2004 Report of Communications

Report of the

Board of Communications

The Lord’s message rang out from you

not only in Macedonia and Achaia

your faith in God has become known everywhere.

-1 Thessalonians 1:8

The believers in Thessalonica took seriously the job of getting the message of the gospel to those who desperately needed it. The message “rang out” from them. They were distinguished in that they faithfully spread the good news of Jesus Christ wherever they went. Their initial enthusiasm blossomed into an evangelistic enterprise that touched probably hundreds and perhaps thousands of people from the way the Apostle speaks of the result of their efforts (“has become known everywhere”).

I have often thought: “Wouldn’t it be great if those early Christians could come back and do a seminar, conference, write a book, or something that would help us understand how they could make such rapid advance in such short time?” But we really know how they did it, don’t we? They “gossiped the gospel” with the demonstration of Christ in their lives and speech.

We have newer ways of “ringing out the gospel” today. Churches are using the Internet to disseminate the gospel. I did some exploring from the Church Directory section of our www.bfc.org web site and found innovative examples of gospel presentations. Our Paradise and York Churches are to be especially commended for their creative web site presentations of the gospel. The Paradise church’s site is particularly noteworthy for its interactive presentation with a tie into the church itself.

However, I was struck by how many of our churches do not have presentations of the gospel on their web sites. We may be overlooking some real “ringing out the gospel” opportunities. Hopefully our bfc.org site will be able to offer an evangelistic presentation that local churches may be able to use for their sites.

The Board of Communications still labors hard to facilitate the flow of information and inspiration between our churches and agencies and be the “communication connection” for the BFC. You may enter the conversation by submitting articles for publication in our Fellowship News. Please take advantage of our compact disc with the latest edition of both the Yearbook and the Faith and Order (soon to come out), and explore our web site (www.bfc.org) to find out what is happening in our agencies and sister churches. Take time to visit our table while at Annual Conference—I know you will find much helpful material there!

The committee wishes to apologize for not making good on our pledge to produce a CD this year. Since it was delayed, it was then determined not advisable to produce the CD so close to Annual Conference. For those who already paid we will honor this by offering the 2004 edition at no charge.

To help us serve you most efficiently, please contact the following people when you have a question or suggestion:

Fellowship Newsarticles and questions about editorial policy:

Carol Z. Snyder, 3091 York Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325

717-337-3408 / ccsnyder@supernet.com

Billing of Accounts

Paul T. Rutman, Apt 607, 824 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011

717-731-1490 / ptrutman@yahoo.com


Stephen Mann

svmann@compuserve.com. / www.bfc.org.

Orders for anything published by the Board:

Dan Allen, PO Box 299, Ephrata, PA 17522

717-733-2526 / ebfc@ptd.net

The Board presents the following for your prayerful consideration:

1. Resolved, that the Proposed Budget of the Board of Communications for conference year January 1 to December 31, 2005 be approved as presented.

(See attached.)

2. Resolved, that a contribution of three hundred twenty-five dollars ($325.00) for the conference year 2004 be given to the Board of Communications from each agency to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News.

Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, Paul T. Rutman, at the 121st Annual Conference.

3. Resolved, that one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) per member of the Bible Fellowship Church for 2004 be forwarded to the Board of Communications from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing Fellowship News.

Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, Paul T. Rutman, at the 121st Annual Conference.

4. Resolved, that the cost of the 2004 Yearbook be $8.50 per copy.

5. Whereas, the website has become a major part of the Board of Communications, therefore be it

Resolved, that we elevate the Webservant to an appointed position similar to that of the Editor and Business Manager, and further

Resolved, that we make the necessary changes to the Faith & Order:

Changes are underlined.

512-9.1 Composition and Election

(1) The Board of Communications shall be composed of the Editor of Fellowship News, the Business Manager of Fellowship News, Webservant, and three ministers and two laypersons.

(2) The Editor of Fellowship News, Business Manager of Fellowship News and Webservant shall be appointed by the Board of Communications for a three-year term subject to ratification by Annual Conference. The election of these officers shall be in such a manner that their respective terms shall not expire at the same time.

(7) It shall maintain and oversee the denominational website.

Change current (7) to (8).

6. Whereas, the Board of Communications believes it is important to implement the above action immediately, and

Whereas, the Board would like to have its three positions on different term years, therefore be it

Resolved, that by the “rule of exception” the 121st Annual Conference ratify the appointment of Stephen C. Mann as Webservant for a term of two years.

7. Whereas, Paul T. Rutman has faithfully served as Business Manager since the early 1990s and continues to serve with excellence, be it therefore

Resolved, that 121st Annual Conference ratify the appointment of Paul T. Rutman as Business Manager for the term of three years.

Board Of Communications: William H. Bartron, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Paul T. Rutman, Business Manager; Carol Z. Snyder, Fellowship News Editor; Stephen C. Mann, Webservant; Clyde W. Snyder, Jonathan P. Tait

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