2003 Report of Victory Valley

Report of the

Board of Victory Valley Camp

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Psalms 150:6

      To God be the glory, great things He has done! Daily He deserves our praise as He blesses the ministries of the BFC and you personally. Twenty-seven campers made professions of faith and dozens of campers made commitments to follow a ministry path. There were 805 campers registered during Victory Valley’s 2002 summer season. Victory Valley is being blessed and used by our God and Heavenly Father to meet the needs of children and teens as an increasing number of them have no father.  It is a real privilege to provide Victory Valley as a dynamic ministry in the BFC as a retreat to nature and a solid Bible-based program. Our commitment to the use of God’s creation and its preservation is a spiritually profitable endeavor.

      Praise the Lord for continuing to answer our prayers. The year-round staff increased last spring as JoAnna Walker of the Coopersburg BFC joined VVC as the Bookkeeper/Registrar.  Her love for the Lord and God-given talent is a great asset to Victory Valley. Phil Atkins has served as the Director for eighteen years. Donna Bauer has served as full-time Assistant Director for eighteen years. John Masters has just completed two years as Property Manager.  JoAnna started last June and is acclimating well to her position and responsibilities. Please continue to pray for Victory Valley Camp, the Board and the Staff.

      The Victory Interested Person (VIP) program is growing as well. Over 235 individuals and families are involved as VIP members. This program provides about 10% of our budget. The monies are used for program materials, scholarships, and general camp needs.  It is a great way to invest in young lives at a place where they make life-changing decisions toward God. Volunteers make a great impact on our ability to meet the ever-growing needs at camp. Call the camp to find out how to be a part of this great work. Youth groups, individuals, service groups and more already volunteer.

      We thank the churches that continually pray for Victory Valley and financially support the camp. Church financial support provides about 9% of our annual budget.  Please remember that churches that support Victory Valley with 1% of their budget can receive a 10% discount for all their campers and groups that use the camp. IT’S YOUR CAMP!

      Victory Valley Program Dates for 2003 – 2004


April 4-6. . . .Father/Daughter Retreat

April11-13. . Jr. Staff Retreat

May 3. . . . . .Spring Spruce Up

Work Day

May 16-18. . Mother/Son Retreat

May 23-25. . Lifeguard Course

with CPR and First Aid

June 8. . . . . .VIP Picnic

June 19. . . . .Teen Open House

June 22- Aug 16

Summer Camping Season

Oct. 3-5. . . . Mother/Daughter Retreat

Oct. 11. . . . . Fall Fix Up Work Day

Oct. 17-19. . Father/Son Retreat

Dec. 13. . . . .VIP Banquet


Jan. 16-17. . .Sno-Valley 1

Jan. 23-24. . .Sno-Valley 2

Jan.30- Feb .Sno-Valley 3

Feb. 6-8. . . . Teen Ski Retreat

April 2-4. . . .Jr. Staff Retreat

April 23-25. .Father/Daughter Retreat

May 1. . . . . .Spring Spruce Up

Work Day

May 21-23. . Mother/Son Retreat

May 28-30. . Lifeguard Course

with CPR and First Aid

Victory Valley Camp Board: Dennis J. Lawrence, Chairman; Carl J. Fisher, Jr., Vice Chairman; Bernice Mann, Treasurer; Timothy D. Weaber, Secretary; Jonathan D. Reynolds, Chris Roth, Dennis W. Spinney, David L. Weller, Howard D. Wells

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