2004 Report of Historical Committee

Report of the

Board of Directors, BFC Homes, Inc.

Motivated by the compassion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the mission of the BFC Homes, Inc. is to provide the services for older adults and infirm which promote social, physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being. In fulfilling this mission, Fellowship Community adheres to the concept of ministry of the BFC, which recognizes and affirms the maturity, dignity and eternal destiny of each person. The Board of Directors seeks to honor this mission by maintaining a commitment to excellence, innovative program and quality service to the 298 residents who reside at Fellowship Community and to the 232 employees who provide the service.

The Board of Directors met quarterly during 2003 to oversee the development of Fellowship Community and to monitor continuous performance improvement activities throughout the organization. The Board is grateful as the construction of Phase IV (Hershey Court) concludes and the construction of Phase V (Brunner Court) begins.

Some of the highlights for 2003 are:

§ Construction of Fellowship Terrace, Hershey Court and the renovations to Fellowship Manor has been completed.

§ Fellowship Terrace and Hershey Court are now fully occupied.

§ The Courtyard designed for residents with Alzheimer’s disease was completed and is now fully occupied.

§ Plans to build Brunner Court have been completed and construction should begin during the Spring of 2004.

§ The Department of Health and Department of Public Welfare have surveyed Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Terrace. The survey results indicated that the number of deficiencies was below State and National averages.

§ Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Terrace achieved full accreditation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. Fellowship Manor achieved a score of 98% and Fellowship Terrace a score of 100%.

§ Resident satisfactory surveys demonstrated that 96% of the residents rated the services provided by Fellowship Community as very good to excellent.

§ The Park Fund is progressing slowly. The current amount in the Park Fund is $85,000. Our goal was to reach $100,000 each year for the next four years. The Park Project is to build a park area around the existing quarry. The park will include pavilions that will hold up to 100 people. It will also include a kitchen, rest rooms, nature trail, ½ mile walking trail, park benches, etc. The project will take approximately 4-5 years to complete.

§ The occupancy of Fellowship Manor remains at over 98%, Fellowship Terrace at 97% and the Courts at 100%.

The staff and volunteers at Fellowship Community (Manor, Terrace and Courts) are to be commended for their caring attitude and cooperative spirit. We thank the Lord for providing us with a very dedicated and loyal staff.

In conclusion, the Board of Directors appreciates all the contributions from the churches and individuals. The church contributions are used to assist BFC members who no longer have the resources to be maintained as private pay residents.

Contributions should be made payable to Fellowship Community and mailed to Fellowship Community, 3000 Fellowship Drive, Whitehall, PA 18052.

Note that the financial report prepared by Lisa Hazler, CPA, is a condensed version of the full financial report audited by ParenteRandolph. The fiscal year of BFC Homes, Inc., is from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003. The audited report from ParenteRandolph is available and may be obtained by contacting the Secretary of the Board.

Board of Directors, BFC Homes, Inc., Robert H. Zentz, President; LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Dean A. Stortz, Vice Chairman; William H. Bartron, Secretary; John W. Trauch, Treasurer; David W. Cole, Robin A. Musselman, Glenn D. Ruoss, Roger L. Reitz, Henry U. Sandt, Jr., Gene W. Smith, D. Thomas Phillips, Hans Waldvogel

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