2003 Report of Stewardship Council

Report of the

Stewardship Council

And everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him

came and brought an offering . . . Exodus 35:20

      The gifts brought to the tabernacle demonstrate the proper response to stewardship. They were willing, they were moved by the Spirit, and it included everyone. These principles are foundational standards of stewardship.

      The Stewardship Council provides opportunity for the BFC Agency leaders to formally meet to discuss the issues of Stewardship in the Bible Fellowship Church. The following services are provided:

– The Stewardship Services Web Page can be accessed through the BFC.org

– Monitoring of deferred gift annuities of agencies and churches as directed by Annual Conference.

– Promotion of Stewardship throughout the BFC.

– Education through Stewardship Seminars.

Recommendation to Annual Conference:

Whereas, the Stewardship Council services are not being used by the denomination and

Whereas, the BFC agencies are all doing their own stewardship promotion, therefore be it,

Resolved: the Stewardship Counsel be dissolved and the monitoring of deferred gift annuities of churches and agencies be assigned to the Board of Directors.

Stewardship Council Members: One representative of each board and agency, Gary E. Karch, Torry Hinkle, John L. English (members at large).

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