, Director of Ministries

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