2004 Report of Conference Pastor

Report of the

Conference Pastor ~ Ronald C. Mahurin

As we come to the completion of the first term of office as Conference Pastor, I am reminded of the testimony given by the Apostle Paul in Phil.4:10-14. “I rejoice in the Lord greatly . . .you have shown great concern for me. . . I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am . . . I have learned the secret … I can do all things through Him who strengthens me … you have done well to share with me …”

Throughout the past three years these statements have taken on a new and deeper meaning to me personally. I am learning anew that it is only “in the Lord” that I can greatly rejoice, regardless of the circumstances. The secret being, of course, “through Him who strengthens me.”

“You have done well to share with me in my affliction.” During the past three years, three women who greatly impacted my life and who had a profound impact on the BFC were graduated to glory. I thank the Lord for the memory of Darlene Mahurin, Ruth Hartman, and Laura Cassel, and I thank you for the beautiful way you have shared in your brothers’ sorrow and rejoiced with them in their hope and confidence that “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” For we who remain, to worship, work, witness, and enjoy the warmth of the body of Christ, take courage in knowing we “can do all things through Him who strengthens us.”

The grace of God, in salvation, has been manifested in each soul who has come to Christ. It has been encouraging to see a significant number of believers being baptized and join the local church. Several churches have commissioned their members to full-time missionary service and the number of short-term missions trips are at an all time high. Expanding our outreach at home through Church Extension is limited only by men and means. Let us join together in praying, “the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into His harvest” (Matt. 9:38) and may our brethren and congregations in Church Extension be able to say of you and your congregation, “They really do care” as evidenced by your prayers and financial support.

We give praise to the Lord for the great group of young people in our churches and for those faithful youth pastors and leaders who are discipling these young emerging leaders.

I continue to search for resources to aid our pastors, elders, deacons and others in leadership who desire to “grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord” and increase their leadership abilities. I want to remind you of Ministry Insights International, Inc. at www.ministryinsights.com (Insight International Inc.leadingfrom yourstrength.com15797.php) for help in defining the requirements of staff positions and matching the position to the right candidate. For very helpful tools for training elders, contact www.bible-equip.com/esn; www.ccbt.org/ (Center for Church Based Training); www.biblicaleldership.org. and www.lewisandroth.org, publisher of Alexander Strauch materials.

While the primary emphasis of the Conference Pastor is in ministering to our pastors and their families, the Ministerial Relations Committee is especially committed to “the care of the churches.” These brethren are a tremendous blessing to me in providing much needed wisdom and guidance and I commend them to you as a source of wise counsel. The breath of knowledge, experience, and wisdom of these men provide a great resource to our churches.

The Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund has provided $1400 to 13 families this past year. The only way to maintain this source of help for our pastors and families is through continuing contributions. Checks may be made out to Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church, designated D.J.M. Memorial Fund and sent to the Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church, 1151 South Cedar Crest Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18103.

It is extremely humbling for me to realize the responsibility “of the stewardship of God’s grace which was given to me for you” (Ephesians 3:2). My brethren, who is sufficient for these things? I am not! Please pray for me as I pray for you that together we will “by faith conquer kingdoms, perform acts of righteousness, obtain promises, shut the mouths of lions, quench the power of fire, escape the edge of the sword, from weakness made strong, become mighty in war and put foreign armies to flight” (Hebrews 12:33-34).

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