2004 Report of Inter-Cultural Ministry

Report of the

Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee met several times this past year in order to complete its work on The Biblical Principles For Living (BPL). This year we are presenting the remaining BPLs for second reading along with the Declarations On Particular Issues: Dedication Of Children and Harmful Indulgences. You will be receiving along with your Report Book, a separate Booklet containing The BPLs and Declaration On Particular Issues.

The BPLs and Declaration On Particular Issues have been reviewed, discussed at a special meeting of Pastors and Delegates, edited, approved by the Committee, and are presented to Annual Conference for approval. They will be included in the Faith & Order along with the BPLs that were approved at second reading. When all the BPLs are approved at second reading they will replace the Standards Of Worship And Life following the 121st Annual Conference. The Committee is asking that the Board Of Communications produce a Booklet titled Biblical Principles For Living and Declarations On Particular Issues.

The Committee sent out The BPLs via E-mail and numerous members of Annual Conference gave the Committee their suggestions and insights. The Committee held a hearing on the BPLs at the Coopersburg BFC on January 13, 2004. The participants in the Hearing gave further suggestions for the Committee to consider. The BPL are listed on the BFC Web site and can be reviewed at any time. We thank the members of Conference for their input and have considered their suggestions. When advisable the Committee made corrections or additions to the particular BPL. The Committee does not believe that any of the changes it made are substantial and will therefore present the remaining Biblical principles For Living for second reading.

Joint Committee On Ethnic Church Planting

The Report of The Joint Committee On Ethnic Church Planting has been included with the Report of the Inter-Cultural Committee and is again being presented with this Report.

The Joint Committee met several times this past year and concentrated its efforts on Hispanic Church Planting, particularly with the Berks County, PA, region of BFC Churches. We met this past year with the Berks County “Hispanic Church Planting Task Force.” The Task Force completed a power point presentation and made presentations to all the Berks County BFC Churches in order to gain their support for the Reading, PA, project. The Task Force received positive comments and commitments of support from all the Berk’s Churches. The Task Force concluded its work and a “Reading Hispanic Church Planting Resource Team” has been put into place to facilitate the planting of the Church and assist the Church Planter.

The Committee has recruited and assessed a Hispanic church planter for Reading. In March of 2003, we interviewed Carlos Rodriquez from Guadalajara, Mexico. Brother Rodriquez again visited Reading and the Berk’s Churches this past summer with his wife. All went well and we are now arranging the final plans to bring Brother Rodriguez and his family to Reading in July 2004.

Hispanics make up nearly fifty percent of the population in cities like Allentown, Reading, and Lancaster and will continue to grow throughout the United States. Hispanic church planting will take patience, hard work, and long-term commitments from those churches in the BFC that become involved. The Committee encourages the BFC Churches to consider ways to reach out to Hispanic people groups in their ministry target areas.

The Lord has moved the Hispanic people groups of the world to where Bible Fellowship Churches exist. We are called to share the Gospel and raise up churches in order for people to become worshippers of God. We have a great opportunity to do this among the many Hispanics here in America.

We encourage Annual Conference to continue its support for ethnic church planting and to give to this work through the Fund For Ethnic Church Planting. Please send your contributions to The Board Of Missions, designated for Ethnic Church Planting.

The Joint Committee is made up of John C. Elias, Donald Faust, David E. Gundrum, Elliot Ramos, David K. Schlonecker, and Dana E. Weller,


For those members of Annual Conference who are not aware of the work of The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee, a history of the Committee’s work was prepared and titled, His Glory And Deeds Among All Peoples. This historical sketch is available by contacting David E. Gundrum, Secretary of the Committee.

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee recommends:

1. Whereas, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee has reviewed, edited and approved eight Biblical Principles For Living, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 121st Annual Conference approve for second reading the following Biblical Principles For Living: Marriage & Singleness, Family, Divorce, Shared Life, Stewardship, Work & Rest, Civil Government, Christian Liberty & Servanthood.

2. Whereas, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee has reviewed, edited and approved the Declarations On Particular Issues, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 121st Annual Conference approve for second reading the following Declarations On Particular Issues: Dedication Of Children and Harmful Indulgences: #1003, #1003-1, #1003-3.

3. Whereas, the Harmful Indulgence Declaration; Tobacco has not been presented for First Reading, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 121st Annual Conference approve for first reading the Declaration On Particular Issues, Harmful Indulgences; Tobacco.

4. Whereas, we believe the Biblical Principles For Living are God’s intended principles by which we should live, and

Whereas, we believe the Biblical Principles For Living should be urgently and diligently taught to our congregations,

Resolved, each Pastor and Delegate seek ways to implement the teaching of the Biblical Principles For Living for their congregations and further,

5. Resolved, we encourage the Christian Education Committee to continue its work on preparing lesson plans for The Biblical Principles For Living.

6. Whereas, culture, language, and social issues continually change, statements need to be updated and produced that will effectively address changes in cultures and ongoing issues that will face the church, and

Whereas, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee believes that its work is completed,

Resolved, that every seven years the Chairman of Annual Conference appoint a Biblical Principles For Living Review Committee and further,

7. Resolved, that the Review Committee review the existing list of Biblical Principles For Living for any needed updates and consider the need for the production of new Principles.

8. Whereas, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and

Whereas, the Committee believes that God has provided the people and opportunities and desires His church to reach the alien in the land and plant churches, therefore be it

Resolved, that each Pastor and Delegate to Annual Conference, if they have not already established a line item in their budgets for ethnic church planting, be encouraged to work with their churches to budget monies for ethnic church planting.

9. Whereas, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee believes that it has completed the work assigned to the Committee by Annual Conference,

Resolved, that Annual Conference approve the dissolution of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee.

10. Whereas, there will be declarations of particular issues in the Principles Of Order that refer to the Standards Of Worship And Life, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Committee On Communications review the Principles Of Order and where the name Standards Of Worship And Life appear it be changed to state, “Biblical Principles For Living.”

The Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee: Roy A. Hertzog, Chairman; David E. Gundrum, Secretary; Delbert R. Baker II, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Daniel G. Ziegler

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